While it is true, life isn't a race or competition, it is also true having goals in life are an excellent way to develop focus and direction in your day to day life unfolding. The thing is, many people have grandiose goals which are attainable, if broken down into smaller steps, bite sized pieces which can be within reach and accomplished with focus and dedication. As one small step is completed, the person is one step closer to accomplish his or her grand goal.
If you aren't motivated to accomplish a goal, it doesn't matter how many little steps you break it into. If you aren't really motivated, it may be time to re-evaluate and decide whether your goal is REALLY something you want to accomplish. If it isn't, find something that is.
If one doesn't pursue some goal, the moments slip away, the days turn into months, and the months into years, then what is left is a sense of a wasted life.
Here is a goal to work on: Love life, be happy, and kind every day. The true value of a life well lived is one where each moment is a joyous expression, and those moments add up to a life worth having lived. That being said, you get to decide for yourself, what your expression of a life worth having been lived is. It is all up to you.
Blessings to us all.
I enjoy writing articles for my blog site as I am inspired to do so, about finding the joy in life and living the life we came here to live.
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Tuesday, July 24, 2018
Monday, July 23, 2018
Curses or Blessings?
It seems to me, people are prone to using what most call bad language, which in many cases are curses, like as an example: "Damn it." and other more verbose versions of that curse. I think people curse without thinking about what they are really doing. They curse as a reaction to circumstances and people they are confronted with, who have caused them to have a burst of negative energy explode forth through their words and emotions.
I'd like to help everyone understand the value of Blessings over Curses.
When a person curses a person, place or thing, that is a destructive harmful energy which doesn't improve the person, place or thing, but rather makes it worse.
When a person blesses a person, place or thing, that is an uplifting, life supporting, positive energy which enlivens and enriches that which is being blessed. A blessing lifts the person, place or thing into a higher vibratory rate where, the objectionable behavior or situation is improved rather than made worse.
The effect a blessing upon the one offering the words of blessing, also bring that one into a higher vibration where, in that moment by moment unfolding, the burst of negative energy which may have initially been present, is transmuted into a burst of loving, light energy.
In order to take advantage of offering blessings rather than curses, one must take reactionary behaviors off of autopilot, that is to say, one needs to be present in the moment enough, to choose to bless rather than curse. If you've never done this before, there is a learning curve. You may have been reactionary for your whole life, where when things don't go your way, you curse, the person, place or thing which isn't what you expect it to be. So, as you practice presence, you can catch yourself before you curse, and in so doing substitute a blessing to make things better instead of worse.
When we bless a person, place or thing, we are acknowledging our power as a co-creative being in the presence of Source, our connection to Source, and thereby flow divine energy into our moment by moment unfolding in life experiencing.
Blessings to us all.
I'd like to help everyone understand the value of Blessings over Curses.
When a person curses a person, place or thing, that is a destructive harmful energy which doesn't improve the person, place or thing, but rather makes it worse.
When a person blesses a person, place or thing, that is an uplifting, life supporting, positive energy which enlivens and enriches that which is being blessed. A blessing lifts the person, place or thing into a higher vibratory rate where, the objectionable behavior or situation is improved rather than made worse.
The effect a blessing upon the one offering the words of blessing, also bring that one into a higher vibration where, in that moment by moment unfolding, the burst of negative energy which may have initially been present, is transmuted into a burst of loving, light energy.
In order to take advantage of offering blessings rather than curses, one must take reactionary behaviors off of autopilot, that is to say, one needs to be present in the moment enough, to choose to bless rather than curse. If you've never done this before, there is a learning curve. You may have been reactionary for your whole life, where when things don't go your way, you curse, the person, place or thing which isn't what you expect it to be. So, as you practice presence, you can catch yourself before you curse, and in so doing substitute a blessing to make things better instead of worse.
When we bless a person, place or thing, we are acknowledging our power as a co-creative being in the presence of Source, our connection to Source, and thereby flow divine energy into our moment by moment unfolding in life experiencing.
Blessings to us all.
