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Saturday, November 16, 2019


Forgiveness, as I see it, is when I realize I've erroneously seen flaws in a being which is flawless. Since I create my own reality, by seeing flaws, I bring them forth into manifestation. When I finally realize what I've done, I don't do that anymore, I see each manifestation in the light of their own Divinity and perfection. So, forgiveness is having seen my own error, and corrected it, so the error no longer manifests in my perception of the reality I experience. I lift the burden I've placed upon another by correcting my perception, to clearly see each being as a perfect expression of the Divine.

As long as we look for flaws we are thereby bringing them forth in manifestation. As long as we look for Divinity, we are thereby bringing forth Divinity into manifestation, or actually dissolving our misconceptions, because what Source has created is and has always been Divine.

Forgiveness may be considered an act of cleaning the lense of our own perception.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Eternal Now, Eternally Changing, Yet Always Now.

One can assume the perspective that everything in life expression is some sort of guidance towards or away from the Presence we are experiencing and acting within the moment by moment unfolding. Presence is truly our only expression, yet we taint it with thoughts and or emotions which distort the clarity in being which is our Truly Divine expression in being. Cleaning the lense of our consciousness, allows us to see clearly, which is important in that it facilitates making decisions based upon love, compassion, caring, and similar expressions in being. According to Abraham/Hicks emotions are guidance indicators like a compass, which if considered as guidance, can help us find our way back onto the path of our Divine expression. Lower vibrational expressions like anger and hatred, jealousy and the like, are indicators we are moving away from the TRUTH of our being. Loving, Joyous, caring emotions are indicators we are at least moving towards the true expression of our Divine Beingness. Growth, Wellness, Joy, Expansion, are all found when we are fully present in the here now, moment by moment unfolding. Now is the time, there is only the ever changing now, unfolding eternally. Blessings to us all.

The Difference?

When all is valued as equal, one might ask, what is the difference between our Divine Self, and our "normal" human self?

The only difference, is when we are embodying our Divine expression in human form, we are expressing in our full potential state in being. When we are expressing in our "normal" human state in being, we aren't expressing our full potential in being.

It doesn't have to take years of meditation, self sacrifice, isolation in a cave, etc., to come into the expression of our full potential. What it does take, is being fully present in each moment as it unfolds, and expressing divinely at whatever stage of development we find ourselves in as the moment by moment unfolds within us, and around us.

You are already a Divine Being, it isn't something you have to earn or work towards, rather the work is to uncover and realize what you truly are.

Blessings to us all!

Monday, November 4, 2019

Greta Thunberg's Efforts Regarding Climate Change

Whether the climate change push is a real one or not, depends on the accuracy and true value of the information these climate change thoughts are based upon. There is so much misinformation on all topics of value, weeding through it all, to determine what is actually factual and what isn't is a daunting endeavor. I commend Greta for her taking a stand, and sticking to it. She doesn't suffer from apathy, as much of the Earth's population does. If she is able to snap humanity out of it's apathy, then she has truly done a great service to our existence upon this ball traveling through space. Be kind to each other, help each other, unite with each other to overcome the obstacles life challenges you with. While as an individual, what we can do is very limited, (from a physical point of reference,) but united as a race with the common intent to thrive and grow, physically, spiritually and mentally, we can not fail. Unity is our power and love and compassion are our compass. Be well. Be the change you want to see in the world. Blessings to us all.