What is the effect of attuning to and being in harmony with this Source connection in being?
The infinite power in being IS and originates and radiates out to and in all manifestation. When we are in TRUTH, we avail ourselves of this power because in being so attuned and in harmony with this vibrational state, there is no natural resistance to the powerful flow of resultant energy flow.
It may be then understood, when one is so attuned, whatever words come out of your mouth are also expressions of the TRUTH, the Source of/in your here now moment by moment expression in being. What you say is powerful because its power originates from Source, and so long as one is without resistance to the flow of Source energy, the results can be nothing but the TRUTH.
So, the first step is to come into harmony in being with the true Source of your being. This can be accomplished by setting in quiet contemplative meditation where your intention is to align with and be directly in the flow of Divine Source Energy Vibrations. This is a very uplifting experience, but one which may take a lot of practice and diligent repetition to become fully immersed within the flow of Divine Energy. So, I suggest making such meditation practice a daily routine.
Secondly, during our moment by moment unfolding in our daily lives, we maintain our alignment with the Source Energy, the TRUTH which IS our being, and in so doing, speak honestly and truthfully as we communicate with those in our life expression. Behind the verbal expressions is the loving, supportive expression which engenders the same in those who you communicate with. Your TRUTH may be instrumental in awakening the realization of another’s Source essence in being, and of course this is experienced as joy as it unfolds. If there is any resistance to this powerful energy flow, one may experience such resistance as a diminished energy flow, one may find they aren’t motivated, or lack the energy to do the things they need to do, let along make progress upon the path of awakening to their own divinity. Not only is there a restricted flow of Source Energy, but also a tendency to express untruthfully. In the state of resistance to one’s own divinity, pain and suffering build up and clog the flow of divine source energy flow which contributes to perceptions and expression in falsehoods.
If you are a person who has found it easy to lie to others, you are likely limiting the flow of source energy available to you. This energy facilitates your expression in being and if one is out of alignment with the Divine flow of energy, aberrant expressions are likely to show up within your moment by moment unfolding in being. Let your life show you where you are out of alignment, and make course corrections to bring you back on track, returning to the center of the path in life expression.
As an analogy, TRUTH is like a rock. It is permanent, firm, immovable and unalterable. Falsities are even less substantial than a mist or cloud in the sky. They have little to no support and easily fade away. They do not support the one who expresses falsely, and their path in life is tenuous at best. And those who fall prey to their deception are likewise not supported because there is no substance to what they’ve believed to be true. The thing is if you believe a lie, you are temporarily sustained by the belief in the lie, but once you realize it is a lie, the support vanishes because the support you experienced was an illusion, there was never any real support there because there was never Truth there to provide support.
One way those who are immersed in being deceptive function is they twist the truth so there is some truth in what they say, which give what they say some substance and support, so it is easier to believe their lies. Even so, when one realizes they’ve been lied to, whatever little truth was contained in what they’ve believed isn’t sufficient to keep them afloat, so they may sink in despair at the loss of what they once may have held so dearly and in high regard.
There is little or no value in being untruthful. Is it really better to lie to someone to spare their hurt feelings, or is it better to be truthful, where TRUTH is truly supportive of well-being. In the long run, being honest is always better than being dishonest. Sometimes it is not easy to be truthful because others have been so accepting of lies, (where there is no support to their well-being) that it seems like the right thing to do, to lie to another person. In the short term, it may result in no harm to the one lied to, but eventually, when the truth is revealed, that lie make come back to haunt the liar, particularly if the liar was doing it to intentionally deceive another.
When we are true to our own Source Being, we express well-being, harmony, abundance, love and peace within our own life expressing. May we all abide within the strong supportive arms which hold us lovingly in Divine embrace.
Blessings to us all!
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