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Wednesday, November 25, 2020


During these trying times, we might not think there is anything to be thankful for, but if we stop for a moment, review all the good people and things we have in our lives, we will see there is so much to be thankful for, it would take a long time to write it all down in a list.

Even if you only have one thing you are thankful for, focus upon that feeling of appreciation and gratitude, let that be your center of awareness through all the days of your life.

The more we maintain our attitude of gratitude and appreciation, the more we will realize more to be in gratitude and appreciation about.

Blessings to us all!
Peace on Earth, Good will to all.

Sunday, November 15, 2020


The secret is BALANCE. Polarities exist and both are equally as valuable as the other. A coin has two sides, each opposite the other. The coin can not exist with only one side.

Each of us carries within our own being both polarities which enables us to manifest within this creation.

Choice comes in when we decide which side of the coin we are going to express, and this choice determines not only our life expressions, but collectively how humanity expresses in this creation.

There will always be polarities, but there doesn't have to be conflict between the two, they each have their place and function, and when working in harmony, promote the furtherance of creation in manifestation.

It All Happens In The Here Now

In order to form/create a future where everyone is recognized as a sovereign being, capable of making their own choices, and in the cases where people aren't able to make their own choices; compassionate, loving people will help take care of them promoting the individual's well-being, with thoughtful considerations based upon the philosophy presented in the Golden Rule.

We start the building process right here, right now, by how we choose to live our life in this and every moment that follows. In the process of gardening, the soil has to be prepared, then the seed is planted and taken care of so that it may flourish and thrive to its maturity. The same is true of our creative process. Prepare our environment to facilitate optimal conditions for success, then take care of our "seedlings" so they have grow and unfold according to the codes contained within the seed(s).

When we start an adventure that will take many years to complete, the first step is just as important as the last one, and once we take that first step, continuing to do so with the goal in mind as a guiding compass, will insure our success.

Lets create Heaven on Earth, one person at a time, one moment at a time, not only for our personal well-being but for the well-being of our progeny on into the future. 

Blessings to us all!

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Their Divide and Conquer Methodology

If your goal is to divide the peoples of Earth, what would be a good way to do that?

Enter the plandemic. Everyone you encounter is a potential enemy, because you can’t tell whether they are infected and contagious or not, therefore you have psychologically made everyone leery of everyone else. You’ve created a divisive methodology which is more damaging than any physical weapon one could think of. This is a similar methodology used with the idea of terrorism, but without the blatant physical violence.

How could you easily see whether your methodology is effective or not?

You use the plandemic as an excuse to make everyone wear masks and maintain a 6 feet distance from each other. With these “rules” you not only can easily see who is compliant or not, but also cause those who conform to these rules to use peer pressure to make non-conformists conform as well.

The psychological ramifications of implementing such methodologies are far more devastating than the physical virus used as an excuse to implement them, and even if there is no longer a virus to be protected from, you can’t see it so you can’t tell whether you are “safe” or not, so the psychological effects can go on indefinitely and as paranoia increases through distortions presented via mass media, can lead to physical violence too.

How do we defend against such tactics?

Let go of your fear. Realize you are going to die sometime, that is certain, and the above cited methodologies may actually contribute to your early death more than the physical virus could. Fear is the fuel for divide and the conquer methodologies; therefore overcoming your fears will serve you better than anything else. When you realize you are more than just this physical body, and you have nothing to fear about death, you can once again live your life, find purpose and direction in undertaking ways to being harmony, unity, compassion and prosperity to everyone. When you become so involved in LIFE, death has less of a grip on you, and you find joy and appreciation in all good things life offers us all.

Meditate. Find your eternal presence within your heart center and dwell there because in the light of the divine, there is nothing to fear, there is no real death, only transition from one realm to another.

Regardless of whether you comply with the psychological methodologies imposed upon you, you can still maintain your center of peace, love, compassion and caring, not only for yourself but others. This is your secret tool which can’t be readily detected because it looks like you are compliant, but behind the mask, within your heart, you are uniting with everyone not only in your immediate circle of friends, but all of God’s creation.