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Thursday, December 31, 2020

Creating a Glorious New Year

Life doesn't get better all on its own, each of us must do our part to make it better for ourselves, our families, friends and complete strangers. How do we make 2021 the best year yet? Be a loving, kind, thoughtful and generous person. Help others as much as you can, when you can. Treat everyone the way you want to be treated and thereby show and teach others how to treat you.

May we all find fulfillment of our good desires as these days unfold, and may we build a better world for ourselves and generations to come, to enjoy, thrive and prosper in.

That's a big challenge, but I know if we each do our small part to make it so, it WILL come to pass.

Blessings to us all!

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Declare Your Independence

From the USA Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

.."That, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it,..."


To establish individual sovereignty over one's own body, mind, spirit and being, it behooves each of us to take back the power and authority which we've blindly given to others, particularly when such authority and power is abusive and not in the best interest of each individual's rights and freedoms.

When we don't take responsibility for our own actions and interactions with others but rather assign those responsibilities to another individual, (or government,) we are giving away the fundamental ability to choose for ourselves, how we express our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, which are our God given rights.

We were not created to be the slaves of other's desires and ambitions. We were not created to be a cog in the machinery of of our own destruction, yet by not standing up for our rights and freedoms, we are complicit in our own demise. Not only do we thereby suffer, but generations after us suffer because of our lack of holding on to our sovereignty, our rights and freedoms.

Acknowledge your sovereignty. Acknowledge your rights and freedoms, and take back the power and authority you've given to others, (government(s)).

No one know better than you, what is in your best interest and well-being, and if You don't know what that is, you NEED to find out and pursuit it.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Antidote for Misery

There is that saying, "Misery loves company."

Considering the amount of misery inflicted upon the peoples of Earth, those who instigated all this crap must REALLY be miserable themselves, otherwise they wouldn't inflict this crap on all of us.

Pray for the misery in their lives to be dissolved, so they can return to compassion, love, caring and sharing, because this is the season for being loving, caring and forgiving others.

Just because they are miserable, doesn't mean we need to join them in their misery, find the joy in this moment, laugh, sing, play, be happy. It is contagious and we NEED this sort of contagion these days. :)


Tuesday, December 22, 2020

The Garden of your Mind

When you plant a seed in your garden, you've previously prepared the soil to accept the seed, and made its environment suitable for the seed to germinate, sprout and grow into the harvest you desired when planting the seed. It takes continued attention and proper care of the garden wherein the seed has been planted, to enable and promote the seed's growth.

The same is true of the seeds we plant within our minds. We plant them there because we want the fruits that seed will bare, but if we don't continue to take proper care, if we just plant the seed and forget it, without daily returning to the garden to make sure it is in proper condition, etc., who knows whether that seed will make it to the harvest and bare the fruit we desired.

Gardening your mind is a good analogy. Consider this analogy when you are pondering what you really want, and whether you are actually allowing it to come forth by being committed to it and supporting it to come into your life experiencing.

A wise gardener doesn't just randomly throw any kind of seeds upon the garden soil, so be selective what seeds (thought) you carry within yourself, and consciously decided which ones to plant.

If you are a conscious creator, you will learn how to garden your mind by doing it and consciously tending to it daily.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Peaceful Warriors Defend

Even though I often promote Peace, Love, Harmony, Compassion and Abundance for all, this does not mean that each of us should not be prepared and able to defend these principles against those who would deprive us of them.

Be a peaceful warrior, walk the path of truth, honor and right-use-ness. Be brave in the defense of what we know to be right and true, and stand firmly to protect and serve God's will.

David Carradine portrayed such a peaceful warrior in the old TV Series, "Kung Fu." He did not seek to do harm, but in self defense, he did harm those who attacked him. He also defended those who could not or would not defend themselves.

So, if you want to see an example of a peaceful warrior, watch that TV Series. Also, learn self defense without the intent to kill as a qualifier for the force used in self defense.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Be The Ocean In A Drop

Most of what we've been taught has to do with the concepts of a closed system. This is opposite from nature, which is an open system, where elements of the open system are ever-flowing, ever-changing, yet in principle are always the same.

With a closed system, like a battery for instance, it has a set amount of energy contained within it so that when the energy is spent, the battery is of no use anymore.

In an open system, a battery is the focal point through which the energy flows. The energy flows out as it is used, and as it is used, the inflow of energy replenishes the battery so that it is always fully charged.

We are energy beings created in an open system, where the energy is constantly flowing in, through and out of our expression in being. Illness is actually a condition where the flow of energy is hampered or restricted, which manifests as illness.

At the center of each being is the source of energy flowing and expressing as each being, different yet in principle the same. You may have heard the saying that goes something like, you are just a drop in the ocean, when in fact you are the ocean in a drop. This analogy represents the difference between a closed system and an open system.

Be the ocean in a drop.