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Thursday, September 28, 2017

No Need for Intermediaries

Below is a commentary I posted in response to a YouTube video you can view by clicking on this link: Divine Frequency

I think you hit on a key concept in comment: "you don't need an intermediary between you and Source and/or your Higher Self."  The path to awakening may actually be a very solitary path in that everything that contributes to our clarity and awakening, primarily occurs within our own being.  It is the alchemy of self into Self, removing the dross to reveal the pure gold of our being.

Also, as you stated gratitude and appreciation are the muscles which open the doors to opportunity and awakening.  The more we flex these muscles, the stronger we become which means we stand firmly upon the path with certainty and excited anticipation for what lays ahead.

This isn't to say we should not acknowledge what is presented to us externally, because the voice of God may come to us via any means and it most often does, particularly when we don't listen to or hear the still small voice within.

When I help someone else, I am helping my Self, and the best way to actually help someone else is to attend to the alchemy of my own being into that Self.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Regarding Mind Altering Substances

One's vibrational state in being has a lot to do with the experience(s) one has when doing mind altering substances.  If you are angry, depressed, worried, your experience will embody those vibrational states.  If we look at emotional experiences on a scale, the lower vibrational states are equated to the darker side of expression while the higher vibrational states are equated to the lighter side states of expression.

Therefore, being mindful of your state of being prior to ingesting such substances, and deciding whether you are in a state of being where you can enjoy the experience, is very important.  If you are feeling uneasy, it may not be as good an experience as it could be if you are at peace, happy, and loving.

Many of these type of substances are sort of like magnifying glasses which accentuate whatever vibrational state you are expressing.  This may be helpful if you aren't identified with those states, but rather as an observer of them.  When in the observer mode, it is much easier to release whatever isn't serving you, than when you are identifying with whatever drama is unfolding.  (BTW, this goes for everyday life as well.)

If you can go directly to the Source, to your Higher Self, you can have these experiences without the aid of an external substance, but if you aren't at a state of awareness where you believe you are connecting with your divine Self, such substances may be helpful to show you what you can look forward to, sort of like a preview of coming attractions for whatever state in being you are currently unfolding.  Therefore, if you don't like what unfolds, it is a very good indication it would behoove you to consider changing your attitude and expression in being to a state which is more in line with the vibrational state of your Higher Self.

If you want to know how close you are to your true essential being, observe your current state in being.  This tells you everything you need to know in order to take the next step upon this path in life.  The foolish one, ignores what life shows him/her while the wise one heeds the lessons and grows by experiencing them.

Blessings to us all
All in One, One in All

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

About Authority

Sept. 20, 2017

When it comes to testimony in a court of law, one can be very well informed or educated upon topic(s) of their choice, which may give them the status of an "authority" for that field if information.  The thing about this is, if one is considered an authority in their field of endeavor, they must diligently keep up with the information for that field as it grows and changes over time. It may be true for some people, that they do not keep up with the growth of information in their field of expertise, yet maintain the designation as an "authority" in that field.  Most real authorities have "been there, done that" many times which may set them apart from the general masses who may not have had first hand exposure to what they have.

Maybe a more important thing to consider is the integrity, honesty and character of a person claiming to be an authority.  If one is a self proclaimed authority, I'd recommend approaching what they present with some skepticism.

We are in this together, therefore, as an aspect and/or expression of the One being, it behooves us to work together for the greater good, for the growth and thriving of the One being.  In order for this to proceed as designed, each part is contracted for their specific roll, and so long as they operate within the bounds of their "authority" the One thrives.  Others may depend upon their actions to be in accord with their own best interests for each part is essential to the functioning of the whole.  Just like the cells of our bodies each have their roll in manifesting our perfect physical health state in being.

Honesty, integrity, and dedication to the betterment of each and every one of us, (including ourselves,) insures the ability for others to trust them to be the authority of their own part in the overall expression in the One being.

So, establish trust by being true to your divine expression in being through your day to day moment by moment expression in being, then your authority will not be in question. :)

All in One, one in All.
Blessings to us all.