The perspective or attitude we adopt when viewing our world, our experiences, and our life can make all the difference in what that world, life and experience is.
Half empty:
This is the pessimistic view of our world, life and experiences. We tend to look on the "dark" side of things. When we hold this attitude and way of looking at our life and the world, how does that feel? What are the results of holding this attitude?
When we look at things from this perspective, we are more likely to be critical because we are seeing things as being incomplete, not enough, not good enough and those sorts of attitudes. What this does is it reflects back to us (or draws to us,) things and experiences of being incomplete, not enough, not good enough, etc.. When we adopt the critical approach to our life experience, we get more to be critical about because that's just the way it (the law of attraction,) works. And, when we are critical in that moment, we know what it is we want, but in that moment, instead of paying attention to having what we want, we spend the moment crying for the lack of what we want.
Generally, in my experience, this attitude is not very fulfilling, and doesn't feel good.
Half full:
This is the optimistic view of our world, life and experiences. We tend to look on the "bright" side of things. How does it feel to be optimistic? What are the results of holding this attitude?
A person who is optimistic generally is hopeful, there are more possibilities, and he/she is generally more open to finding them and experiencing them than a pessimist is.
Actually, being optimistic is more in line with our flow of energy, and being more in line with our flow, feels generally better than being a pessimist which is either going against the flow, or resisting the flow.
We all have predominated tendencies that have sprung up within our attitudes and experiences usually harbored and nurtured by those around us as we grew up. We generally adopt the attitudes of those around us when we are young, because they present a strong vibration of that, and being undefined vibrationally, we tend to identify with that which is predominate in our field of experience, especially when we are very young in these physical bodies.
Even if we have one attitude or the other ingrained into our mind, once we realize we now have control, we can begin to break free from the patterns which don't serve us any longer.
To break free, we must catch ourselves over and over again, when we express the pessimistic view, and when we do, turn it around to the optimistic view. (Every experience holds equal potential for either experience. As the experiencer, we decide which side we are going to pay attention to.)
This process is a "never get it done" type process. What I mean is, we always will be faced with the decisions of which side of the equation we are going to pay most attention to. The good news is, that as we practice mindfulness, and as we choose to be more optimistic, we weight our experiences in favor of being optimistic, and the more we are optimistic, the more we experience things to be optimistic about. This results in a snowball effect. (By the way, the same is true if we choose the pessimistic perspective.)
Now that being said, both of these attitudes are valuable in that the Half empty attitude point out to us something we want or desire, and the Half full attitude then applies focus of attention towards what we want. So you may see, that it is sort of a "flip flop" experience, first we see what we don't want, which make it more clear what we do want, and being more clear about what we do want, we pay attention to that, which brings that into our experience.
So, when we have a pessimistic moment, we can rejoice because in the moment that follows, we can see optimistically what we want, and seeing that we can move towards that.
If I could express a timeline of what this might be like in life experience, it might go something like this: Half empty, half full, half full, half full, half empty, half full, half full, half empty, half full. This is actually the creative process which could be stated in another way as in this example:
Not enough love in my life, I pay more attention to the love that is already in my life, and by paying attention to that, I experience more love in my life. I create more opportunities to experience more love in my life.
(By experiencing the "not enough" side of the experience, I built the desire for more. If I hadn't experienced the "not enough" I wouldn't have desired or moved towards creating more loving experiences in my life. So, while the "not enough" didn't feel good, it gave me the opportunity to turn towards what it was that I wanted, which feels much better. It works in my favor when I experience it, then look for the seed of what it is I want to create out of it.)
Every moment then, is the fruit in my experience that stirs up within me the desire to plant the seed for future experiences. As I am more and more aware of this process occurring moment by moment by moment, I become more and more the deliberate creator, planter of seeds, which express in the outer world experience as the fruit I've created.
If you begin to deliberately plant seeds of joy, from moment to moment, eventually, those seeds will manifest as joyous life experiences, will express as the fruit in the moment by moment experience of life. So, while I'm planting seeds of joy, I continue to reap the harvest of joy from the seeds I've previously planted. This is the value of being deliberate in your focus, attitudes, and emotional experiences.
How long does it take to make this transition, to be mindful enough to be a deliberate creator? We are constantly creating, planting seeds in this here now moment by moment experience.
If you've never paid much attention to your here now experience, you've never observed your mental tendencies, your attitudes, you will have to develop these by beginning to be more mindful of your moment by moment experiences, and in this mindfulness, observe how you feel, and what it is you are thinking about when you feel that way, and what your attitude is in this moment as you are experiencing this feeling.
