Each of us is a 3D world story teller. We each have our own life experiencing, which in this analogy, is our story. We exist in a 3D world where other story tellers are also telling their own stories, which complicates the overall story of the race consciousness, and the planet consciousness, which from those broader perspectives, have their own stories as well.
There are elements of our individual and collective stories which we've accepted into our story telling, which means because of this agreement, we each have some very similar experiences, therefore stories within our life expressing. The agreements where our stories overlap are typically unstated, they are sort of like the paper a story can be printed upon. That paper is the foundation upon which the story may be expressed and experienced.
Just because we have some commonality between our individual stories, doesn't mean we have to accept into our own life experiencing, stuff that others are creating in their own life expressing story. This is to say, if we see a part of someone else's story unfolding, and we don't want that in our life expressing story, we can consciously say, "No, I don't want that, this is what I want instead..." and then fill in the blank(s).
The reason I bring this up is because, for whatever reason, there are "stories" out there which are pretty much doom and gloom. Whether these stories are intentionally expressing or not is irrelevant to our story unless we accept those story lines into our own life expressing story.
So, write your own story, take the good parts of other people's stories, and add them to your own, (if you want,) and leave the other stuff for those who want it in their story life expressing.
In my story, life expressing, I'm writing it so as to engender greater, love, compassion, caring, sharing, happiness, appreciation, gratitude and abundance for myself and those who choose to share in this story we call life on planet Earth.
I hope whatever story you are writing by living your life, it is as you desire it to be. It is your life, make of it what you will. :)
Blessings to us all.
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