This post presents guideline suggestions on how to Do It Yourself, and suggestions to also join groups of like minded people to add your focus and energy towards the fulfillment of all of our envisioning.
What you need.
What you need.
In any DIY project it is good to gather together all the tools and materials you will need in order to complete your project(s), therefore I’ll list the “tools and materials” you will need in order to do this envisioning process.
The first thing you need is to be consciously present in the here now moment by moment unfolding. What this means is to maintain awareness of your presence in this here now moment by moment unfolding, i.e.; become aware of your breathing, become aware of how you are physically and emotionally feeling in the moment by moment unfolding. Meditate on relaxing and centering yourself, following your breathing, in and out, and set your intention for this meditation to maintain your “Presence” throughout the envisioning process, with clarity, peace and love.
So to state it simply, you don’t need anything other than your own conscious presence and awareness to envision.
Where to Envision.
Ideally, the location of your most powerful envisioning sessions will likely be in a quiet, peaceful environment where you can envision without distractions or interruptions, but really, you could do it anywhere while you have idle times to envision. It isn’t a good idea to do this process while operating machinery of any kind, which needs your full attention to avoid harming yourself and/or others, there for please do not do this process while driving or working with equipment that could harm you and/or others.
When to Envision
As stated above, this process can be done anytime when you have idle times available to you. It can of course be done intentionally at designated times during the day/night as is appropriate for your life situation.
How long does it take to do this Envisioning process?
How long it takes depends upon the depth and level of envisioning you are interested in doing. If you have a few moments while the water is running, getting warmer to take a shower, for instance, you could do a quick envisioning wherein you envision joy and fulfillment in your life. Any time you express appreciation for people, places and things in your life can be an envisioning session wherein you are telling the Universe, “Thank you! More of this please.”
Setting the stage for effective Envisioning.
The more aligned one is with God/Source, in Presence, love, peace, harmony, feeling gratitude and appreciation for all that life offers us, the more effective the Envisioning process will be.
How to Envision and have it work for you.
Remember each of us has our own free will and freedom of choice, therefore when envisioning, it is important not to use your envisioning efforts to change how someone else is because that may be considered trespassing upon their free will and freedom of choice. Focusing upon envisioning your own self, your own life experiencing as the primary focus of your envisioning will be the most effective use of your focus and attention. Within this personal focus, one could envision him/herself as happy, peaceful, loving, caring and compassionate towards others, as a starting point. When envisioning, focus on the experiences you want rather than saying stuff like, “I don’t want ___.” If you don’t want something, flip it around to say what you DO want instead. For example: instead of saying, “ I don’t want to be alone anymore.” Say, “I want to be surrounded by loving and caring friends and family.”
The feelings you experience and express during the envisioning process are important too, because those feelings are vibrational, and vibration is the language of the universe, therefore it behooves you to always be in a state of love and appreciation while envisioning because that love and appreciation is like telling the universe, “More of this please.”
If you are able to gather together with like minded people who have similar intentions to bring forth Heaven on Earth type envisioning, it behooves you to combine your focus and efforts together because in so doing, the power and effectiveness of all those people’s attention multiplies the energy towards bringing it into manifestation more quickly.
In a group setting here are some suggestions on how you might facilitate the group envisioning process.
You may be familiar with a sort of game or enjoyable creative process that people do, wherein the first person in the circle/group starts a story, then the next person adds to the story and so it goes around until everyone has had a chance to add their say to the story. This same sort of process could be used in the group envisioning process. The first person could state a broad general intention as his/her contribution to the envisioning; example: “I envision world peace.” The next person could add something like; “I envision life as fulfilling and full of joy.” And so on, keeping the attention and attitude for the envisioning in alignment with the highest ideals and motivations.
When everyone in the group has had their own opportunity to add their intention to the overall envisioning, if the group is physically located in the same space, they could hold hands, forming a sort of human chain, to flow the creative energy throughout the entire group and one after another say something like, “Thank you, it is so, it is done.”
Then as a show of love gratitude and appreciation, there could be hugs, laughter and gaiety shared by all. It is confirmation that it IS so with such a display of love appreciation and gratitude.
The most important part of this envisioning is the uniting of our focus, attention, attitude and creative force towards the highest good for all beings here on Earth and throughout the Cosmos. When we act and envision according to divine principles and laws, we have the backing of the entire creation behind us, supporting and empowering us so that we can not fail.
I may have left out some suggestions in the writing of this blog, so if you have suggestions on how this Envisioning process can be expanded and spread across the globe, please share your thoughts and ideas because that too, is part of this Envisioning process.