Through continued exposure and practice of mindfulness, we develop a clarity about how we use our moment by moment experiences to create our life experiences.
Through this clarity, we then choose deliberately thoughts and feelings and attitudes which serve us, which plant seeds to our liking. As the progress unfolds, the seeds express as fruit in our moment by moment experience, and thus we reap the harvest we've intentionally and deliberately planted.
Practice being deliberate.
Meditation is a practice in being deliberate. Being deliberate for a pre-determined amount of time, in a place where we are free from interruptions and distractions. A time and place set aside to deliberately pursue this experience in awareness. When we sit for meditation, at first we may just sit and observe the experiences we have, we may feel the bodily sensations, we may feel the welling up and subsiding of emotions, we may observe thoughts that come and go, and in all this, we can become more clear. At first observation and stillness may be the goal of meditation, so that as we meditate, we just sit and adopt the observer attitude.
Eventually, we may choose to do something deliberately, such as repeating a Mantra, or focusing upon a simple thought such as "One" or "Love." We may deliberately repeat this mantra or word over and over again. Whenever another thought or feeling comes up, we might have a tendency to drift off with that, but being mindful, we catch our self and then return to the Mantra or word we've chosen to deliberately focus upon.
As we continue to practice, we become more and more proficient at this until it eventually is so easy and effortless that it is a natural expression of our being.
Once more thing about being deliberate, this isn't a forceful process, where we adopt an attitude like, "I'm going to do this come hell or high water!" where we grit our teeth, and tense up, and become rigid. Rather it is a gentle but determined approach where we observe our distractions, then gently return our attention to our desired point of focus.
This is an example of the mental process during a meditation period:
Love, love, love, I wonder what I'm going to do this afternoon? I think I'll go get some milk I need to remember to get milk. Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, that itches, I got to scratch that itch, dam, why is it itching, I wish it wouldn't itch, I got to get back to my meditation, but this dam itch is distracting me, (scratch the itch,) love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, I wonder how long I've been doing this, this is boring, man, why am I doing this, this is really stupid, I don't see why I'm wasting my time doing this, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, humm, this does feel better, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love....
Half empty? Half full?
I enjoy writing articles for my blog site as I am inspired to do so, about finding the joy in life and living the life we came here to live.
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Sunday, July 26, 2020
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Revised Guided Meditation: I am a Divine Being
Guided Meditation: I Am A Divine Being
I revised the vocal part of this track, as well as composed the background music. This version is 20 minutes long. I hope you like it. Please share it if you do.
Blessings to us all.
I revised the vocal part of this track, as well as composed the background music. This version is 20 minutes long. I hope you like it. Please share it if you do.
Blessings to us all.
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Resistance is futile!
MySpace Blog post
The Borg from "Star Trek, the Next Generation," had it somewhat right in saying "Resistance is futile," although in the movies and TV series, resisting allowed the humans and others to continue to experience their life the way they wanted rather than the way the Borg wanted. Unlike the Borg though, Source Energy isn't restrictive or mind numbing, but rather liberating and allowing. While we maintain our resistance to the full flow of our Source Energy, we prolong our painful life experiences in degrees from subtle to severe. We can endure a lot of discomfort when we resist the flow of our Source Energy, but ultimately, Source Energy prevails, in one way or another, to erode away the resistance which reveals to us once again, who and what we truly are. And, in that revelation, we know and understand fully our being and power.
Want to come to a better understanding of resistance as it applies to you and your life experience? It is a good thing to be aware of the things that we do, think and say that build up our resistances, which accumulate over time, and blocks the flow of our Source Energy.
If you don't realize you are resisting and/or adding to your resistance in one way or another, you can't/won't let go of the resistance that you are accumulating. It remains within your vibrational field, in plain sight, yet hidden from your own awareness. Life is full of indicators which point out to us, what our resistances are, and realizing that there are indicators we can begin to be on the lookout for those indicators, so we can let them go, and/or dissolve them when they show up.
Here is an experiment that visually demonstrates Source Energy Flow, and the results of resistances. (You don't actually have to physically do this experiment if you clearly get the imagery presented, but physically doing this may have a greater impact on your understanding and therefore appreciation of the ideas presented.)
For this experiment you will need a large mouth plastic container such as a gallon milk container with the top cut off so there is enough room to put your hand comfortably into the container, or a paper milk container where the same large top opening is available.
You will also want some dirt, some sand, some small pebbles, and some large rocks/pebbles.
