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Saturday, December 31, 2016

Extraterrestrial Encounters

by Jerome Dechant
Dec. 31, 2016

How well do you know some of your friends on Facebook or other on-line venues, I mean people you’ve never met in person, like me for an example?  I think I can get a good idea about you from the way you communicate and share or present yourself via these venues, but the fact is, however you or I appear to others via these venues, is really limited and subject to the point of view of the beholder, dependent upon his or her attitudes and judgments.  So, while I may present myself (in my own view of how I present myself,) as a kind, considerate and gentle being, that doesn’t guarantee that everyone will perceive me in this way.  Actually, each person who reads this will likely have a different opinion of me and what I express via this media source.   That is totally understandable, yeah many of you may have similar opinions about me, which hopefully are good, but the degrees of your alignment with my true state of being, that is to say, how well you REALLY know me, may not be spot on.

Now, imagine the same ideas as they apply to Extraterrestrial beings who may be observing us from afar.  What they can glean from their distant point of view may be similar to what you might glean about me via these social media venues.  If they are intuitive, which it is my understanding, many of them are because they communicate telepathically; their perceptions of me as an individual may be somewhat more aligned with my true being because of their intuitive abilities which are well developed and a natural expression of their beingness.  As intuitive beings, they may comprehend our mass consciousness in its broadest sense and thereby come to conclusions about us as a race which may be true as an overall perception, but not necessarily true of each individual whose presence is in a very small part contributing to that overall perception of us as a race of beings.

On the other side of the coin, we humans, (I’d say a majority of us,) know almost nothing about them, and what we think we do know about them, may be terribly distorted and likely totally untrue because most of us haven’t had contact with them, not even to the extent that you and I have had contact with each other (those of you who only know me via this social media venue).  There is the possibility that some of them may have a social media presence because they can pass as a terrestrial human being.  This may mean we may know them as they present themselves as terrestrial humans, but not necessarily as they truly are, and if they did tell you they are from another planet, you’d probably either think they were joking or they were nuts.

Like each of us, we have our own character, our own point of view, our own mannerisms, likes and dislikes.  Many of us may share similar characteristics, etc., but to judge all of us by what you perceive of one of us, and say it is true of all of humanity because it is true of one of us, is a totally inaccurate appraisal of us as a race of being.  This is true of our appraisal of ETs as well.  That is to say, it isn’t appropriate to judge all ETs as being the same or similar in character and being, because, just like us, they likely have their own individual characteristics, points of view, likes and dislikes too.  Therefore to adopt the point of view that all of them are “good” or all of them are “bad” is not likely to be an accurate appraisal of them.

We will likely eventually be able to get to know them on a one on one basis, and thereby form a more accurate judgement of each one as an individual through our personal interactions with them, and they may glean a better understanding of each of us in this same way.

Most people fear the unknown, therefore may not want to venture into the realms of discoveries about our off world neighbors, but the only way to overcome such fears is to be brave and adventurous enough to at the very least, be willing to face those fears and conquer them by uncovering, learning and discovering what’s out there that we don’t know. 

As any explorer will tell you, you need to be cautious in your explorations, being mindful of potential dangers and thereby reduce the risks of harm to one’s self as he/she moves into new territories.  Also, as an explorer, key attitudes to adopt are to expect the unexpected, and even though one may have an inclination to react with aggression towards beings that may be encountered, interacting with aggression should be a last resort rather than a first resort.  Stay calm and keep your wits about you, allow yourself time to absorb what you discover, to get past the adrenaline rush that accompanies encountering something or someone that is alien to your normal experiences.  When you are an adventurer going where no one has gone before, everything is alien to you, therefore the potential to have many adrenaline rushes is increased which can be tempered by the “expect the unexpected” attitude.

As we venture into this unknown future, where our off world beings encounters begins to occur, my hope is each of us will be a good and thoughtful ambassador of the terrestrial human beings so that we may engender good relationships with these others as much as is possible.   Knowing there is the possibility that not all non-terrestrial beings are friendly or interested in friendly relations with us, is also a wise consideration as we move forward into the expanding and unfolding universe as galactic newbies.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

One person at a time, One meditater joining with others.

by Jerome Dechant Dec. 28, 2016

What a beautiful day!  The sun has just crested the horizon; the sky is colorful with the rays of the sun merging with the deep blue night sky which is brightening with the sun’s radiance streaming across the sky.  As the yellow gold rays of the sun stream through the delicate curtains covering your large bedroom window, the light activates a pleasant melodic sound to awaken you to the new day. 

