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Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Yes No

By Jerome Dechant
Sept. 6, 2011

Being aware of how much you use these two words might give you an indication of the balance in your life experiencing. If you haven’t paid much attention to the use of these two words, I suggest you be mindful of when you use them. If you want to be really active in this mindfulness, you could carry a small piece of paper with you and a pen or pencil, and then every time you find yourself using one of these two words, make a mark in a column under the heading which has “Yes” for one column, and “No” for the other column. This is to give you a sense of how allowing or disallowing you are with your attitude towards what life offers you throughout the day.

It may be of particular interest to those whose life isn’t working out like they want it to, or to those who are going through a tough time. For such people, my guess is you will find your “No” list of marks is far longer than your “Yes” list of marks. And if this proves to be true for you, you will have a wonderful insight into why life is the way it is for you.

Another simple experiment I suggest you do is as follows:

With an indifferent attitude, say the word “No” out loud. Notice how that feels to you, also notice any physical feelings you experience. Take a deep breath, exhale it and relax for a moment before you go on to the next step.

Now, with the same indifferent attitude, say the word, “Yes” out loud. Again, notice how that feels to you, notice any physical sensations that occur during and after you say this word. Again, take a deep breath, exhale it and relax for a moment before you go on to the next step.

This time I want you to say “No!” with great emphasis as though you really mean it whole heartedly. Notice how it feels while you are saying it, and how it feels after you’ve said it. After you’ve experienced this fully, take a deep breath, exhale it and relax for a few moments before you go on to the next step.

Say the word “Yes!” with great emphasis as though you really mean it whole heartedly. Notice how it feels while you are saying it, and how it feels after you’ve said it. After you’ve experienced this fully, take a deep breath, exhale it and relax for a few moments.

When I say “no” or “yes” with an indifferent attitude, they both feel pretty much the same to me. There are no particularly noticeable sensations associated with saying these words with the indifferent attitude. This isn’t the case when I say each of these words with great emphasis as though I really mean it. When I say “no” in this way, I get a very halting feeling, an unpleasant abrupt sensation. To me, it doesn’t feel very good. I feel sort of shut down, finished.

When I say ‘yes” with great emphasis as though I really mean it whole heartedly, I feel a great release, a freeing sensation that really feels good to me. When I say “yes” in this way, I feel excited and activated.

Being aware of these associations of feelings and the words we use, in particular these two words, gives us an indication of how aligned we are without desires and goals, and also whether we are energetically moving away from or towards what we desire.

We can use these feelings to guide us through the journey of our life experiencing.

We live in a “yes” universe. That is to say, the energy we send out to the universe bounces back to us and we receive more of the same without judgment from the universe. In this way, it is a “yes” universe. It always says yes and returns to you the same vibration you radiate out to the universe. Another way to understand this is if you predominately radiate a “no” vibration, the universe returns that vibration to you in the form of more things for you to say “no” to. Conversely, if you predominately vibrate with a, “yes” energy, what the universe returns to you will be in the form of more things to say “yes” to.

The No attitude is typically expressive by your arms being crossed across your chest, as one physical posture common to a no attitude. Often this attitude includes tension and rigidness of body.

The Yes attitude is typically expressive by your arms being wide open as though welcoming a friendly hug. This attitude often includes laughter and relaxation of body.

It is okay to recognize our use of the No attitude, and to use it to our benefit. That is to say, use it as an indicator which lets us know we need to redirect our attention towards what we want, instead of continuing to hold our attention on what we don’t want.

The navigation system of an airplane uses a similar method to get to its desired destination. When the pilot takes off, he has a destination in mind, (the desired location.) An airplane never flies a perfectly straight line from point “a” to point “b.” If you precisely charted the course of such a one stop flight, you’d likely see the course was more of a zig zag than a straight line. In other words there are always course corrections taking place to keep the plane headed towards it’s desired destination. If the computer had a voice and could be listened to during this flight, you’d likely hear a lot of yes and no statements; yes as the course moves towards the destination, and no, as the plane veers off course.