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Friend as defined by the Webster Dictionary:
1. one attached to another by affection or esteem.
2. one that is not hostile
3. a favored companion
I guess most of you on my "friends list" fit the second definition. That is a very broad definition, which for me, I hope includes the majority of the people here on Earth.
Why is this idea of friendship on my mind this morning?
Last night I had a dream where I needed to be "baptized" in order to be able to do something I wanted to do. So, in the dream, I thought I'd ask my sister to baptize me because I thought for sure she would, but when I asked her to baptize me, she said no. I was shocked. I've always held my sister in high esteem, so I was surprised that she wouldn't baptize me. When I asked why, she said our Mother told her not to baptize me because I have no friends. I was deeply saddened by this revelation.
I asked myself, is it true? Do I really have no friends? The answer I have come up with is yes, I DO have friends if I consider all who are not hostile to me to be friends. The answer is no, if I consider definitions one and three, although I have affection and hold you all in high esteem, I'm not certain that is reciprocal, but my friendship is not so conditional that if it isn't reciprocal, I am not friendly.
Fair Weather Friends
These are people who have developed a friendship with another which is based upon something they can get from their "friend" and once they can no longer get that, they just no longer relate to their "friend" anymore.
So, how do you consider me? which definition(s) do I fit in for you? Like I wrote above, my friendship to you, isn't conditional, my caring for you as another being here on this planet isn't conditional, even if you are hostile to me, I will always have a place in my heart for you.
That isn't friendship, that is unconditional love.
Blessings to us all.
1. one attached to another by affection or esteem.
2. one that is not hostile
3. a favored companion
I guess most of you on my "friends list" fit the second definition. That is a very broad definition, which for me, I hope includes the majority of the people here on Earth.
Why is this idea of friendship on my mind this morning?
Last night I had a dream where I needed to be "baptized" in order to be able to do something I wanted to do. So, in the dream, I thought I'd ask my sister to baptize me because I thought for sure she would, but when I asked her to baptize me, she said no. I was shocked. I've always held my sister in high esteem, so I was surprised that she wouldn't baptize me. When I asked why, she said our Mother told her not to baptize me because I have no friends. I was deeply saddened by this revelation.
I asked myself, is it true? Do I really have no friends? The answer I have come up with is yes, I DO have friends if I consider all who are not hostile to me to be friends. The answer is no, if I consider definitions one and three, although I have affection and hold you all in high esteem, I'm not certain that is reciprocal, but my friendship is not so conditional that if it isn't reciprocal, I am not friendly.
Fair Weather Friends
These are people who have developed a friendship with another which is based upon something they can get from their "friend" and once they can no longer get that, they just no longer relate to their "friend" anymore.
So, how do you consider me? which definition(s) do I fit in for you? Like I wrote above, my friendship to you, isn't conditional, my caring for you as another being here on this planet isn't conditional, even if you are hostile to me, I will always have a place in my heart for you.
That isn't friendship, that is unconditional love.

Blessings to us all.
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
You don't have to buy it.
Imagine everything you could possibly think of, is already a reality in a potential state of being for you when you first think of it. That is to say, it hasn't manifest for you yet, you have to "buy" it first to start the process of it manifesting into your life experiencing, into your personal reality.
Imagine everything I just stated above is absolutely correct and accurate for every conscious entity and being in all of existence. What this means is there are infinite potential reality states in being, and you, as the creator of your own life experiencing, get to choose which ones you will buy and therefore bring into your life experiencing.
Everyone is expressing their own creativity in every moment of life unfolding. We express it in our actions, in our words, in how we feel, and what we think. When we tell someone something, like for instance, me telling you all of this, it is up to you, the reader, to "buy" it or not. If you buy it, then you bring what I've expressed from a potential state in being for you, into an actual expression in your life experiencing.
If what I present to you is in alignment with your own desires and intentions, you may choose to buy it, if it isn't, you will not because it is always your choice when it comes to your own life experiencing.
