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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Earn Trust

Trust is earned, not freely given, for only through interactions and relationships can trust be earned and valued as part of a healthy and enduring relationship.

So, don't expect people to automatically trust you. Show through your words, actions and being that you are trustworthy.

It takes time to get to know someone, and it takes time to build a firm foundation of trust. There are no short cuts, there isn't one path that works for everyone, so find out what truly works for you, and go for it.

If you want to trust others, first center, find that place within you where trust resides, and bring it forth to be seen and experienced by those around you.

It takes a long time for many people to earn trust, and it takes a split second to loose it, so keep that in mind as you proceed upon your life path.

Blessings to us all.

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