Imagine everything you could possibly think of, is already a reality in a potential state of being for you when you first think of it. That is to say, it hasn't manifest for you yet, you have to "buy" it first to start the process of it manifesting into your life experiencing, into your personal reality.
Imagine everything I just stated above is absolutely correct and accurate for every conscious entity and being in all of existence. What this means is there are infinite potential reality states in being, and you, as the creator of your own life experiencing, get to choose which ones you will buy and therefore bring into your life experiencing.
Everyone is expressing their own creativity in every moment of life unfolding. We express it in our actions, in our words, in how we feel, and what we think. When we tell someone something, like for instance, me telling you all of this, it is up to you, the reader, to "buy" it or not. If you buy it, then you bring what I've expressed from a potential state in being for you, into an actual expression in your life experiencing.
If what I present to you is in alignment with your own desires and intentions, you may choose to buy it, if it isn't, you will not because it is always your choice when it comes to your own life experiencing.
When someone or even many people tell you the same story, you may tend to "buy" it because many people are saying the same thing, but really, all that means is, many people have already bought it, and want you to buy it too, so they "advertise" it in what they think, do and say.
I suggest, for your own health and well-being, you consider whether what they are "selling" is really something you want to experience for yourself, you don't have to buy it, even if it seems compelling for you to do so.
This is particularly of interest for predictions. Predictions are potentials in reality, which exists in multiple timelines, since each creator has their own timeline or experience bubble, and there are an infinite number of creators in existence, so there are an infinite number of potential and real timelines existing simultaneously as each moment unfolds for each one in life experiencing.
So, as an example, I may see a video or TV program, or news program where they predict terrible things will happen. If enough people say, "no, that isn't the life experiencing I choose," then the prediction doesn't manifest for those who do not accept it. But that is only part of the process, to say, No, I don't want that. The most important part is to then choose what you DO want, and by so doing, "buy" that instead of what you don't want.
I present these suggestions to you to empower you and to aid you in your awakening of the creative power you have innately within you as a conscious creative being. There are many people "selling" stuff that would have you deny your creative power and responsibility, they'd have you "buy" the ideas that you should do as they say, because they know better than you. And to that, I remind you to be aware and present in each moment by moment unfolding, and in your presence and awakened state in expression, choose wisely.
I suggest choosing that which is life supporting, loving, caring, compassionate, and promotes harmony and unity, are all choices which will bring into your life experiencing, experiences which are aligned with those things/experiences you choose.
If you don't want to "buy" what I've expressed here, that is fine. It is your life and YOU are the one who chooses what your own life experiencing is and will be. I can't do it for you, and even if I could, I wouldn't because you deserve to make your own choices.
Blessings to us all
All in ONE, ONE in All.
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