If we used the yes and no indicators in our life experience in this same way, we could easily navigate towards our desired goals. You can see that constantly getting no indications is our life experience telling us we are drifting off course from the accomplishment of our goal. If we don’t use those “no” indications as an indicator that we are drifting off course, we won’t successfully arrive at our desired goal. So, a “no” indication is meant to alert us to course correct, that is to say, redirect our attention towards a “yes” indication. This is a simple shift in course that puts us once again in alignment to arriving at our destination.

Another thing you might want to be mindful of is that, this course correcting process is a constant process that at first takes mindful attention towards in order to establish it as a habit that works automatically to keep us heading towards our desired destinations. At first, you might find yourself veering way off course before you realize you haven’t been paying attention to the “no” indicators life has been offering you. So, when you notice a “no” indicator, just simply course correct and find the “yes” indication. (Remember how the “no” and the “yes” experiment felt, and use those as physical signs to help you be alert about how you are navigating through your life.

As you become more sensitive to veering off course, you will always have some “no” indicators and when you do, you will immediately adjust course so that in the overall journey the time spent experiencing “no” indicators will be much less than the time spent in “yes” indicator experiencing.

In order for the navigation system to function, there must be a clear destination set into the system. If you don’t know where you want to go, you are likely to go all over the place with random “yes” and “no” indicators. Obviously, if you don’t set a specific destination into the navigation system, you can spend endless time meandering through life with no particular place (desire,) to guide you or motivate you towards effectively being able to navigate towards it.

Macro to Micro goals

We might want to set macro goals or life goals which are meant to span the duration of our entire life. The Macro Goals therefore are the foundation upon which all your other goals rest upon.

Some examples of Macro Goals:

I have a life goal to always be happy and find joy in my life. Some other macro goals I have are to experience abundance in my life, and to enjoy the company of friends, lovers/intimate companionships and relatives throughout the arc of my life experiencing.

The micro goals are the lesser goals that don’t take as long to accomplish, and so I can have many micro goals throughout my life experiencing. And these micro goals can be as short term as, for example, getting a drink of water.

So not every goal has to be grandiose, that is to say, all your goals don’t need to fall into the Macro goal category, although you could live your life with only those broad arc goals to guide you. Because the guidance system is a constant feedback system, you will continually get feedback and constantly have the opportunity for course correcting. What this means is, you will never get it done, there will always be something to keep you going.

If you’ve never taken the time to contemplate goals, long term and short term goals, it is worthwhile to do so because thereby you enable the navigation system which facilitates you accomplishing your goals.

In summary: The universe is a “yes” universe. Without question or judgment, it returns to you what you vibrationally radiate to it. So, it always says “yes” to your vibrational offering and returns to you like vibrational experiences.

As we use or discrimination ability and are familiar with the “yes” and “no” indicators our life offers us, we can use these indicators to guide us towards accomplishing our goals.

Course correcting is ongoing and never ending throughout the journey of our life expression.

We can become so adept at using the navigation system that we spend most of our time experiencing “yes” indicators and much less time experiencing “no” indicators.

Both indicators are essential in order for the navigation system to function properly. Also, it is essential to have at least one destination set to enable the navigation system to work.

There are Macro Goals which have an arc which is meant to span the duration of our life time.

There are Micro Goals which range from nearly Macro Goal durations descending into shorter term goals which can be moment to moment in duration.

Yes and No are opposite sides of the same coin. We can’t have one without the other, they are bound together.

In conclusion, we are faced with choices. If we effectively use the feedback system, our journey though life can be a delightful experience. Like the need for goals/destinations, we have a need to choose. There are multitudes of choices which infinite potential facilitates, so choosing is an essential aspect of life expressing. There are no right choices or wrong choices except that we make them so for ourselves. The right choice for you might be the wrong choice for me, and visa versa. This is because we are each unique individuals and find fulfillment in our own unique ways. While our destinations might be different, the navigation system which helps us get there is the same for everyone. Yes and No are essential indicators, so embrace them for the guidance they provide.

Having now read this blog, you may never thing about “yes” and “no” in the same way you did before reading this. This could be a good thing, yes?

Best regards,

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