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Thursday, July 27, 2017

Appreciation - Critical Coin

by Jerome Dechant
July 25, 2017

Life is like a coin, it has two sides. You can see only one side at a time. On one side is love, appreciation, gratitude, on the other is hatred, criticism, fault finding.
If you find yourself on the critical side, if that doesn't feel good and life supporting to you, flip the coin over. Yes, you CAN flip the coin over, No, no one can do it for you, but someone like me can remind you that you can do it.
If you've built up a propensity towards being critical and/or angry often, it will take time to develop the new habit of being loving and appreciative, so be gentle with yourself, and gradually your propensity will be on the loving side of the coin.
Of course, if pain, suffering, anger and the like are what you desire, just ignore this, and continue sulking in your misery.
Blessings to us all.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Being Critical

By Jerome Dechant
July 24, 2017

You have probably heard it a million times, I’m referring to Oneness, i.e., all is one.  I bet for most people Oneness is just an intellectual concept, not a reality, here, now moment by moment experience.  Why is that?
How well do you embody Oneness, or do you embody it at all?  Do you really fully comprehend what the concept and reality of Oneness is?

Here are some thoughts to consider. 

Being critical.

There is so much diversity in manifestation, there is an abundance of opportunities to be critical.  You name it, there is something about it that a person can be critical about.  What does being critical mean?  It means whatever it is, isn’t in alignment with one’s beliefs about how it should be.  So, who is responsible for it not being the way one believes it should be?  Oh yeah, right someone else, someone else made it that way, and therefore they are to blame.  But, is that really factually true?

In Oneness, there is no “other” there is only the One.  Yes, there are unlimited expressions within IT, the One, but while there appears to be differences, those differences are only apparent.  Anything which manifests within your realm of experience has been brought forth into your awareness and experience by your drawing it into your realm of experience.  You may be doing this consciously, or unconsciously, but as you survey your life and experiencing here, now in this moment by moment unfolding, all that you are experiencing is a reflection of your own state in being.

When one is critical it may be of something or someone “out there” but whatever is “out there” first originated “in here”  within my own being.  What that means is, I am being critical of my own creation because no one but me can bring anything into my experience unless I agree to it, consciously or unconsciously.  Some even say, we agree to everything unless we specifically decide not to.  What that means, is the default operating system is set to accept everything.  After all, this is a “YES” universe which isn’t critical at all, it just manifests whatever we express via our state in being and desiring.

If you took complete control of your state in being, and consciously chose what your life experiencing is in this moment by moment unfolding, eventually you will find there is nothing to be critical about.  When you embody your divinity, the manifest expression in being is divine.

So, the next time you are critical of anything, consider the possibility that on some level, you made it that way, and if you made it that way, you can also make it another way, a way that is more pleasing to you.  This doesn’t mean you should demand the world around you change, but rather that the world within you change.

When your inner world is divine, your external world with outpicture as divine.
There is no one out there to change, there is no one out there to blame or be critical of, once you begin to embody your own innate creative abilities consciously and consistently in each moment as it unfolds.

As life presents things and experiences to you, if they are agreeable to you, express gratitude and appreciation for them, say, “Yes, more of this please.”  When approaching each moment by moment unfolding in this way, “Yes, thank you, I love this, more of this please.” The outpicturing will be in alignment with that.  This is how the manifestation principle works.  It is consistant and dependable.

If you want to evaluate how successful of a creator you are, consider this life experiencing right now.  Are you finding things to be critical of?  Are you unhappy, angry, worried, or afraid?  When you embody those experiences, the YES universe will give you more to be unhappy, angry, worried and/or be afraid of.  If you are being critical, the YES universe will give you more to be critical about.

No one lives your life for you.  No one is to blame for all the good or bad in your life.  Up until now, you may not have realized your part in the manifestation process of your life, but now you have at least a taste of understanding how to bring divinity back into your moment by moment life unfolding experiencing NOW.

Blessings to us all!

Monday, July 17, 2017

What is an appropriate point of focus?

by Jerome Dechant
July 17, 2017

I brought my soap box to preach off of, just a minute while I get onto it 

Have you noticed stuff like, when you own a certain type of vehicle, as you're driving down the road, you tend to notice more of those than other types? If you have a blue car, do you seem to notice more blue cars than other colored cars?

Why may that be so? Because that is where you've placed your attention. Whether one does it intentionally or not, is irrelevant, it still happens. So, this is why I suggest people focus upon what they want. If you are constantly focusing upon stuff to reveal and forgive, guess what, that is what you are going to see the most in your life experiencing. Consider, the mechanism of forgiveness. What is necessary to enable that mechanism to come forth? Judgement. Someone has done something you judged to be out of alignment with how you believe it should be. Therefore, once you reveal their deed(s), you are the one who must forgive them. Really though, who is in need of forgiveness? If one is centered withing a state of Harmony, Love, Compassion, Caring, etc. what does the world look like to that being? It is offering those vibrations, therefore the world reflects that back to him/her in the moment by moment life unfolding. That is to say, there is no forgiveness necessary because there were no judgements put out to the universe. The one who truly needs forgiveness is not the offender but the offended because he/she holds that within his/her own state of being which necessitated the judgement of something other than divine perfection. 

When one focuses upon being loving, caring and in harmony with the divine, they offer these vibrations to the universe which reflects like vibrations back to them. This is the true form of forgiveness, where there are no "troubled waters or disturbances" which need to be forgiven. All those judgements fade away by the very nature of one raising one's vibrations into higher forms of expression where divinity expresses in the moment by moment unfolding.

There are facts and there are fictions. The facts are most readily and accurately linked to truth, and facts can be verified via personal experience. I suggest determining for one's self whether focusing upon divine attributes brings forth divine life experiences or not. You already know what your current focus has been, and what it has brought to you, so you should consider that factual as you've experienced it already. Are you ready to experience your divinity?

When one is a child, one thinks and acts like a child, when one grows out of childhood, one must leave childish things behind. We have all been children who've held on to our childish ways way beyond our childhood, let us shed those ways of being, and grow into our divine expressions in being.

What is an appropriate point of focus to bring forth our divine expression in being? That is the best point of attention to place your focus.

Friday, July 7, 2017

It is YOUR Life...

by Jerome Dechant
July 2017

We each have our own reality bubble, which we can and do share with others when we buy into what they believe and say. We each have to option to believe, or disbelieve anything and or everything anyone else says because we ultimately are the creator of our own life experience, and therefore it us up to each of us to assume full responsibility for what we allow in our very own reality bubble.

I do not dictate what someone else's reality bubble contains, ultimately, each of us does that because it is our own reality bubble. Abraham-Hicks often speaks about us creating our own reality via the vibration we offer to the universe. No one vibrates for us, it is what we do ourselves which draws to us the live experiences, people, places and things our life is expressed in. If someone else is manipulating our vibration, it is only possible by us allowing it to be so. Part of the awakening process, is to realize our own sovereignty, and taking back the control and authority of our own life experiencing. This means, what someone else says or does is less important than what we say and do because thereby we create our own life experiencing.

Radiating love ceaselessly, like the sun radiates it's light upon us all, is a way to manifest a divine expression in being. When we identify as that Source, are attuned to IT, love is our ceaseless expression in being. IT can be found in those still, quiet moments when in meditation, we listen to find and hear the "still small voice within."

It is your life. make it what you want it to be.

Blessings to us all!