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Friday, January 3, 2020

Self Governance

When you were a child, you needed others to take care of you and make decisions for you that would ensure your safety, health and general welfare. When you are an adult, you no longer need others to take care of you and make your decisions for you, to ensure your safety, health and general welfare. Sure, there are exceptions to those statements, nothing is purely black and white, (except this text and the background colors. ;) ) Part of maturing into adulthood is taking responsibility for what we do and say. Also, learning to coexist in a society where diverse opinions and lifestyles exist, in such a way as to promote the well-being of one's self and all others. In order for a society of self governed individuals to develop and thrive, a firm foundation based upon simple and meaningful concepts must be established and acted in accordance with, which fuels the society made up of self governed people. Parents are who give guidance and build the foundation upon which their children will develop their life expressions. So, parenthood is a very important and valuable position to be in because, as a parent, you are setting the example which your children will emulate. You provide guidance and care and education with the goal of giving them the necessary tools to thrive throughout their lives in a society of self governed individuals. Mutual respect and kindness, thoughtful consideration for one's self and others as well as compassion for those who are in need and/or are unable to provide and support themselves, are essential building blocks in establishing such a society. We can't go back and undo the mistakes we've made in our current society, but we CAN make changes now which will ensure our longevity as a thriving self governed society. In order for this to unfold, it is essential for each of us to take back the power and authority we've so freely given away to governments which no longer have our best interests for health and well-being as their prime interests. To do this, we must assume full responsibility for our own behaviors and teach our children how to make sound choices too, so they can decide for themselves when they are confronted with choices of their own. All of this is possible. The future is as bright and shiny as we make it, but in order to make it so, we must regain the power we've given away. We must assume full responsibility as an educated, compassionate, well adjusted mature being upon this beautiful planet we call home, Earth. Blessings to us all. Make it so.

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