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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

A Couple of True Stories

by Jerome Dechant
Mar. 29, 2018

When I was about 11 or 12 years old, my brother, and one of my uncles who was about our age, came with us from his house to a near by grassy field which had viney grass. I had gotten a bow and arrow set for Christmas and so we were out in this field shooting it. I only had 2 or 3 arrows, so, once we shot it, we’d have to go find the arrow we shot. One time, when I shot the arrow, it got buried in the viney grass so I couldn’t see where it was. We looked all over that area where we thought it was but didn’t find it. So, I asked God to give me a sign to help me find the arrow. Then I stood up and in place turned slowly around in a circle until I saw a red glowing line above the grass in the direction I was then looking. (btw, the arrow was red.) Then, I walked over to where I saw the red line and started digging through the viney grass, and guess what, There was my arrow buried deep in the grass. I was able to retrieve my arrow, and I knelled down and gave thanks.

Another time, when our family was visiting these grandparents, I was walking towards a school which was under construction not far from their house. I wanted to see if I could find anything cool at the construction site that I could have. (This was along side that same field where I found my arrow, and beyond maybe a mile or so further to my right, was a creek heavily forested with trees, (not evergreens,) and since it was outside city limits, people use to go hunting out there for small game. Anyway, as I was walking along the road, with the field to my right, and on the other side of the road, the property was built up so there was about a 3 or 4 foot bank down to road level. For some reason, I stopped walking, then about the same time, I heard a gun shot from the far distant right, and also heard the bullet come whizzing by me, just in front of me. I saw it impact in the dirt bank across the road. If I hadn’t stopped, I would have been hit in the side of my rib cage about the height where my heart is. So, stopping at the very least kept me from being injured and/or saved my life.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy your stories and youtube videos Jerry. I see you have chap 1 of the manifestation process, are there other recorded chapters? I have the book but enjoy listening.