Find an empty plastic container, like a gallon plastic milk container, or some such thing. Cut off the top of the container so your hand can easily fit into the container. (Consider this container to represent you here in the physical manifestation as a human being. The large opening at the top represents our natural openness to the flow of Source Energy.) Next, take a pointy object like a Philips screw driver, and poke a bunch of holes (maybe ten or so,) into the bottom of the container. (The only way we can effectively flow Source Energy, is to have sufficient outlet for it to flow through us.) You can do this next part outside with a garden hose (may be preferred,) or inside over a kitchen sink or some such place where the water can flow freely without concern. Set the container on something which will allow the water to flow out the holes on the bottom of the container. Turn on the water so that it is flowing strongly, but not as high as it can go if you have a lot of water pressure. (This represents the flow of Source Energy.) Place the container under the flowing water. (This is what is happening with us all the time; we are constantly within the stream of Source Energy as it flows unceasingly around us and through us.) You will notice that the container eventually fills up, and even though there are holes in the bottom of the container, the flow is sufficient to overflow at the top of the container as the constant flow of water runs. For purposes of this experiment, adjust the water flow so that the amount of water flowing in is equal to the amount that is flowing out of the holes in the bottom of the container, in other words, reduce the flow so the water doesn't overflow out the top but is sufficient to keep the container full while the water is flowing into the container.
When we come into the physical form, we typically flow Source Energy without resistance, in other words, we are a perfect conduit which Source Energy flows freely through. As we grow up and begin to adopt the beliefs and instructions of our parents and/or care givers and others, we build up some resistance to the flow to the degree that we adopt the beliefs and instructions of those people. As babies, we accept without question the external guidance which is so strongly presented to us. To simulate this, take a hand full of small pebbles and pour them into the container where the water is constantly flowing. (The pebbles simulate the beliefs and instructions we receive which begin to restrict the flow of our Source Energy.) And this resistance over time, begins to feel natural so that we don't even realize we are holding resistance to the Source Energy flow. We forget what it felt like to have Source Energy flow through us unimpeded.
You will notice that with just this little hand full of pebbles being tossed into the container, the flow through the container is restricted, and this may cause the water to overflow out the top of the container.
As we get older, and accept/adopt more limiting and restricting beliefs and listen to the instructions and beliefs of our teachers, friends and social relations, we may add more resistance. So, to simulate this, add another handful of small pebbles and a hand full of larger pebbles. With the water flow unchanged, the addition of the 2 hands full of pebbles further restricts the full and free flow of the water through the container, so that with the same flow, more is overflowing out the top than is flowing through the bottom.
With this greater accumulation of resistances, it may become more apparent to us, that it doesn't feel as good as it used to. Again, over time, we become accustom to this level of resistance, and therefore even though it doesn't feel as good as it once did, we eventually forget what it used to feel like, and so this new level of resistance becomes our "normal" experience.
As we continue to interact within our physical environment, there are a lot of very little resistances that we pick up along the way that really seem insignificant, at the time, but these very small ideas and attitudes can be like the hands full of sand you next pour into the container. You will find that some of the sand is washed right through the container, but some of it remains. As you continue to put more and more sand into the container, eventually more of it remains, and less of it escapes through the bottom.
This is how it is with all the little ideas we pick up without consciously thinking about them through our exposure to life situation, TV, Movies, etc..
As time goes on, we also accept beliefs that are similar to the larger pebbles; these are often enforced through government laws and church and laws commandments. So put a hand full of larger pebbles into the container, and then another. Obviously, as this stuff is added, the water flow continues unchanged, yet less water is making it through the container to escape through the holes in the bottom, and more is overflowing out the top.
Again, eventually, this level of resistance begins to feel normal to us after prolonged exposure to it.
Then we get into the beliefs that really restrict the flow, such as negative emotional based attitudes about death, failure, hate jealousy, grief and powerlessness. To simulate these, put a couple of hands full of dirt into the container. As we continue to hold these types of attitudes, it is like we are putting more dirt into our container, so go ahead and keep pouring dirt into the container.
What will eventually happen; is the water that is able to be flowed through the container through the bottom holes will be tainted by the dirt, and will be polluted as it exits through the holes. And as more and more dirt is poured into the container, there will come a point where the flow out the bottom is so limited as to be only a trickle while the overflow out the top will be the major part of the flow. The restricted flow through the holes is like the inability to have your desires fulfilled. All that "stuff" restricts the flow so much that, if you get anything at all, it is likely not pure and clear the way you want it to be.
