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Thursday, January 20, 2022

Love Everyone...

I suggest the idea "Love Everyone" isn't so much about the other people surrounding you as it is about you embodying love in your own life expressing. After all, if you are not loving everyone, what are you feeling when you aren't being loving? Which feels better, not loving, or loving? See, that is the real choice we are all faced with. You don't have to accept other people's point of view, you don't have to buy into evil agendas, that is your choice, and when faced with those choices and those people who present those choices as though you don't have a choice, how you are centered within yourself, and how your first inclination is to act out of love rather than hate, anger, fear, jealousy, etc., can make all the difference in how your life unfolds for you.

Freedom of Choice is Paramount & Using Technology

Freedom of choice is paramount. We all have to remember this all the time. Regarding technology, it is useful until you can manifest without using it. As it stands now, technology is a crutch many people depend upon, and therefore don't even consider they could manifest or do the stuff technology enables on their own. As an example, what technology did Jesus use to turn water into wine? What technology did he use to heal the sick? What technology did he use to feed the masses? When you comprehend fully the answers to those questions, you will realize that technology is a crutch.

Sharing What You Know

Regarding sharing what you know to be true with people who don't ask for it. If you volunteer the information they may have cognitive dissidence, because they didn't ask for that information. That means they aren't open to receiving the information. While they may not initially accept or consider what you tell them, the seed has been planted within their consciousness, and will lay dormant until they are ready to consider what you said. In the bible, it says something to the effect, don't cast your pearls unto the swine. And, that is because they don't see the value of what you are offering them, so they will trample them into the muck and mire. By the way, if it is a flaw, to share the truth unsolicited, I am guilty of doing that. I think a better approach may be to ask questions which cause them to think about what you asked, and come to a greater understanding through their own awakening process.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Regarding the need for money...

 I posted this comment in response to a video Clif_High posted on this BitChute Channel titled, "Its a Gas Woo" wherein he talks about the need for money, etc.

My comment:

You mentioned that the money system depends of scarcity. What if the scarcity is manufactured, i.e., it doesn't really exist? If there really isn't scarcity, or doesn't need to be scarcity, then there is no need for money.

We are intelligent beings who can overcome scarcity through our intelligent use of available information and technology, as well as learning better, more efficient ways to insure abundance for all. Those who believe we NEED money, aren't any better than the Central Bankers you poo pooed, it is yet another control mechanism that we don't really need. We could invest our time and efforts in creating abundance for all, taking care of each other as a family of humanity, cooperating for the betterment of all. It is only a pipe dream, if you poo poo the idea, and don't give it thoughtful and meaningful consideration.

Monday, January 17, 2022

About People Running Away...

I sorta wish I could move out of California because of the current control mongers in charge here, but if I did, I'd be running away because of those people and their unwarranted and unwanted practices. The warrior spirit doesn't run from a fight, but rather learns how to stand firm and defend what is right, in defense of truth, justice, freedom and the common good for all. If we run away, they have won. I suggest stay where you are, defend your rights and freedoms, in the face of adversity, a person's true character shines through like a beacon. To those who are strong and brave, let your beacon be bright with the light of God on your side.

Friday, January 7, 2022

It Is YOUR Choice

 What is your current life experience?  How does it feel, what does it look like?  Is it how you would like it to be?  If it isn't why isn't it like you would like it to be?  Is there anything you can do to improve your current life experiencing?  If there is, why aren't you taking those steps to improve your life experience?

I recently posted a meme on my Telegram Channel which refers to the booklet I wrote several years ago titled, Gardening Your Mind. (I have the text of that booklet posted here on this site, so if you are interested, you can take a look at it.) The meme title is "The Past, Present and Future."  It is important to realize your part in the creative process of your life.  Until you do, you are a leaf floating in a rushing river, with no rudder to steer your path, no control over the troubled waters you flow through.  You therefore are a victim of circumstance and your surroundings.

I suggest taking time to truly evaluate the questions I posed above, consider the answers to those questions, and if you don't know how to deal with the answers, seek help and guidance from the source of your being, from within.  God dwells within you AS you.  Find out the truth of that statement and you will be stepping in the right direction.

Even if it doesn't seem like it right now, Your life experience is always guided by your choices.

Blessings to us all.