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Monday, April 26, 2021

The Foundation of Beliefs

When one wishes to build a building, after finding an appropriate location to build, one of the first things to be done, is prepare the land for constructing the foundation. If the location is not of solid substantial earth, then even the best constructed foundation will collapse due to the unstable nature of the earth it is built upon. An example of this is if a building is built upon sand, when there is an earthquake, the sand acts like water in that is shifts and jostles like water does when you shake a cup of water. It is a process called liquefaction. Therefore, no matter how carefully you prepare and build the foundation, the overall building is at risk of being damaged or destroyed due to the unstable nature of the earth it is built upon.

Now carry this concept over to beliefs; if your beliefs are based upon false premises, regardless of how well thought out and constructed they are, they are subject to failure due to the fact they are based upon premises which are not solid and true.

A root premise which is presented as fact is “duality”. These are some examples of duality in expression; good vs evil, happy vs sad, you vs me, etc.. Consider what we know and understand, and realize almost everything we’ve been taught and thought to be factually true is based upon the false premise of duality.

The firm foundation, the bedrock of existence is Oneness. The diversity within this Oneness is wrongly perceived as duality, but in fact the diversity are facets within the Oneness, like the facets of a finely cut diamond or crystal. Each facet is unique unto itself and fits perfectly within the whole to express the beauty of the One whole diamond or crystal. Instead of thinking in terms of duality, consider thinking in terms of oneness. Instead of duality, there is polarity, and within polarities of opposites are all degrees of expression between those two extremes of polarity. Everything within manifestation are expressions within the Oneness in Being and the diversity comes forth from the expanse between, and including, the extremes of polarity in expression.

A teaching which expresses Oneness, which you may have heard of before is; Love thy neighbor as thy self. This is an expression of oneness because in oneness how we treat others returns to us because ultimately, we are one, which means in reality there are no "others". We are facets of the same diamond, we are expressions within the consciousness and being which IS the source and substance of all that is.

I suggest considering observing your thought and actions to become mindful and aware of whether you are expressing truly in Oneness, or expressing based upon the false premise of duality. When we begin to express truly in Oneness, our thoughts, words and deeds are based upon a rock solid firm foundation, and anything we mindfully build upon this foundation can and will endure far beyond those things built upon the false premise of duality.

It’s your choice.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

A Message to the People of Earth

To the People of the Earth:

You have been given a challenge, a quest, your mission is to overcome the hate and corruption which has invaded your world. There are many obstacles before you, it is your job to navigate successfully all of these obstacles, and emerge victorious on the other side.

What is required? Determination, Community cooperation, love, compassion and perseverance.

Don't ever give up, because success could be just around the corner. We have faith in you and your ability to overcome dire circumstances, so show us you can do this.

We are rooting for you, it is your quest to complete. Make it so.

Friday, April 16, 2021

It is a Solo Quest

Ascension is an individual process, yet the more we are working on, and moving up the ladder of ascension, the easier it becomes for those who aren’t consciously working on their own path to ascension. Therefore, it appears as though it is a mass ascension happening. In order for this mass ascension to occur, each individual must work on their own ascension path to get the mass ascension ball rolling, which therefore enables the process moving for others as well. So each individual’s work is very important in the whole process. Without the individual’s work the mass ascension process doesn’t advance.

So, it behooves each of us to do our own work on ourselves to lift our own vibrations, i.e., be more loving, joyous, forgiving, etc. and as we express these higher vibrations, we radiate this into our environment, and thereby help others to move into these higher vibrations without us having to say a word, or teach someone intellectually about what is transpiring.

It is helpful to be aware of how we are expressing in each moment by moment unfolding, holding ourselves in these higher vibrations. As the path before us unfolds, there may be distractions, which are intended to draw our vibrations down into lower vibrations, so, if we aren't mindfully present, we can slip further and further down into lower vibrational thoughts, words and deeds. If we maintain mindfulness, we can quickly catch ourselves when something like this begins to happen, and return to a higher vibrational expression in being. It is common for a beginner to have difficulty maintaining a constant loving attitude and expression, but with determination and a firm intention to quickly return to those higher vibrations, we can eventually advance to a point where we seldom are drawn into lower vibrational states.

The more attuned vibrationally we become, the greater radiance our vibrational energy field becomes so that those in our immediate environment can pick up on these vibrations, and be carried along with us into a more and more blissful state in being.

For those who are so much lower in vibrational expression, being caught up in anger, greed, fear, and self centeredness, etc., a person of high vibration being in their proximity may cause them to feel uncomfortable rather than joyous, and that is because they aren't easily able to adapt and attune to a vibration which is much higher than their own. This is something we should be aware of in our own unfolding, that is to say, the process of ascension and/or raising our vibration is generally a gradual one where we move up incrementally rather than make a huge shift instantly. I know there are many who don't want the long path, they would prefer it to happen instantly, but for most people, their own awakening and expression in being more divine takes time.

Starting a journal where we write about our daily attitudes and experiences help us to later look back on what we wrote a week ago, a month ago, a year ago, and see with our own eyes the progress we've accumulated over time, progress which may be imperceptible as we walk our path in life. Be kind to yourself upon your path in life, be quick to forgive and ready to move on as life unfolds for us.

