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Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Shine Your Light

Yes, shine your light!  Some people may only have a little spark of light, which needs to be nurtured and taken care of so it can grow.  This is where community can be most helpful, to those little ones (figuratively speaking regarding the tiny lights,) to help protect them as they grow their own luminosity. :)  Since we are All in One, and One in All, it behooves us to join together, lovingly lifting those in darkness towards the light, where they each can make their own choices for their own fulfillment.  Compassion is really important here, because the ones who have dwelt in darkness are suffering the most, and truly need more help than anyone to find their own tiny spark of light within themselves.  We can offer unconditional love like the sun radiates its light upon us all without distinction.  Be like the sun, radiate your love unconditionally as you walk through your life.  Because of freedom of choice, we can't force the light upon anyone, we each must choose it without coercion of any kind. This is divine love in expression.

One in All, All in One.
Blessings to us all!

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