Everything we think, do and/or say has some effect, which includes karmic effects. Karma, as I understand it, it the energy/intent we radiate which eventually comes back to us and the energy must be balanced within our own expression in being by whatever means necessary. If I send blessings to all beings, my intentions are to be helpful and aid all beings into the experience and realization of their own divinity. My intentions are based in love, caring, and compassion. So, when the energy comes back to me, it has a life supporting effect on my being and balance occurs easily and naturally.
Mass meditations where the number of people hold the same intent, such as peace on earth good will towards all, as an example, raises the energy field so that like fish in water, the whole fish tank is lifted into the higher vibration, which may translate into a greater awareness of oneness, more clarity in awareness and therefore a truer expression in being as we unfold in the moment by moment unfolding in this manifestation. The fish might not have asked to be lifted into this higher vibration, but they benefit by it. If they knew to ask, they probably would.
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." This is pertinent because in the realization of Oneness in Being, one realizes there is no "others." Yes, there are many expressions in being, like there are many cells in your body, they combine to manifest our form as one entity or being. All manifest and unmanifest being is contained within the ONE, so what I do to you, what I offer to you, I am offering to mySelf where you are another expression in being of That I AM, that One Being.
It comes down to identity. Do I identify with the individual "cell" or part, or do I identify with the whole while appreciating and acknowledging the parts as integral to the expression of being in Oneness?
There is no karma when one assumes and embodies the awareness and expression in being as That I Am.
I would not mislead you, because I would not want to be misled.
Blessings to us all.
All in One, One in All
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