How quickly we are able to advance is under our own control because of the choices we make. Choose wisely, with mindful intention to our desired results, is instrumental in shortening the time it takes to be aware of and express our own divinity, as perfect creation and expression of God, the source of all that is.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Email alerts going away

 There was a notice at the top of my channel page which indicated the email alert system to subscribers will be discontinued July 2021.  I don't remember if they stated a specific date, go I'd just go with July 1, 2021.  

I hope you appreciate my blogs enough to occasionally check back for new blogs.

If I knew each of the subscriber's email address, I could send an email to the subscriber list with a notice similar to what you might receive via the old system.

I'm not sure how to go about getting your email addresses.  I don't want them posted publicly for privacy reasons.

If you have viable suggestions, I'd appreciate your input. :)

Blessings to us all.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

The Value of Everything

To start with, I’d like to establish some definitions so as I proceed with this information, we all understand and therefore, can agree on what is presented.

Source or God or whatever name you attribute to IT, is the source and substance of all that is. This Source is all encompassing, without beginning or end. IT is ever present everywhere and everywhen. IT is existence, IT is conscious, and IT is creative. IT creates manifestation in all its forms, out of Itself. That which we, as individual identities/perspectives, perceive as our life experience is Source in expression. Since Source is conscious, IT is aware of all things, it knows everything intimately because IT is everything. Source creates without flaws and/or imperfections, and EVERYTHING created by Source has a purpose in being, therefore, everything is essential to the perfection in being as Source intends it to be. This means, the judgments we place upon people, places and things likely falls short of how valuable and important every little thing in God’s creation is. God doesn’t make mistakes, so what we perceive as mistakes reveals our limited comprehension of all that is, and how what we perceive as mistakes are essential to the full expression of God/Source/IT in manifestation.

For those who believe certain people and or things are non-essential, they are deluded in holding this as a belief system. Even those who believe in this way, are essential in the overall expression of God in being, because whether we agree with their perspective or not, the very fact that they exist, and hold this belief system, should reveal to us they are essential too.

As an individual perspective expressing in limited awareness in the 3D world manifestation, we may not fully grasp the value of everything, because we don’t have the all encompassing view/awareness that God/Source/IT has, and this limited awareness may likely cause misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and erroneous judgments so long as we remain confined to the limited awareness of an individualized expression of God as you and me.

In the manifestation process, Source is ever unfolding, ever expanding while at the same time remaining unchanged because while the manifestations are constantly changing, growing, living then dying, Source is still source.

May I suggest in order to expand awareness, we begin to see everything in manifestation has a purpose and therefore a value in being here. I suggest we relax our hold on what we think is true, and let Source reveal what IS, as Source/God/IT intends it to be.

The highest expression in being is where each of us realizes our oneness with Source, so that we each express Source as the joyous creative being IT is, I AM, without reservation, without hesitation, without false ideas of separation and without all that is spawned by false ideas. Without egoic thoughts of superiority over others, and without all that is spawned by such egoic expressions in being.

When each of us realizes our individual value, and at the same time, realizes how valuable everyone and everything in expression is, we may see God/Source/IT in ourselves and all manifestation. And with this understanding we may truly appreciate the value of treating others as we wish to be treated, because ultimately, how we treat ourselves and others reveals our understanding and appreciation of God/Source/IT. As we love each other, we are loving God, as we help each other we are helping ourselves as well.

In Oneness in being, IT is all valuable because it IS God/Source/IT in expression.

Blessings to us all.

Friday, April 2, 2021

We Are Beings of Light

We are beings of light. Those who are troubled have their light beingness covered in dross. So, in their experience, they may not even recognize their own light. Ascension is the process of walking through the purifying flames where the dross that hides our Divinity is burned away. If one identifies with that dross as their self, it is a frightening and difficult process, where they may likely hold on to that dross for dear life because that's all they know of themselves. Even so, the path before us unfolds, and we decide whether our experience of it is easy or difficult by who we identify with who and what we truly are. It is good to have compassion for others on the path who are having a hard time dealing with all this stuff, so send them light, send them love, send the courage, send them hope for a better tomorrow. The difficulties of one, are the difficulties of the whole, because we are all in this together, as aspects of the ONE SOURCE in expression. Michael Jaco encourages everyone to stay in the love vibration, and I concur with that recommendation. Love is our weapon and shield. Let it lift us up, one and all. Blessings to us all.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Our Own Path in Life

Each of us have our own path in life. No two people have the identical path because no two people are identical in every way, even identical twins are unique individuals, even though they may look alike. As an evolving being, it is my belief that it behooves us to pay attention more to our own path in life, than someone else's. 

As Michael Jaco says, "Stay in the love vibration." Let this be our eternal guidance system. If there are stumbling blocks upon our path, if we are ever present in the here now moment by moment unfolding, we can attend to them as they appear. Realizing the oneness of Source is helpful to see we are one in the Source, of the Source, expressing our unique expression as Source in form and consciousness. 

Blessings to us all! :)