Everything is energy. Energy in motion vibrates, so that which is in manifestation is the results of energy in motion. There is a scale or range of vibrational frequencies which make up all of manifestation. A banana has a certain frequency spectrum which identifies it as a banana. A rock has a certain frequency spectrum which identifies it not only as a rock, but also what type of rock it is, i.e. sandstone, marble, granite, etc.
You notice I said "frequency spectrum"; that indicates a complexity, more than one frequency expressing in combination with other frequencies, to express that which it is in total manifest expression.
Sympathetic resonance in vibration. (check out this short video.)
Sympathetic Resonance Demonstration
When a person is happy and whole heartedly laughing, he/she has a certain vibrational frequency expressing as that behavior. You may have noticed that when you and or another person who isn't happy and laughing comes into the vicinity of the happy laughing person, if he/she stays in the vicinity of the happy laughing person for awhile, he/she too will start laughing spontaneously. That is how sympathetic resonance works. This is also why it feels good to be around some people, and not so good being around other people.
So, it makes sense to be stimulated by vibrations which promote health and well being. Music is made up of audio vibrations, and one can "attune" to the musical vibrations, thereby being lifted up or depressed according to the vibrational frequency spectrum the music is expressing in.
A healthy state in being has a different vibrational frequency spectrum than an unhealthy state in being. To promote a healthy state in being for one who is not in a healthy state in being, it is worthwhile to take advantage of sympathetic resonance, to engender the healthy state in being.
If there is a discordant vibration within a person's expression, it is possible to eliminate that discordant vibration by subjecting the person to an equal but opposite polarity vibration to counter the vibration of the discordant vibration. This is similar to noise cancellation technology headphones, which pick up the "noise" frequency, then feed back via the headphone speakers, the same vibration but expressed in the opposite polarity. The noise is thus canceled out. This same technological theory can be applied to eliminating, for instance, cancer cells within a human (or other) body. Determining the vibrational frequency of a cancer cell, then subjecting the cells to an equal but opposite polarity vibration will effectively eliminate the cancer cells as though they were never there. You may be able to postulate that this methodology could be use to cure many maladies, not only physically, but also psychologically, and spiritually as well, thereby promoting complete well-being within the whole vibrational system.
This is basically how the new healing technologies such as the devices known as med-beds work. With the correct understanding of energy, energy in motion, and manifestation process, we can heal ourselves and others without drugs or other pharmaceutical methods which have adverse side effects. Treating illnesses, or diseases with vibrational technology has no unwanted side effects, therefore such treatment methodologies are far superior to pharmaceutical chemical methods of treatments.
We can use technology to heal our body, mind and spirit, but realize such technologies are a shadow of our own innate God given abilities. Technologies can be use as a crutch until we learn to heal without them, but technologies should not be relied upon indefinitely. It behooves us to become strong enough and well enough to lay down the crutches, and walk freely on our own.
God/Source dwells within you as you. God can do it, and so can you.
Blessings to us all.
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