You hear the pleasant melody, turn to look out the window, and see a new day is upon you.  It is a grand new day.  A smile wells up from within you and lands on your face.  You sit up in bed for a moment to shed the sleepiness and awaken more fully.  Once you are out of bed, you head to the bathroom to attend to your morning physical needs.

Once you are ready, you sit cross legged upon the meditation cushion on the floor, close your eyes, and enter into a peaceful, calm state of meditation where you state your intent for the day, to bring forth even more joy, love and abundance into your life.  As you focus upon your breathing, breathing naturally, and restfully, the length of the meditation seems like you only just begun, when the little bell strikes a chime to inform you to open your eyes once again, ready to step into the new day.

The food replicator is in the kitchen next to the stove and refrigerator.  It looks like a simple but elegant box with a few lights at the bottom edge.  You say, “One cup herbal tea please.”  There is a moment or two where the lights change colors, the inside of the box shimmers with sparkling white light, and as the shimmering fades, a beautiful porcelain cup filled with herbal tea appears upon the tray in the middle of the device.  You order the rest of your breakfast in much the same manner.  It arrives at the perfect temperature tasting delightful, being completely satisfying to your physical needs and to your satisfaction.

As you sit at the table enjoying your breakfast, you contemplate what you want to do for this day.  It occurs to you, your neighbor may need some help getting his free energy device set up and connected to his dwelling, so you mentally call out to your neighbor asking him if he’d like your help with the free energy device installation.  A feeling of gratitude washes over you as you sense his reply of appreciation and acceptance of your offered help.  You both agree upon a convenient time and close your mental link with a blessing of joy and healing.

As you both are working together to get the energy device connected, you both realize there is a connector part you need to complete the job.  You could use the replicator to generate the part, but decide to go to the city center where such parts are already available.  Since it is a pleasant trip you both enjoy making, you get into your anti-grav car, set the destination, and off you go, lifting up above the tree line in a pre-designated flight path towards your destination.  As the vehicle glides silently through the air, you take in the beautiful scenery passing below you.  You have a friendly conversation about things that interest both of you.  As you approach the destination, the vehicle pauses to let other traffic pass before it gently sits down in a parking place just outside the market area.

There are many people attending to their own interests and businesses as you walk to the location where the part you need can be found.  The woman attending the business greets you with a beautiful smile asking how she may help you.  You provide the necessary information about the part you need, after which, she gets it for you and then hands it to you.  You tell her you are available to be of service in exchange for the part and she agrees saying she will contact you once an opening is available.  You thank her as you turn away to walk back to your vehicle.

Once you arrive at the vehicle, your neighbor indicates he needs some vegetables for the evening meal and indicates he’d like to make a stop at the farm fields on their way home, and so you do.  You eventually approach large green fields where various produce is being grown organically and naturally.  The plants have a beautiful radiance about them which seems to almost sing for joy.  Once you land, you approach the master gardener who greets you with a pleasant salutation.  Your neighbor tells the gardener what he would like for his meal.  The gardener receives the request and passes it off to a young boy volunteer who runs off to pick the produce fresh from the vines, then returns with a woven basket containing more than is necessary for one simple meal.  The neighbor bows to the boy as he receives the food.  He asks the Master Gardener how he may be of service in exchange for this produce.  The gardener thinks for a moment, then lets him know there is a party being arranged for later in the week where musicians are needed to perform for the event, he asks your neighbor whether he’d be able to perform at the event.  The neighbor is an excellent musician and agrees with delight and anticipation for the joy of the event to come.

You and your neighbor finally return home where you are able to quickly complete the set up and connection for the free energy device which supplies all the power your neighbor will ever need to maintain his dwelling with power and all the comforts of home.

Once you return home, as you are sitting comfortably on your sofa in your cozy living room, you look around at your surroundings remembering how things use to be, not that very long ago.  You remember when you use to have to lock your doors, when you had to use money to pay for things, when you had to work long hours at a job you didn’t like, when you had to drive on the ground with vehicles that burned fossil fuels which polluted the air and environment.  The world has changed so much for the better, in a relatively short period of time, things have gotten so much better, there is more joy in the atmosphere everywhere,  it seems like all the darkness of spirit has just faded away giving way for well-being to prevail everywhere.