What does this experiment show you about you and your relationship to Source Energy Flow? Can you get an idea of where you are relative to these different stages of increased resistance to the flow? It should be of little interest to you where my flow is, how restricted or free flowing my flow is, but it should be of huge interest to you where your flow is and how much it is restricted or free flowing.
Consider we can't turn off the faucet of Source Energy Flow. It was always on, and it will always be on. It was always flowing strongly and it will always continue to flow strongly. That is the nature of Source Energy.
Consider also, that if from this very moment you never again added resistance to your container, eventually, (it could take a very, very long time,) the flow of Source Energy would clean away, little by little, every bit of resistance you've accumulated. And this would be and is a nature result of being in the flow, of allowing the flow to stream through us.
Now that we've got this container full of stuff that is restricting the flow of Source Energy, what do we do with it? Obviously, we may choose to start to reverse the process through which the stuff was accumulated. We have to adopt a more loving, allowing attitude to be our predominate life expression which means we move out of the attitudes that don't feel good. Little by little, we let go of our feelings of powerlessness and despair, which moves us up into grief, and that removes some of the dirt. Then we can move into guilty feelings and let them go, and that to removes more of the dirt, letting a little more Energy flow through is, As we let go of our guilt, we can then let go of our jealousies, then our hatreds and then our revengefulness, and so on and so on up the emotional scale until all the dirt has been removed and we begin to feel more relief in contentment. As we do let go of the resistances, a little at a time, the flow rewards us with feelings of relief. And, the constant flow of Source Energy makes it easier and easier to clear out and let go of all that "stuff" we've accumulated, which further increases the flow of Source Energy flowing through us.
Eventually, with continued attention and effort, we are rid of the resistance so that our energy flows through us freely, resulting in purer outcomes of those things we've desired.
We continue on this journey of cleansing through being more allowing which means as we become aware of the pebbles of our resistant, we remove them one by one, and even sometimes by the hands full. So instead of resisting or fighting against the things the pebbles represented to us, we turn around in the flow, turning towards what we want relative to that pebble, which dissolves the pebble and brings us closer to the fulfillment of the desire relative to that because more Source Energy is able to flow through us towards that fulfillment. So, letting go and allowing facilitates the removal of the pebbles large and small. This happens through our moment by moment life experience when we are faced with situations where we become aware of our resistance. These experiences don't feel good, so that is a clue that we've found another pebble that we can remove from the flow, by turning towards what we want and being allowing.
As we remove these obstacles, the flow returns. If we are persistent, we will find that it becomes easier and easier to see those obstacles and remove them quickly as they come to our attention, where at first it was very hard and took a lot of attention and effort with limited apparent results.
Allowing (or removing the obstacles,) is not pushing against what we don't want, but rather, turning towards what we do want, and therefore flowing with the Source Energy's flow. And glory be the day, when we are a cleared vessel for the flow of Source Energy.
Once we have once again cleared out all that resistance, we can then open the holes in the bottom of the container more, so that more Source Energy is able to flow through us, and as we open the holes in the bottom of the container, we turn up the flow of water, eventually, if a person so desires, they can completely open the bottom of the container, so that there is no resistance at all, and the energy of Source flows through them freely. In this way, the physical manifestation is the conduit for Source Energy to flow and express purely and perfectly in the physical manifestation. And this expression is blissfully, and joyously Divine.
How long does this process take?
That is a very good question, that I am sure most people want an answer to.
Unfortunately, there is no one right answer that applies to everyone. In a general sense I can say, how long it takes is up to you, how focused you are on becoming more allowing, how much "stuff" you've accumulated over the years, and how effective you are at becoming aware of your "stuff" and how effective you are in letting it go. This process is an adventure where, when you become aware that you are flowing against the current, you in that moment, turn back around, and go with the flow. Each moment where we find an upstream thought or belief or attitude, and turn around, returning to the flow, we've removed some resistance, and we can really rejoice in that. Each little pebble removed is a reason to rejoice, each large pebble remove is a reason to rejoice. Each turning downstream, going with the flow is a reason to rejoice. Because in each of those moments, we are allowing Source Energy to flow more freely, and each moment we are allowing Source Energy to flow more freely, the better we feel, the more we allow what we want to come to us, the more our life is fulfilling, the more good feeling experiences we have, and the more we come to experience our own power and freedom.
Without resistance, we are powerful and free beings. (Even with resistance we are powerful and free beings, it just is more obvious without resistance.)
Monday, July 20, 2020
The Lies You Tell
It seems to me, the real disease which has spread across the world, isn't necessarily the covid virus, but rather the excessive and intentional use of lies and deception. No wonder people don't know who to trust.
