Wisdom is born out of the marriage between intellect/logic and heart/compassion. When these to aspects of our being are brought together, we make choices which contain a balance of logic and compassion which results in a more fulfilling expression in being.
Can you recall a time when you were so in love and caring for someone, holding them in a loving embrace felt so good, you didn’t want the embrace to end? Can you remember how that felt? Can you feel that feeling right now? If you can, that’s great because, now you can use this feeling to embrace everyone with the same loving and caring attitude.
What if you realized feeling such deep love for one person, was the candle which lit the flame of love in your heart for everyone? What if you realized it doesn’t matter what they look like, or what they’ve done to you, or what they do in general, you can still hold this deep love and caring for them because, the feeling dwells within you and need not be diminished due to outside circumstances or experiences? What if embracing this wonderful experiencing of radiating loving compassion is your natural state in being, something given the opportunity, will express always in your moment by moment life unfolding so long as you let it be so, by making a conscious choice and setting the intention to let it be so?
Well, you can! Even if, at this moment, you are not fully aligned with this vibrational state in being, you can at the very least, say, “Yes, let it be so.” And then move through your moment by moment unfolding towards experiencing, recalling, manifesting a more loving and compassionate expression in being. It doesn’t matter if you are currently in the depths of despair, because in this moment, you can choose to make your life experiencing better and better as each moment unfolds. Even in the darkest hour of your life, the light of love and compassion still resides within you; it may only be a little flicker but it can be fanned into a greater and greater flame, which can illuminate the darkness revealing your divine splendor, grace and magnificence which has always been here for you to rediscover and embrace once again.
When you embody your divine state in being, everyone you meet feels like someone you want to hold and hug, whispering into his/her ear, “I love you so much.” And, what a wonderful world it is, to have this attitude and way of being as a “normal” state in being, rather than an attitude and way of being reserved for those rare occasions when we’ve given ourselves permission to express and be true to our divine nature.
As the moments come and go, let them be filled with opportunities to feel and express your true loving nature. This is how the world, and its inhabitants, ascend into the divine celestial realms in being. The external world is the mirror which reflects back to you where you currently are in your life path. If your life and how you are expressing it isn’t yet fully aligned with your divine expression in being, that’s okay, you can always choose to move more and more in this direction. It is your life, you are the one experiencing it the way it currently is, this is where you are at right now upon your life path. Since you are the one who is rewarded or punished by your own choices, I pray your choices tend towards rewarding yourself rather than punishing yourself. As I care deeply for my own Divine being, you and I reside within this Divine Beingness, wherein I hold you close to me, in a warm, loving embrace and whisper into your ear. “I love you so much.”
Yes, it is true. I have, and always will, hold you in this loving embrace.
Blessings to us all!
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