When someone or even many people tell you the same story, you may tend to "buy" it because many people are saying the same thing, but really, all that means is, many people have already bought it, and want you to buy it too, so they "advertise" it in what they think, do and say.
I suggest, for your own health and well-being, you consider whether what they are "selling" is really something you want to experience for yourself, you don't have to buy it, even if it seems compelling for you to do so.
This is particularly of interest for predictions. Predictions are potentials in reality, which exists in multiple timelines, since each creator has their own timeline or experience bubble, and there are an infinite number of creators in existence, so there are an infinite number of potential and real timelines existing simultaneously as each moment unfolds for each one in life experiencing.
So, as an example, I may see a video or TV program, or news program where they predict terrible things will happen. If enough people say, "no, that isn't the life experiencing I choose," then the prediction doesn't manifest for those who do not accept it. But that is only part of the process, to say, No, I don't want that. The most important part is to then choose what you DO want, and by so doing, "buy" that instead of what you don't want.
I present these suggestions to you to empower you and to aid you in your awakening of the creative power you have innately within you as a conscious creative being. There are many people "selling" stuff that would have you deny your creative power and responsibility, they'd have you "buy" the ideas that you should do as they say, because they know better than you. And to that, I remind you to be aware and present in each moment by moment unfolding, and in your presence and awakened state in expression, choose wisely.
I suggest choosing that which is life supporting, loving, caring, compassionate, and promotes harmony and unity, are all choices which will bring into your life experiencing, experiences which are aligned with those things/experiences you choose.
If you don't want to "buy" what I've expressed here, that is fine. It is your life and YOU are the one who chooses what your own life experiencing is and will be. I can't do it for you, and even if I could, I wouldn't because you deserve to make your own choices.
Blessings to us all
All in ONE, ONE in All.
Imagine everything I just stated above is absolutely correct and accurate for every conscious entity and being in all of existence. What this means is there are infinite potential reality states in being, and you, as the creator of your own life experiencing, get to choose which ones you will buy and therefore bring into your life experiencing.
Everyone is expressing their own creativity in every moment of life unfolding. We express it in our actions, in our words, in how we feel, and what we think. When we tell someone something, like for instance, me telling you all of this, it is up to you, the reader, to "buy" it or not. If you buy it, then you bring what I've expressed from a potential state in being for you, into an actual expression in your life experiencing.
If what I present to you is in alignment with your own desires and intentions, you may choose to buy it, if it isn't, you will not because it is always your choice when it comes to your own life experiencing.
When someone or even many people tell you the same story, you may tend to "buy" it because many people are saying the same thing, but really, all that means is, many people have already bought it, and want you to buy it too, so they "advertise" it in what they think, do and say.
I suggest, for your own health and well-being, you consider whether what they are "selling" is really something you want to experience for yourself, you don't have to buy it, even if it seems compelling for you to do so.
This is particularly of interest for predictions. Predictions are potentials in reality, which exists in multiple timelines, since each creator has their own timeline or experience bubble, and there are an infinite number of creators in existence, so there are an infinite number of potential and real timelines existing simultaneously as each moment unfolds for each one in life experiencing.
So, as an example, I may see a video or TV program, or news program where they predict terrible things will happen. If enough people say, "no, that isn't the life experiencing I choose," then the prediction doesn't manifest for those who do not accept it. But that is only part of the process, to say, No, I don't want that. The most important part is to then choose what you DO want, and by so doing, "buy" that instead of what you don't want.
I present these suggestions to you to empower you and to aid you in your awakening of the creative power you have innately within you as a conscious creative being. There are many people "selling" stuff that would have you deny your creative power and responsibility, they'd have you "buy" the ideas that you should do as they say, because they know better than you. And to that, I remind you to be aware and present in each moment by moment unfolding, and in your presence and awakened state in expression, choose wisely.
I suggest choosing that which is life supporting, loving, caring, compassionate, and promotes harmony and unity, are all choices which will bring into your life experiencing, experiences which are aligned with those things/experiences you choose.
