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Tuesday, December 22, 2020

The Garden of your Mind

When you plant a seed in your garden, you've previously prepared the soil to accept the seed, and made its environment suitable for the seed to germinate, sprout and grow into the harvest you desired when planting the seed. It takes continued attention and proper care of the garden wherein the seed has been planted, to enable and promote the seed's growth.

The same is true of the seeds we plant within our minds. We plant them there because we want the fruits that seed will bare, but if we don't continue to take proper care, if we just plant the seed and forget it, without daily returning to the garden to make sure it is in proper condition, etc., who knows whether that seed will make it to the harvest and bare the fruit we desired.

Gardening your mind is a good analogy. Consider this analogy when you are pondering what you really want, and whether you are actually allowing it to come forth by being committed to it and supporting it to come into your life experiencing.

A wise gardener doesn't just randomly throw any kind of seeds upon the garden soil, so be selective what seeds (thought) you carry within yourself, and consciously decided which ones to plant.

If you are a conscious creator, you will learn how to garden your mind by doing it and consciously tending to it daily.

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