You consider you may make a trip to Mars in a few days, maybe ask some friends to go along.  Once you are there, there is so much to see and do that you leave that to the moment by moment unfolding to decide what is best to do in that moment by moment unfolding.

There are so many more possibilities to explore and discover, so many new friends from different planets and solar systems to meet and learn from.  All of this wouldn’t have been possible, wouldn’t have unfolded as it has if it weren’t for the thousands of people who gathered together in body, mind and spirit through group meditation with the intent to make all of this so.  They said they only needed 144,000 people to make the shift happen.  Luckily, if there is any luck involved, millions of people caught on to how important their involvement was to this birthing of a new era where Peace, Love, Harmony, and Prosperity were born and brought forth as the new Heavenly Earth and solar system awakened to its divine glory.

Each person is important.  As we work together in peace, love and harmony, it is not only possible, but inevitable for this story to come true.  What can unfold is likely to be grander than I or we could imagine, yet it is contingent upon each person realizing it is through his and/or her contribution that it becomes manifest.

Therefore, YOU are the most important person in the world, because without your support and participation, this story may be delayed or not even come to pass.

Blessings to us all!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Why should I meditate?

On Facebook, I have a weekly event posted titled: Weekly Ascension Meditation.  ( Weekly Ascension Meditation)  Previously, the header image was of some young monks meditating. I changed the header picture to show regular people meditating. You don't have to be a monk in a monastery to meditate. Regular people like you and me, can easily sit quietly with eyes closed, focusing upon our breathing. If while doing so you set the intention to increase the expression of peace and love in your life, it will promote life experiences which match that intention.
Regular people, just like you and me, can make all the difference in the world through your incorporating meditation (even for as little as 5 minutes at a time,) into your daily routine.
As more and more people find peace within their meditative practice, then carry that out into their daily lives, massive improvements in all relationships are thereby enabled.
How does the Earth Ascend? One person at a time.
Therefore, I encourage you to meditate each day, find peace, love, contentment, and compassion through this practice, then bring this into the world as you walk your path in life.
If you don't care about the rest of the world, that's okay, do it for your own benefit. The world benefits by your meditation whether you know it, or believe it or not.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Something to Consider: Light over Dark

It seems the idea that good must conquer evil is a prevalent attitude among the human race.  It seems like a logical and appropriate attitude, because after all, evil is bad and destructive while good is good and creative.
Consider this:

The manifest world comes about by and/or through the expression of polarities, that is to say positive and negative polarities which cause energy to flow and manifestation to occur.  Both polarities are essential in the relative physical/spiritual manifestation because out of these differences all other differences are possible.

So, to adopt the attitude that light must overcome darkness or good must overcome evil is not possible while in the relative manifestation in being.  Both are essential elements of the same thing, each are the other side of the same coin, so to speak.  Just as you cannot have a one sided coin, there could be no manifestation of just light, or good, or alternately dark or evil.  If either part of that relativity is missing, the alternative is absolute light, or absolute darkness, which in both cases there is no differentiation possible because there is no opposite present.

Considering the necessity for both polarities, it occurred to me the optimal path is where there is balance between the polarities, where the path of life acknowledges the necessity for both polarities as essential elements of manifestation, which are ever tied to each other as an inescapable pull/push of energy expressions.

The middle path is one where one does not veer off too much into the light or the dark, this is where balance is experienced and expressed.  One must realize that whatever the magnitude or power of one half of the expression of positive and negative, the other half is always equal in magnitude and power.  This is to say, if one was all powerful in expressing the positive aspect in being, in order for there to be balance in the overall manifestation, an equal and opposite expression of the negative polarity is essential.  It is a package deal.

So, ask yourself, is it possible to live in this relative world manifestation where both polarities are essential for expression, to live life without there being any expression of the other polarity?  I say, no.  Because of the inherent limitations in awareness, one may be aware of being immersed in joy, love and light, and because of the limitations in awareness, may not perceive the whole manifestation where the opposite expression in being still exists and still expresses in the moment by moment unfolding of manifestation.  Whether by conscious choice or through uninformed ignorant choices life expresses regardless of the choices because to life, IT knows these polarities are not two things but aspects of the ONE.

