Definition of “Garden”: A plot of land used for the cultivation of flowers, vegetables, herbs, or fruit.
You will notice in the definition of garden it says “..used for the cultivation of...”, that means a garden is a
place to grow chosen plants. It doesn’t say, “A plot of land used to turn the soil and uproot weeds.” While
it is important to prepare the soil and uproot weeds, that is not where your main focus should be. The main
purpose of a garden is to cultivate the desired plants, which means the desired plants should be the main
focus of the cultivation process.
In the manifestation process, energy follows thoughts with emotional content. As far as the manifestation
process is concerned, it doesn’t matter in the least what those thoughts are or what the emotional content
of those thoughts are. So, if that is true, if you spend time focusing your thoughts on things you DON’T want,
the manifestation process doesn’t distinguish between what you want and what you don’t want, it just
manifest what you put your attention on.
If you are tending your garden and constantly putting attention on turning the soil and pulling weeds, what
sort of manifestation are you feeding?
In the manifestation process it is VERY important to focus on what you want, not on want you don’t want or
what you want to avoid. If you are planting a garden of roses, what do you focus on? You focus on roses,
you don’t focus on not wanting weeds. You don’t focus on not wanting bugs. You don’t focus on turning the
soil. When you focus on not wanting weeds, what do you get? MORE WEEDS!
The way to deal with weeds is to tend to your roses and if a weed shows up, notice it, release the emotional
content of the thought, let it go, then return to cultivation of the roses. If you spend a lot of time considering
the weed, you are putting energy into its manifestation, energy you could have been putting into cultivating
the roses.
What you put your attention on, is what you get.
Summary: Spend more time on cultivating what you want.
Your life experience is revealing to you every moment of every day, where you put your focus. The NOW
MOMENT is the harvest of past attention focus. The manifestation process is working perfectly.
The point of the following exercise is to become aware of and learn how to focus your attention.
Practice consciously focusing your attention of a specific target. For Example: Set quietly, with eyes closed
and focus your attention on your breathing. As you breath normally, pay particular attention to the sensation
of the air entering your lungs, then pay particular attention to the sensation of the air leaving your lungs.
Continue to do this with every breath.
When you notice your attention has wandered, return your focus to your breathing. Every time you notice
your attention has wandered, return your focus to your breathing. The important thing is to return your
attention to your point of focus. Just let go of whatever the wandering is, and return your attention to your
point of focus.
The first time you do this, practice for a short time, like 5 minutes or so. After awhile increase the practice
session to 10 minutes, then 20 minutes, then 30 minutes. I would suggest doing each practice session for
one week. That is, for a week, every time you do this exercise, do it for only 5 minutes. You can practice
more than once a day, but each time, limit the practice session to 5 minutes. Then the second week,
increase your practice time to 10 minutes. You can again practice more than once a day, but this time limit
your practice session to 10 minutes. Follow this same process for each following weeks increasing the
duration of each practice session.
As you practice this, you will get better and better at it. You will more quickly notice when your focus is
wandering from your point of focus and be able to return to your point of focus and stay focused longer
without your attention wandering.
Leaning to focus is key to successfully manifesting what you want. As in all things, practice is the key. The
more you practice, the quicker you will learn to focus and stay focused. The time spent in practice is time
well spent and will benefit you in all aspects of your life.
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