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Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Through All Times and Spaces

If the spirit or soul is eternal, then the spirit leaving the body is like a person leaving their car, or vehicle. They still exist, and will always exist. Presence is when/where life is experienced, presence is where eternity exists, ever the same yet ever changing presence. Meditation is where presence is most easily experienced, quieting the mind and body, so that which transcends time and space is experienced. Grief at the loss of a loved one is natural during the human condition, when one considers the grief, it isn't for the person who is no longer with us, but rather our own loss of their physical presence. In death or departing the body, we may experience once again the grandness of our eternal being, which is joyous and life itself unhindered by the limitations of the physical expression in being. So, celebrate their liberation, celebrate their reunion with the infinity of their own beingness, and pray we will rejoice together again and again in form or out of form throughout all times and spaces. Blessings to us all!.