Wikipedia definition: Karma means
action, work or deed; it also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual influence the future of that individual. Good intent and good deeds contribute to good karma and future happiness, while bad intent and bad deeds contribute to bad karma and future suffering.
Karma has a balancing effect, and the purpose of this balancing effect is to show us through real life experiencing, what we do to others is revisited upon ourselves so that we may learn from our experiences what it is like to be the perpetrator and the victim of actions we take and are taken upon us.
An example of Karma might be something like this;
a person gets angry with someone, and says or does something to another person, which causes him/her to feel saddened, resentful or some other emotional and physical experience. This example sets up an imbalance because the first person hasn’t been considerate of the second person’s feelings, etc., so the karmic effect caused by this interaction later opens up an opportunity for the first person to be the “victim” in a similar life experience where what he/she did or said to someone else is visited upon him/her. And, the repeated occurrence of such experiences indicates balance hasn’t been achieved yet.
How then is balance achieved? Balance is once again achieved when the “victim” realizes that the way he/she is treated is the effect of how he/she has treated others. So, once this realization occurs, and he/she begins to treat others differently, the repeated occurrence of this type of experience is no longer necessary and therefore no longer manifests in this person’s life experiencing, so long as he/she doesn’t revert to old habits in the way of being and interacting with others.
Another way of thinking of Karma is to consider this idea; “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This is another way of expressing the same idea because what you do to others comes back to you to reflect back to you what you put out into creation. So, really in the long run, what we are doing to others, we are actually doing to ourselves. The judgments we cast upon others facilitates such judgments to be cast upon us.
And, this is yet another expression in and of ONENESS.
There are terrible things which happen where there are those who instigate the experiences, and those who have these things done to them. Both parties may have karmic entanglements from prior lives where they originated or continued to act in such a way that an imbalance was created and eventually must be balanced.
Look at the affairs of things in this world, what you are seeing and experiencing, from moment to moment in your life unfolding, are the causes and effects of Karma expressing in life. A person may have been murdered in a most gruesome way, considering karma in action, might it be possible that this “victim” once was the perpetrator of such act(s) upon others? Might the perpetrator in this murder been the victim of such an event at the hands of the one who now is the victim in this event? This idea indicates that karma doesn’t end once you leave a body. If there is an imbalance in your soul, that imbalance is carried over into your next incarnation and eventually has to be addressed in such a way that balance is once again restored.
Karma can be a never ending circle of causes and effects, which manifest upon the ever turning wheel of time and space. How does one break the cycle? Karma requires the concepts of cause and effect and an awareness of duality or polarities. When one realizes there is no one else to have a cause or effect upon, that the “someone else” is really you, you can break the cycle by embodying this realization. And, with this realization embodied in the moment by moment of life unfolding, one can consciously express life in such a way that a karmic balance is always maintained, and thereby one experiences the true and eternal bliss of life while still embodied with the world of time and space.
Karma has a balancing effect, and the purpose of this balancing effect is to show us through real life experiencing, what we do to others is revisited upon ourselves so that we may learn from our experiences what it is like to be the perpetrator and the victim of actions we take and are taken upon us.
An example of Karma might be something like this;
a person gets angry with someone, and says or does something to another person, which causes him/her to feel saddened, resentful or some other emotional and physical experience. This example sets up an imbalance because the first person hasn’t been considerate of the second person’s feelings, etc., so the karmic effect caused by this interaction later opens up an opportunity for the first person to be the “victim” in a similar life experience where what he/she did or said to someone else is visited upon him/her. And, the repeated occurrence of such experiences indicates balance hasn’t been achieved yet.
How then is balance achieved? Balance is once again achieved when the “victim” realizes that the way he/she is treated is the effect of how he/she has treated others. So, once this realization occurs, and he/she begins to treat others differently, the repeated occurrence of this type of experience is no longer necessary and therefore no longer manifests in this person’s life experiencing, so long as he/she doesn’t revert to old habits in the way of being and interacting with others.
Another way of thinking of Karma is to consider this idea; “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This is another way of expressing the same idea because what you do to others comes back to you to reflect back to you what you put out into creation. So, really in the long run, what we are doing to others, we are actually doing to ourselves. The judgments we cast upon others facilitates such judgments to be cast upon us.
And, this is yet another expression in and of ONENESS.
There are terrible things which happen where there are those who instigate the experiences, and those who have these things done to them. Both parties may have karmic entanglements from prior lives where they originated or continued to act in such a way that an imbalance was created and eventually must be balanced.
Look at the affairs of things in this world, what you are seeing and experiencing, from moment to moment in your life unfolding, are the causes and effects of Karma expressing in life. A person may have been murdered in a most gruesome way, considering karma in action, might it be possible that this “victim” once was the perpetrator of such act(s) upon others? Might the perpetrator in this murder been the victim of such an event at the hands of the one who now is the victim in this event? This idea indicates that karma doesn’t end once you leave a body. If there is an imbalance in your soul, that imbalance is carried over into your next incarnation and eventually has to be addressed in such a way that balance is once again restored.
Karma can be a never ending circle of causes and effects, which manifest upon the ever turning wheel of time and space. How does one break the cycle? Karma requires the concepts of cause and effect and an awareness of duality or polarities. When one realizes there is no one else to have a cause or effect upon, that the “someone else” is really you, you can break the cycle by embodying this realization. And, with this realization embodied in the moment by moment of life unfolding, one can consciously express life in such a way that a karmic balance is always maintained, and thereby one experiences the true and eternal bliss of life while still embodied with the world of time and space.
awesome article Jerry