So, one might ask, what is ascension then?  Ascension, if compared to a musical scale, is the same as moving up an octave in the scale.  This means there are lower octaves of expression which still exist and there are also higher octaves of expression which also simultaneously continue to exist.  Within in each octave there is the same number of notes expressing their individual vibration within that octave.  So, middle C note is harmonically attuned to the C notes in both the lower octaves and higher octaves.  This is to say, a C note is always C, it is not possible for it to be anything else.

This is to say, that the core me, (and also the core you,) will always express as me or you, as the case may be, regardless of which expression in octave each of us is expressing.

Friday, June 3, 2016


I wrote some lyrics to a song. Are any of you musicians who could create a music track to these lyrics?
By Jerry Dechant
April 12, 2016
If a song could bring us together,
Living in love for ever and ever,
I’d sing that song all my days,
I’d sing it loud so we can stay,
In love, in peace and in happiness,
For just another day.
If I could sing a song,
Would you sing along?
Bring us together,
Live in love for ever and ever
Sing a song with love in your heart,
That’s a start, with love in your heart.
Sing a song with love in your heart,
That’s a start, with love in your heart.
Love in our hearts brings us together,
It’s now or never, brings us together.
With love in our hearts living together,
Laughing together, loving together, working together, playing together
With love in our hearts life gets better and better.
Sing a song with love in your heart,
That’s a start, with love in your heart.
Sing a song with love in your heart,
That’s a start, with love in your heart.

Symbiotic relationship

Something to consider:
You may have at some point realize that YOU are not your body. What this means is that whatever YOU are, is having a symbiotic relationship with your body. In a good relationship, both parts do their very best to take care of one another with love, caring and compassion.

True Power

The true power to change, particularly global change, is in the individual's hands, to join those hands together into a global network where we move as one towards a renewed tomorrow, in harmony, peace and abundance for all.
A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link. Let us unite as individual to strengthen each other, so that none of us are the weak links in the chain which moves us forward into a brighter future for generations to come.

Political Commentary

When did those running for office, whatever that office is, forget that the government is to be representatives and servants to the public?
When did seeking power, position and authority outweigh the interests in service to their fellow citizens?
I think the answer to the second question may be easier to come up with than the first one. In my opinion, that which corrupts government officials is the influence of big money and the lure of power.
When those in office truly return to humility and service to others, we will all benefit, and they will truly deserve our honor and respect.

More in Common

As a race of beings, we have more in common to each other, than differences. Our differences enrich the expressions of life and broaden the pallet of colors of expression our lives can take. So our differences aren't an obstacle, but rather an embellishment in the expressions of life. It behooves us to embrace our differences while also embracing our similarities.


Remember, focus on what you want, let the stuff you see and hear, which isn't what you truly want, reawaken and reinforce your awareness of what you DO want, and remember to redirect your attention towards what you DO want. When we meet in harmony with the still small voice within, the power of the universe is with us and all things are possible.
Be still and know "that I AM".

Do unto others...

(First posted on my Facebook Page on May 23, 2016)

I bet most of you have heard this saying before, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." A more layman's terms, treat others the way you want to be treated.
Notice it doesn't say expect others to treat you the way you want them to treat you. That is because, you/I are the source of inspiration other receive which motivates them, to a large part, to treat us the way we want to be treated because we have first treated them the way we want to be treated. This is also called leading by example.
I believe this sort of philosophy is not only applicable to people in there relations with others, but on a broader scale, countries and their relations to other countries.
If we lived by this saying, what could we expect from other countries, based upon our prior behavior towards them? We move our troops into their countries, bomb stuff, kill people and justify it via the "terrorist threat" excuses. So if that is the way we treat other countries, doesn't it seem logical that we could expect that sort of treatment from them?
I know we don't want wars, we want peace and harmony, well, the majority of the human race would probably agree with me on that. So, how to we establish a peaceful harmonious world? By treating others the way we want to be treated.
Personally, I enjoy being treated with love, respect, kindness, compassion and consideration, that's how I treat others. Might this sort of attitude be contagious? Yes, it could be, but each of us first must set the example in our own interactions with others.
One by one, we change the world in this way. I hope you will join with me and others by embodying the "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." way of life.