What is the worst about the 9/11 event, is that the originators who planned and orchestrated this terrible tragedy, are from our own country, our own political leaders, our own people who are in power. If there is outrage about this type of thing, we don't have to look too far away to find the sources, and as awful as it may seem, our own indifference, our own lack of awareness and caring, contributed to this event and many like it which continue to be planned and executed.
Remember, yes, but also take back control and eliminate our own indifference, our own lack of caring so that this sort of thing can never happen again.
The strength to make massive changes for the betterment of humanity lies within our own hands and hearts. Let us unite, let us come together in harmony with purpose, to lift humanity into a brighter day, one where our children and their children never have to witness such atrocities.
Consider the kindness and caring which manifest after this event. The heart of humanity came forth and was witnessed around the world. We CAN do it, we have already done it, so let us consciously and with intention and focus, do it again and again until we harvest the Heaven on Earth we all desire and deserve.
Blessings to us all.
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