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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Future's Advanced Technology?

I suppose with the current monetary system, and the corporate structures already in effect, whatever technologies are made available to the masses will be expensive and therefore limited to those who have a lot of money to be able to afford such treatments and/or obtain these products.

When we understand there is no real need to pay for anything, that is to say, would you charge yourself to breath? Of course not, would you charge yourself for each step you took to go get a glass of water? How absurd is that? The point is, as an individual each of us is a cell in the body of all of creation, therefore when each of us is attuned to our purpose and function in the overall scheme of things, each of us does what is before us to be done, and this includes service to others, wherein we provide services and create and distribute products freely because it serves the greater good.

Let us consider Oneness in being as the starting point for all of our actions, thoughts, words and deeds, and let guidance spring up from the center of our being via clarity in being, blissfulness in expression wherein we thrive as the One infinite being we are a necessary and integral part of.

Blessings to us all.

(Technology is a poor mimic of our innate capabilities, used as a crutch until we realize we don't need it anymore.)

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Choose Wisely

The work we each have to do it mostly internal, that is to say, building a strong, intelligent, compassionate character which is aligned with both heart and mind, creating wisdom in action as the moment by moment life unfolding occurs.

It may be a distraction from working on ourselves, to pay too much attention to what someone else is or isn't doing. Let the good you see in others rub off on you, and let the bad you see in others alert you to the elements of your own being that need attention, to be loved, lifted up into the light and forgiven. Others who show us their darkness, are only reflecting our own imperfections, for without these imperfections, the light of our divine presence would shine from the center of our being, and what we perceive in our moment by moment unfolding is seen and experienced as a divinely beautiful magnificent manifestation where well-being abounds.

If we live in hell, it is because we have made it so. We haven't used our own creative ability consciously with clarity, to create the heaven on earth we all desire. Awaken into your clarity as choices present themselves to you.

The choices we make decide how our life unfolds.

Choose wisely.

Blessings to us all.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Balance, Clarity & Presence in each moment lived.

I am of the attitude and perspective which promotes and tends towards focusing upon what I DO want, therefore, I typically take a positive attitude and behavior, which I promote in general, that is to say;

Treat others the way you want to be treated, be compassionate and considerate of others who don't have it as good as you do. Be kind and helpful whenever you can. Let your first instinct to action be one inspired by oneness consciousness based in love, peace and harmony. Engender and exemplify attitudes of self worth and high self esteem. When necessary, be strong and steadfast when being confronted by forces and attitudes which promote divisiveness, anger, fear, hatred. When faced with these forces and attitudes, being anchored in the highest light of our being, radiating this light into the situation and circumstance, may make physically violent confrontations unnecessary.

In the realization of our oneness, when we love and support others, we are loving and supporting ourselves, so love yourself as you would have others love you.

Find balance, clarity and presence in each moment by moment unfolding.

Blessings to us all.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


"Our thinking" signifies identification with thinking, i.e. my thoughts... Are they really yours, or are they like fish in the ocean swimming around you waiting for you to catch them? At the center of our being is the observer which is stillness.

In the Law of One, they speak of distortions. The first distortion is movement, identifying with the movement as the movement and engaging with everything which unfolds from and within the movement.

Whether we identify with the movement (distortion) or not, the stillness is ever present. That may seem contradictory, just like identifying as this expression in being while simultaneously actually BEING IT ALL. So, are you the stillness or the distortion, or are you the stillness AND the distortion? Are you everything, or nothing? Are you both everything AND nothing at the same time? Yes.

These are thoughts swimming through the ocean of being. The observer may notice them and let them swim by, or may engage with them. If you need food, you eat, and in the same way if the thoughts are nourishing and you need nourishment, then partake of them.

All in ONE, ONE in All.

Blessings to us all.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

We are Transmitter/Receivers.

Humans, along with other species are transmitter/receivers. We have an innate ability built within our being which facilitates and enables transmitting and receiving vibrational energy. In our audible range, we name these vibrations "sounds". In our visual range, we name these vibrations "images". In our olfactory range we name these vibrations "smells". In our tactile range we name these vibrations "touch" vibrations, and so on. All is energy in motion, energy in motion is vibrational, so what happens when there isn't time and space which are necessary for motion to occur. That is to say, in the eternal NOW, how is it possible to have motion? The moment of expression in being is always in the now, which is like the eye of the storm is always at the center of the storm, everything moves around it, while it remains forever at the center of the storm. So, it is always now, and now is always in motion.

Source is at the center of the storm, and the effects of It's expression in being move around it. We perceive it as our life in expression. And, as I said, energy vibration is energy in motion.

In an infinite being, without beginning or end, up or down, in or out, where is the center of this infinite being?

The point of perception, awareness in expression, originates at the center of your being. That is right, each of you is, from your own personal perspective, at the center of the whole expression in being.

If you are at the center of expression in being, then you ARE the Source, AS an expression in being.

This is why my Guru use to say, "God dwells within you as you."

Blessings to us all.