Dec. 25, 2017
There is a lot of talk these days about full disclosure,
revealing the secrets which have been kept from us for centuries, secrets which
can and will drastically change our life experiencing once they come into the
light, once they come to center stage of our awareness and consciousness. So, it goes without saying, that most of us
want our lives to be better. The
definition of “better” for each of us may be very different, because we each
have our own unique life experiencing which has caused us to be where we are
now, physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. While we each are basically the same, we each
are so totally unique in our expression in being, that it may seem we have
nothing in common. Finding the “common”
ground helps us to recognize how we are the same while at the same time,
In the grand scheme of things, each of us is a unique
expression in being, and expression in being of the ONE which is the infinite
Being of which we are a part. IT is
expressing as you, as me, as the rock on the ground, as the air we breathe as every
aspect of our being, from the subtle energy flowing throughout all existence to
the grosses, most solid manifestations in existence. Each of us dwells within IT, and IT dwells
within all.
When I express my divine beingness, where I see no
difference between myself in this physical form and the entirety of being, I
see only ONE being, ONE being expressing beingness in all forms and
Part of the full disclosure movement includes revealing the
darkness, the horrible and abominable acts done to and by beings expressing in
this manifestation. There seems to me to
be an intention to punish, kill, or otherwise do away with those who’ve
committed these crimes against humanity.
At first glance, this may seem totally appropriate and right that those
who’ve done harm to others should be brought to justice, should pay for their
crimes. The way humanity has approach
this is to imprison, detain, and even kill those who’ve taken part in these abhorrent
From the Divine perspective, those beings are just as much a
part of the ONE being as any other. They
have played a part in the expression in being, for purposes which the human
mind cannot grasp, a part which is just as essential to the total expression in
being as the great and noble deeds done by other expressions in being.
Part of our expression in being is to grow, to learn, to
adapt and express in ways heretofore have never been done, this is called
evolution. Moving beyond the ways we’ve
been, and done, and thought into new ways of being, doing and thinking. If we do not change the way we are being,
doing and thinking, we are not evolving, we are stuck in a loop where we are
destined to repeat our thought, words and deed which result in repeatedly
expressing and being through the same life expressions. This is known as the wheel of Karma; it keeps
rolling on and on, like a hamster’s running wheel, where the hamster keeps
running and gets nowhere. To evolve, we
must break the cycle by doing, thinking and being different than we’ve been
Instead of imprisoning, punishing and or killing those who’ve
committed crimes against humanity, which is how we have always handled such
things, I suggest we must take a different approach; we must break the cycle
which feeds upon itself to perpetuate how things have always been.
If we look at it from a Divine perspective, and we see the
darkness of the soul of those beings, doesn’t it make sense, rather than doing
them harm, we instead bring more lite to bare upon them, so they can more
clearly see how they have harmed themselves by harming others, bring more light
to bare upon them so they can regain their footing upon the path so they return
to expressing more truly their divine expression in being.
This entails inner work, inner awakenings, and opening doors
of self-discovery in expressions in being.
To facilitate this, it may be appropriate to restrict their activities
and expressions in being because they may not readily see the value in
discovering their divinity, they may not readily realize with clarity, how they
can benefit from awakening into the light of their own divinity. It may not be easy, it isn’t a quick fix, but
the efforts taken and rewards gained cannot be appreciated without the first
step of realizing how things have always been, is not allowing us to evolve
into a better way of expressing and being.
Where does this change happen? It happens right here, right now, in this
moment by moment unfolding where I choose to break the cycle of how it has
always been, I choose to adopt a different way of thinking, being, and doing
which is more in line with the divine expression of my being. I decide to take the high road, the road I’ve
never been on before, to learn something new, to do something I’ve never done
before with love and appreciation at the heart of every step upon this higher
road in expression and being. It
behooves me not to wait for someone else to do it, it behooves me to do it
myself, to embody the changes I want to express and see in my world
experience. In order to make it so, I
must awaken to who and what I truly am.
Awaken to my divine expression in being.
How do I do that? Seek it, that is to say, express your
intention and desire to awaken to your own divinity. Seek guidance and clarity so that you may
know what to do and how to do it. Most
of this seeking is not looking towards the external expressions in being, but
rather becoming still, via meditation, and thereby looking within towards the
center of your being where your purity and divinity resides, waiting for you to
become still enough and willing enough for the doors to expressing IT can swing
open. Once the doors have opened, we may
enter the kingdom of our divine expression in being, where we may know firsthand,
our place and how best to proceed on henceforth, upon our life expressing path.
As each of us embodies our divinity in expressions in being,
we radiate the light of our being into the external world, which enables and
facilitates helping others to awaken and realize their own divinity. When one has illuminated the path, the way is
made clear, the difficulties that may have previously seems insurmountable, dissolve
because the light makes the way clear and therefore even though mountains may
have stood in our way before (figuratively,) we can say to the mountain be gone
and it is so.
It is possible, each of us must acknowledge this truth to
enable us to take the next step, to go beyond what we have thought we knew,
into the divine adventure which awaits our taking the next steps upon the path
where evolution unfolds before us, ever fresh, ever new.
Let us go together, as ONE in ONE with ONE expressing
through us.
Blessings to us all.
Blessings to us all.
All in ONE, ONE in all.