My suggestion is to be present in your awareness and expression of truth. If you haven't established your truthfulness, as a foundation of your own character, then it is no wonder people don't trust you.
It only takes one lie to ruin a lifetime worth of honesty and integrity, and once that is lost, it is a very difficult and long path to get it back, if you ever can get it back.
Even so, make it a point to always be truthful, as best you can. At least then, you will be on the road to recovery no matter how long it takes.
If you choose to continue down the path of lies, don't expect things to get better for you.
Blessings to us all.
My suggestion is to be present in your awareness and expression of truth. If you haven't established your truthfulness, as a foundation of your own character, then it is no wonder people don't trust you.
It only takes one lie to ruin a lifetime worth of honesty and integrity, and once that is lost, it is a very difficult and long path to get it back, if you ever can get it back.
Even so, make it a point to always be truthful, as best you can. At least then, you will be on the road to recovery no matter how long it takes.
If you choose to continue down the path of lies, don't expect things to get better for you.
Blessings to us all.
Friday, July 17, 2020
Guided Meditation files you can have and use freely.
Guided Meditation: I Am Divine : when the window opens, choose download unless you'd prefer one of the other available options.
Guided Meditation audio file : This is the audio version of the epub file above.
Guided Meditation audio file : This is the audio version of the epub file above.
Beat the sickness before it gets a firm grip on you.
When you feel the symptoms of a cold coming on, like for instance, the first little scratchy throat feeling, you can head off the cold my immediately taking action to eliminate it before it has a chance to grow further. I believe the same is true for any ailment like the cold or flu or the virus. I don't recommend waiting until you are deathly sick to take action.
Keeping your body healthy is an ongoing process where you are mindful of how you are feeling, and take appropriate action to maintain your good health.
What I do is, get a lot of vitamin C by drinking juices which naturally contain this vitamin. Give your body a chance to defend itself by eating right, maintaining a healthy positive attitude, while feeding your mind and spirit with uplifting thoughts during your daily periods of meditation.
You don't have to get sick if you are wise enough to do the right thing at the right time.
Blessings to us all.
Keeping your body healthy is an ongoing process where you are mindful of how you are feeling, and take appropriate action to maintain your good health.
What I do is, get a lot of vitamin C by drinking juices which naturally contain this vitamin. Give your body a chance to defend itself by eating right, maintaining a healthy positive attitude, while feeding your mind and spirit with uplifting thoughts during your daily periods of meditation.
You don't have to get sick if you are wise enough to do the right thing at the right time.
Blessings to us all.
Monday, July 13, 2020
Creating Paradise One Moment at a Time
In the manifestation process, the vibrations we offer to the universe are reflected back to us as expressions in being. If we want to have a more joyous life, express more joy in the here now moment by moment unfolding, and while doing so, say to the universe, "More of this please. Thank you."
Paradise is created one moment at a time, and can only be realize via being present in the moment by moment unfolding and holding the vibration of paradise as each moment unfolds.
Paradise is created one moment at a time, and can only be realize via being present in the moment by moment unfolding and holding the vibration of paradise as each moment unfolds.
Good Medicine for an Ailing Society
In order to attain a broader perspective, higher consciousness, one must endeavor to raise his/her vibration. Easy ways to raise one's vibration is through joyous laughter, smiling, singing a happy song, dancing to upbeat music, playing something you enjoy doing and generally having fun.
These days, it may be necessary to consciously and with intention find moments in our daily lives where we can endeavor to do one or all of these things. The more we immerse ourselves in uplifting activities and thought forms, the more consistently we reside in higher vibrations. The more we consistently reside in higher vibrations, the easier it is to maintain these vibrations, and the easier they are to be transmitted and received by those in our environments.
Raising one's vibrations is a wonderful process where each individual reaps the rewards via their moment by moment immersion with the added benefit that while being immersed in these more joyous vibrations, we radiate and amplify these vibrations into our surroundings and environment.
Good medicine for an ailing society.
Blessings to us all.
These days, it may be necessary to consciously and with intention find moments in our daily lives where we can endeavor to do one or all of these things. The more we immerse ourselves in uplifting activities and thought forms, the more consistently we reside in higher vibrations. The more we consistently reside in higher vibrations, the easier it is to maintain these vibrations, and the easier they are to be transmitted and received by those in our environments.
Raising one's vibrations is a wonderful process where each individual reaps the rewards via their moment by moment immersion with the added benefit that while being immersed in these more joyous vibrations, we radiate and amplify these vibrations into our surroundings and environment.
Good medicine for an ailing society.
Blessings to us all.
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