When one wishes to build a building, after finding an appropriate location to build, one of the first things to be done, is prepare the land for constructing the foundation. If the location is not of solid substantial earth, then even the best constructed foundation will collapse due to the unstable nature of the earth it is built upon. An example of this is if a building is built upon sand, when there is an earthquake, the sand acts like water in that is shifts and jostles like water does when you shake a cup of water. It is a process called liquefaction. Therefore, no matter how carefully you prepare and build the foundation, the overall building is at risk of being damaged or destroyed due to the unstable nature of the earth it is built upon.
Now carry this concept over to beliefs; if your beliefs are based upon false premises, regardless of how well thought out and constructed they are, they are subject to failure due to the fact they are based upon premises which are not solid and true.
A root premise which is presented as fact is “duality”. These are some examples of duality in expression; good vs evil, happy vs sad, you vs me, etc.. Consider what we know and understand, and realize almost everything we’ve been taught and thought to be factually true is based upon the false premise of duality.
The firm foundation, the bedrock of existence is Oneness. The diversity within this Oneness is wrongly perceived as duality, but in fact the diversity are facets within the Oneness, like the facets of a finely cut diamond or crystal. Each facet is unique unto itself and fits perfectly within the whole to express the beauty of the One whole diamond or crystal. Instead of thinking in terms of duality, consider thinking in terms of oneness. Instead of duality, there is polarity, and within polarities of opposites are all degrees of expression between those two extremes of polarity. Everything within manifestation are expressions within the Oneness in Being and the diversity comes forth from the expanse between, and including, the extremes of polarity in expression.
A teaching which expresses Oneness, which you may have heard of before is; Love thy neighbor as thy self. This is an expression of oneness because in oneness how we treat others returns to us because ultimately, we are one, which means in reality there are no "others". We are facets of the same diamond, we are expressions within the consciousness and being which IS the source and substance of all that is.
I suggest considering observing your thought and actions to become mindful and aware of whether you are expressing truly in Oneness, or expressing based upon the false premise of duality. When we begin to express truly in Oneness, our thoughts, words and deeds are based upon a rock solid firm foundation, and anything we mindfully build upon this foundation can and will endure far beyond those things built upon the false premise of duality.
It’s your choice.
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