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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Earn Trust

Trust is earned, not freely given, for only through interactions and relationships can trust be earned and valued as part of a healthy and enduring relationship.

So, don't expect people to automatically trust you. Show through your words, actions and being that you are trustworthy.

It takes time to get to know someone, and it takes time to build a firm foundation of trust. There are no short cuts, there isn't one path that works for everyone, so find out what truly works for you, and go for it.

If you want to trust others, first center, find that place within you where trust resides, and bring it forth to be seen and experienced by those around you.

It takes a long time for many people to earn trust, and it takes a split second to loose it, so keep that in mind as you proceed upon your life path.

Blessings to us all.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Resistance is Required!

They want you to believe "resistance is futile" and, if you stand alone, it certainly is, but the greater our numbers, the more powerful our resistance becomes. Therefore, resistance is empowered by our unity in numbers.

We can no longer stand by as our rights and freedoms are taken away, resistance is required. We can no longer stand by and watch the beast's minions shackle our brothers and sisters. We out number them, we are powerful united and they know it, that's why they promote "social distancing" and the like.

If you don't care for your own well-being and freedoms, then consider your children's lives if we don't unite and stand strong now, to protect freedoms. If we don't do anything now, they (the children,) may curse us for our apathy and lack of unity in action.

It is scary to stand alone against the dragons which would devour us, but united, they don't stand a chance.

United we Stand.

The Whole Agenda is Based Upon Fear

If a person is gonna die anyway, I'd say for me, I'd want to be in an environment where I felt comfortable and if possible surrounded by people I love and who love me. With what I've heard about how people are treated in hospitals these days, that would be the last place I'd want to go.
From what I've gathered via viewing many videos, the respirators do more harm than good for patients with CV19. Also, there are many medical doctors who've come out about how ineffective most of the face masks people are wearing are, and how, with extended use, they are more harmful than beneficial to the wearer. And, finally no real studies have come out which indicate maintaining a distance from another person and/or wearing a cloth or surgical mask reduce the chances of transmission.
The whole agenda is based upon fear of the unknown. Get educated so you are not under the influence of fear. We generally fear what we don't know and understand, so fix that, know and understand that which you fear.
Blessings to us all!

Friday, May 22, 2020

Redirecting the Workforce

With many people having lost their jobs, it is important to enable them to get back to work so they can support themselves and their families.

I suggest bringing manufacturing back to the USA, this will create an abundance of job opportunities for everyone. We therefore can make the best using our American ingenuity, and creativity.

We could focus on manufacturing zero point energy generators for home and business usages. We could focus on clean anti-gravity technology for transportation which would allow the Earth and environments to balance and stabilize in a healthy and beneficial way. With the advanced technologies hidden from the masses, we could manufacture stuff like med beds, food replicators and replicators for everything else we could want or need.

The possibilities are endless, and we CAN bring this into the HERE NOW moment by moment unfolding. We can make it so.

Alternately, we could just let the dark forces have their way, increase our divisiveness, hatred, anger, greed, envy, corruption and be slaves to a few elite "masters" who pull the strings and make us dance.

I choose Prosperity, I choose Abundance, I choose Joy, I choose Freedom, I choose Compassion, I choose Love, I choose Peace, I choose Harmony. I choose a world awakened to its Divinity.

What do you choose?

Blessings to us all.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Manifestation Process, Be Here Now.

The truth about the manifestation process has not been covered or in the educational process, but having a clear understanding of what it is, and how it works is most important. The creative process occurs within the unfolding of the here now moment by moment unfolding. Meditating with intent towards unfolding our divinity and awakening to our true being, is a step into presence and ability to consciously manifest the reality we want to experience. Envision the reality you want for yourself, and others. Feel the joy of it right here, right now. This is where the creative process starts, right here, right now. Joy is the fuel, laughter is the fuel, appreciation is the fuel which furthers and expands our expression in joy as each moment unfolds. When in Presence, and in Joy, we face what the world brings to us, in the best possible way because in presence, joy and clarity, we create more presence, joy and clarity. The creative process is like gardening, if you want to grow an apple tree, you don't plant dandelion seeds. You may dig up the dandelions and turn them under to provide nourishment for the apple seeds you do intent to plant and grow. Like a garden, it requires constant attention, particularly in the early stages of growth when the seedlings are most susceptible to harm. So, I suggest, meditating, finding joy in each moment lived, and doing so each step of the way until your path leads to the harvest you truly desire.
Blessings to us all.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Learn to Think for Youself

I think each of us can present facts as best we know them, then let whoever hears/reads those facts decide for themselves whether the information is true or not. It is not manipulation when we allow freedom of choice, and when we accept their choices whether others believe us or not.

My suggestion is to stop trying to convince others of anything. Just present your perspective, then let them do their own investigations to determine whether they believe you or not.

There is no need for manipulation, particularly when people are well educated and know how to think for themselves.

If we want to help others, be the example, teach by the way you act and speak. Help others to develop their abilities to think for themselves, to solve their own problems. This is how we individually and collectively build a free and healthy society, one person at a time.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Force IS With Us!