If you don't want to "buy" what I've expressed here, that is fine. It is your life and YOU are the one who chooses what your own life experiencing is and will be. I can't do it for you, and even if I could, I wouldn't because you deserve to make your own choices.
Blessings to us all
All in ONE, ONE in All.
Thursday, July 12, 2018
The Winning Team
You could ask yourself, "What is the one thing that we could do, the most effective and efficient way, to advance the human race, as one, to the finish line of success?"
Ignite the spark of awareness within each soul, the spark which reveals the fact that in order for us to be successful, we must each do our part, in the support of the whole human race to cross the finish line at the same time.
This requires an adjustment in attitude, from individual focus to group focus.
It is a team effort, where each member of the team does his/her part precisely and at the right moment, contributing perfectly towards the mutually held goal to win.
The current attitude seems to me to be, "I won," even though it takes the whole team's efforts to win. The adjustment in attitude is, "We won." This recognizes the efforts of each individual team member's participation in the effort to win.
As a Human Race, we are a team. In order for us to "win," a grand adjustment in attitude is essential. So, how do we do that? How does a successful sports team win? They have wise guidance, they practice with focus and attention to do their very best, they help each other, if one is weak or lacking in focus and attention, the other team members work together, helping that one to strengthen his/her focus and attention. And they don't enter the field until the team is motivated, focused and attentive to working together as with one mind, body and spirit, towards the winning goal. In this way, each member of the team is essential to provide their special talents and abilities toward the team's efforts to win.
And, when the team wins or looses, they don't say, "I lost", or "I won," they say "We lost" or We won."
No one really wins when each individual only strive for his/her own individual success. Yes, an individual may, by his/her individual motivation, focus and attention, become a winner, but the glow of such a success is fleeting, when there is no one to share the glory with. But, each individual on a team which works as one to accomplish their team goal, is a winner and shares in the radiant glory of everyone's efforts and accomplishments. It is a much richer experience to win as a team member than to win as an individual.
The one thing a team recognizes, which the human race doesn't seem to recognize, is it takes a team effort to win.
Let us ALL work together as Team Human Race, to finish the race, to all cross the finish line, at the same time. In this way we are all winners, there are no losers. If there are losers, we have failed as a team, we may not get another chance, so it behooves us to insure there are no losers.
Blessings to us all.
All in ONE, ONE in All.
Ignite the spark of awareness within each soul, the spark which reveals the fact that in order for us to be successful, we must each do our part, in the support of the whole human race to cross the finish line at the same time.
This requires an adjustment in attitude, from individual focus to group focus.
It is a team effort, where each member of the team does his/her part precisely and at the right moment, contributing perfectly towards the mutually held goal to win.
The current attitude seems to me to be, "I won," even though it takes the whole team's efforts to win. The adjustment in attitude is, "We won." This recognizes the efforts of each individual team member's participation in the effort to win.
As a Human Race, we are a team. In order for us to "win," a grand adjustment in attitude is essential. So, how do we do that? How does a successful sports team win? They have wise guidance, they practice with focus and attention to do their very best, they help each other, if one is weak or lacking in focus and attention, the other team members work together, helping that one to strengthen his/her focus and attention. And they don't enter the field until the team is motivated, focused and attentive to working together as with one mind, body and spirit, towards the winning goal. In this way, each member of the team is essential to provide their special talents and abilities toward the team's efforts to win.
And, when the team wins or looses, they don't say, "I lost", or "I won," they say "We lost" or We won."
No one really wins when each individual only strive for his/her own individual success. Yes, an individual may, by his/her individual motivation, focus and attention, become a winner, but the glow of such a success is fleeting, when there is no one to share the glory with. But, each individual on a team which works as one to accomplish their team goal, is a winner and shares in the radiant glory of everyone's efforts and accomplishments. It is a much richer experience to win as a team member than to win as an individual.
The one thing a team recognizes, which the human race doesn't seem to recognize, is it takes a team effort to win.
Let us ALL work together as Team Human Race, to finish the race, to all cross the finish line, at the same time. In this way we are all winners, there are no losers. If there are losers, we have failed as a team, we may not get another chance, so it behooves us to insure there are no losers.
