Consider all the people who are leading the charge towards global domination, power and control. They all are exceedingly wealthy from a financial perspective. You'd think having all the money in the world would make you the happiest people in the world, but look at what they do, all of this power playing and manipulation, aren't actions of a happy person.
The problem they've made for themselves is this, they put all their energy and effort into gaining worldly things, and they still feel empty. You may ask why?
Because they've denied, or not even considered the most important aspect of their being, where true fulfillment resides. Their intimate connection with Source, God, or whatever you want to call it. That which makes the poor man rich, not in worldly things, but in spiritual abundance, where all good originates from.
I'd say, they are without love in their heart, or if they do have love, it is for things and themselves, and that is the source of their dis-ease.
Of all the people on Earth, these people need the most radiant loving energy to surround them and lift them out of their power hungry despair.
I suggest a world meditation where all of these sick people (I call them sick people because they are imbalanced spiritually,) need the grace of God to lift them back into the light, back into the realization of our oneness in God. Back into the experience of true loving bliss which is the birthright of all beings.
Pray for them most of all. Forgive them for they know not what they do.
We have what they long for but will never get through their worldly focus and efforts. Love, Compassion, Caring, Sharing, Peace and Harmony.
Let us all send them so much love energy they can't deny it, so they may choose to awaken with us into the next stage of our evolution as a race of being here on planet Earth.
Blessings to us all.
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