We all come from the source, God, or whatever you want to call it. As we emerge from the Source, we are pure and perfect creations of the Source. As an individuation of that which is infinite, we too are infinite as we are at one with the Source.
So, from the very beginning of our expression in being, we've been perfect and divine manifestations. Yet, because of distortions which come into our life experiences, we accumulate debris which hides our magnificence, not only from the world we express in, but also from our very own awareness. So, as lives go on, we may accumulate more and more debris which appears to darken our divine radiance. Really the divine radiance, the perfection of our being is and always has been Here Now, but covered by the distortional debris which clouds our awareness and expression in being.
The awakening process we are all going through right now, is like a shower which washes away the distortions which hide our divinity. With many lives we may have accumulated quite a crust of distortions so that from the outside we may not be seen as a divine magnificent being, we may not at all act like that either because the distortions are so pronounced as our external expression in being.
What I am getting at is this: We don't have to strive to be that which we already are. We, each and every one of us, are beautiful magnificent beings created in the image and likeness of God, the Source of all expressions in being. Our work isn't to become divine, but rather to clean away the distortions which hide our God given magnificence from ourselves and others.
As you wash your physical body, keep in mind that you are also washing the distortions and debris from your awareness in being. Let it go down the drain, and emerge from each shower with more radiance and light shining through the debris which didn't get washed away yet. With persistence and mindfulness, we uncover the TRUTH of our being, and we express that perfectly in all expression as we walk this physical manifestation path in life expressing.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice! Sing with joy in your heart and let it be so.
Blessings to us all.
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