I liked a part of the latest Star Wars movie where Ray realized all the Jedi were behind her giving support for the good. I think we have all the good forces behind us, we just got to realize that light support is the ultimate power and darkness can not stand in its presence. We have Legions upon Legions of Light Warrior beings to aid and support us. All we have to do is acknowledge them and allow them to aid us in these efforts to snuff out the deceptions, manipulations and corruptions on our planet. Let them help us to help ourselves through these trying times. :)

Blessings to us all.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Setting Meditation Intentions

When meditating, it is a good practice to state your intention for the meditation prior to meditating. This helps focus your attention and energy towards a state in being which you desire. When stating your intention, do it from your heart space, from a peaceful loving state in being.

Here is an intention that came to me today when I was meditating. You might find it useful because we each create our own life expression, and as we each align with an intention, we collectively amplify and reinforce it exponentially over doing so solo.

"To the extent that it is within my capability, I hereby, Now and Forever dissolve and dissipate deception, manipulation and corruption which plagues our world. Let it be so, and so it is. I give thanks. Blessings to us all."

The more of us who align with such an intention, the more powerful it becomes and the quicker it manifests in the world. One thing to consider though, is each of us has freedom of choice, and it behooves us to allow this freedom of choice even if it opposes our own choices. The freedoms we allow others are the freedoms we allow for ourselves.

Blessings to us all.

Friday, May 8, 2020

I guess I have to repeat this again...

Focus on what you want.

Sure, be aware of the crap you don't want, and let being aware of it guide you towards putting your attention and efforts towards what you do want.

This is how manifestation works.

Rather than focusing on material things so much, try focusing on things like being happy, being at peace, being helpful, being cheerful, being appreciative, being kind, being generous, promoting harmony and unity all the while.

The more crap you find in your world trying to pull your attention towards it, the more important it is to redirect your attention towards what you DO want.

Make it so. :)

Blessings to us all.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Get out of the Sewer

Is it wise to believe some of what a liar says? How do you determine whether what you choose to believe is a lie or not? If you know mainstream media is lying to you, do you still trust them, do you still believe all they tell you?

Clarity provides the ability to see clearly that which was previously unseen or unrecognizable for what it truly is.  Clarity goes hand in hand with the truth, the facts and actual reality.

To trust a known liar is to empower them to continue lying to you and there by manipulate you.

When you are immersed in a sewer of refuse, it is hard to find or realize what true clarity is, so it behooves you to get out of the muck and mire, clean off and not return there ever again, unless you need a reminder of the crap you've previously swam through.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Sovereignty & Being a Light Warrior

Sovereignty - freedom from external control. This aligns with my conviction for self governance, that is to say, I am conscious enough, and educated enough to determine for myself, what is best for my own health safety and well-being. I believe everyone is capable of making their own choices, and therefore align with their freedom from external control as well.

As a sovereign being, I consciously do not intentionally or unintentionally give my permission for anyone to do harm to others, (dark plan) This doesn't mean that they can't do what they want, but rather, they can do what they want, and so karma will take care of their unwise decisions to harm others.

A warrior stands in defense of those who are unable to defend themselves. As a light warrior, our greatest weapon is TRUTH which disempowers deception and manipulation by those who wish to force their will upon others.

SOURCE or the Infinite Creator of all that is manifest and unmanifest is the source of the TRUTH I previously stated, and as we are in alignment with that TRUTH, nothing has power over us.

We the people of Earth have been controlled and not risen to our own sovereignty for ages. It is time for us to do so.

Enlightenment is an expansion in awareness, which reveals our true state in being. In this awakened state in being, one clearly sees what falsehoods really are, they are like smoke which has no real substance no true basis in reality. Therefore, such falsehoods are easily dismissed.

Behind the falsehoods resides the same spark of the divine which dwells within us all, and once that smoke is cleared, that spark is seen as the bright and blazing expression in being it is intended to express as. Therefore, we forgive them who are still hidden within the cloud of falsehoods, and pray they make choices to clear their vision so they too realize their divinity.

In the expanded awareness which comes with enlightenment, we KNOW with certainty, that we are one in and off the one infinite being. That being true, we realize to harm another is to harm our self.

And as I say, "Blessings to us all" I am stating this awareness in Oneness.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

The Price of Freedom, The Price of Bondage

Is it bravery to stand up for your rights so they don't get taken away, or is it stupid to do so?

Look at nature, when things grow, they don't get smaller, they branch out, expand and get bigger and bigger. What happens to a plant that you don't allow to expand and branch out? It doesn't do well, and it may even die.

Do you see the parallel here?

If we don't do anything, what is the price we pay, what is the price our children pay, and their children?

If we stand up as an individual, against the overwhelming odds that we face, we are not able to succeed, but if we stand together, and support each other as one force, one mind, one spirit, we aren't facing an overwhelming force anymore, WE are the overwhelming force, WE are the victors because,

United we stand, parted we fall.

Where we go one, we go all.

Lead us not into temptation, and deliver us from evil.

Make it so.

Blessings to us all.