Blessings to us all.
All in ONE, ONE in All.
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
The Universe responds to our vibrational state in being...
The manifestations we observe in our lives are here because, on some level, we've invited them to be here. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, we create our own reality by how we express our being in the unfolding here, now, moment by moment unfolding. The stuff which shows up in our lives is here because we are a vibrational match with it. This is how the manifestation process works. It doesn't distinguish between what you and and don't want, it just presents whatever is a vibrational match to what you are offering during the unfolding of the here now moment by moment unfolding.
This is why I often say, "Focus on what you want." This means if you want a joyous life, be joyous during the moment by moment unfolding, and as we become more and more attuned to being joyous all the time, what we see in our reality will reflect that back to us. If we are worried, or angry, or fearful, that is the vibration we are offering to the universe, and we will experience more to be worried, angry and or fearful about.
To become the master, one must be present in the here now moment by moment unfolding, aligned with the divine eternal aspect of our being, radiating this out into our world. Then, when you say, "Mountain, move over there," it will be so. (Don't move mountains
:) that was just an example to express how powerful we are when we are attuned to our divine, eternal presence.)
This is why I often say, "Focus on what you want." This means if you want a joyous life, be joyous during the moment by moment unfolding, and as we become more and more attuned to being joyous all the time, what we see in our reality will reflect that back to us. If we are worried, or angry, or fearful, that is the vibration we are offering to the universe, and we will experience more to be worried, angry and or fearful about.
To become the master, one must be present in the here now moment by moment unfolding, aligned with the divine eternal aspect of our being, radiating this out into our world. Then, when you say, "Mountain, move over there," it will be so. (Don't move mountains

Sunday, July 1, 2018
New Technology for Everyone
I believe whatever new technologies, whether they be health related, or transportation related or energy related, need to be equally accessible to everyone, not just those who are financially able to purchase them. This is where the attitude about money and values needs the most adjustment. Consider this: How much do you charge yourself to brush your teeth in the morning? How much do you charge yourself to take 8 hours of sleep time? How much do you charge yourself to take care of your physical, spiritual and mental needs?
I'm guessing you think it is preposterous that you would charge yourself for any of this, and you are absolutely correct. Now, consider everyone in your life experience IS just another aspect of your being, just like the cells of your physical body make up your human form. Yes, each cell is an individual, yet it takes all of them working together, doing what they do in each of their own ways, to have a fully functioning physical body. This is true of us as a whole, as beings within this manifestation, we are like the cells of a physical body. In order for the entire being to thrive, each of us is an equal contributor towards this being so. As one thrives, all thrive, and the value of a total being thriving is infinite and equally beneficial to all aspects and components of ITs being.
When we develop and embody the attitude of oneness fully, we take equal care of ourselves and others because in doing so, we all thrive.
There is no money exchange between the bees and the flowers where they obtain the pollen to make their honey. Let us follow the examples nature provides, as examples, of how we can thrive together, supporting each other and this beautiful planet we call home.
Blessings to us all.
I'm guessing you think it is preposterous that you would charge yourself for any of this, and you are absolutely correct. Now, consider everyone in your life experience IS just another aspect of your being, just like the cells of your physical body make up your human form. Yes, each cell is an individual, yet it takes all of them working together, doing what they do in each of their own ways, to have a fully functioning physical body. This is true of us as a whole, as beings within this manifestation, we are like the cells of a physical body. In order for the entire being to thrive, each of us is an equal contributor towards this being so. As one thrives, all thrive, and the value of a total being thriving is infinite and equally beneficial to all aspects and components of ITs being.
When we develop and embody the attitude of oneness fully, we take equal care of ourselves and others because in doing so, we all thrive.
There is no money exchange between the bees and the flowers where they obtain the pollen to make their honey. Let us follow the examples nature provides, as examples, of how we can thrive together, supporting each other and this beautiful planet we call home.
Blessings to us all.
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