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Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Physics, Polarities and Freedom of Choice

That is true for sure, yet within this manifestation we, as conscious beings, have freedom of choice, which can tend towards the negative, or tend towards the positive. My suggestion above deals with tending more towards the positive in our approach to life and how we treat each other and ourselves. 

In electricity, where polarities are most easily understood, in order to have current flow, the positive charge has to be greater than the negative charge in order for the electrical current to flow, and the more difference there is between the two, the greater the current flow. In the same way, when we focus upon the positive life expressions, we cause creative forces to flow, and the more the difference between the negative forces we are, the greater the energy flow is, and this is the same energy that brings all things into manifestation.

Unlike electricity, we have the freedom of choice, which means, physics doesn't determine our point of focus, we do as conscious creations of God or Source or whatever you want to call it.

Also: Duality is a lie, there is only oneness as all that is, IS God/Source. There are polarities which exist within the ONE Source. Moving away from concepts based upon duality, will free up and enable greater understanding, clarity, and realization of our oneness within God/Source.

It is my opinion that in order to thrive on the other end of this stuff we are going through now, focusing on God and being in harmony with divine law (God's will) is the best way to move forward.
Blessings to us all!

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