Envision it as already being so, feel it as already being so, give thanks that it already is so, then go out into the world and act as though it is already so. In the creative process, it is best to envision it as already being so because God/Source is all encompassing and transcends time and space. Also, we don’t actually “make it so” but rather “let it be so.” We each are the creative vehicles through which God/Source expresses, we each are a conduit which channels and flows creative energy into manifestation. Let us use our God given abilities for the betterment of humanity and all beings in God’s creation.
Blessings to us all!
The first thing you need is to be consciously present in the here now moment by moment unfolding. What this means is to maintain awareness of your presence in this here now moment by moment unfolding, i.e.; become aware of your breathing, become aware of how you are physically and emotionally feeling in the moment by moment unfolding. Meditate on relaxing and centering yourself, following your breathing, in and out, and set your intention for this meditation to maintain your “Presence” throughout the envisioning process, with clarity, peace and love.
So to state it simply, you don’t need anything other than your own conscious presence and awareness to envision.
Where to Envision.
Ideally, the location of your most powerful envisioning sessions will likely be in a quiet, peaceful environment where you can envision without distractions or interruptions, but really, you could do it anywhere while you have idle times to envision. It isn’t a good idea to do this process while operating machinery of any kind, which needs your full attention to avoid harming yourself and/or others, there for please do not do this process while driving or working with equipment that could harm you and/or others.
When to Envision
As stated above, this process can be done anytime when you have idle times available to you. It can of course be done intentionally at designated times during the day/night as is appropriate for your life situation.
How long does it take to do this Envisioning process?
How long it takes depends upon the depth and level of envisioning you are interested in doing. If you have a few moments while the water is running, getting warmer to take a shower, for instance, you could do a quick envisioning wherein you envision joy and fulfillment in your life. Any time you express appreciation for people, places and things in your life can be an envisioning session wherein you are telling the Universe, “Thank you! More of this please.”
Setting the stage for effective Envisioning.
The more aligned one is with God/Source, in Presence, love, peace, harmony, feeling gratitude and appreciation for all that life offers us, the more effective the Envisioning process will be.
How to Envision and have it work for you.
Remember each of us has our own free will and freedom of choice, therefore when envisioning, it is important not to use your envisioning efforts to change how someone else is because that may be considered trespassing upon their free will and freedom of choice. Focusing upon envisioning your own self, your own life experiencing as the primary focus of your envisioning will be the most effective use of your focus and attention. Within this personal focus, one could envision him/herself as happy, peaceful, loving, caring and compassionate towards others, as a starting point. When envisioning, focus on the experiences you want rather than saying stuff like, “I don’t want ___.” If you don’t want something, flip it around to say what you DO want instead. For example: instead of saying, “ I don’t want to be alone anymore.” Say, “I want to be surrounded by loving and caring friends and family.”
The feelings you experience and express during the envisioning process are important too, because those feelings are vibrational, and vibration is the language of the universe, therefore it behooves you to always be in a state of love and appreciation while envisioning because that love and appreciation is like telling the universe, “More of this please.”
If you are able to gather together with like minded people who have similar intentions to bring forth Heaven on Earth type envisioning, it behooves you to combine your focus and efforts together because in so doing, the power and effectiveness of all those people’s attention multiplies the energy towards bringing it into manifestation more quickly.
In a group setting here are some suggestions on how you might facilitate the group envisioning process.
You may be familiar with a sort of game or enjoyable creative process that people do, wherein the first person in the circle/group starts a story, then the next person adds to the story and so it goes around until everyone has had a chance to add their say to the story. This same sort of process could be used in the group envisioning process. The first person could state a broad general intention as his/her contribution to the envisioning; example: “I envision world peace.” The next person could add something like; “I envision life as fulfilling and full of joy.” And so on, keeping the attention and attitude for the envisioning in alignment with the highest ideals and motivations.
When everyone in the group has had their own opportunity to add their intention to the overall envisioning, if the group is physically located in the same space, they could hold hands, forming a sort of human chain, to flow the creative energy throughout the entire group and one after another say something like, “Thank you, it is so, it is done.”
Then as a show of love gratitude and appreciation, there could be hugs, laughter and gaiety shared by all. It is confirmation that it IS so with such a display of love appreciation and gratitude.
The most important part of this envisioning is the uniting of our focus, attention, attitude and creative force towards the highest good for all beings here on Earth and throughout the Cosmos. When we act and envision according to divine principles and laws, we have the backing of the entire creation behind us, supporting and empowering us so that we can not fail.
I may have left out some suggestions in the writing of this blog, so if you have suggestions on how this Envisioning process can be expanded and spread across the globe, please share your thoughts and ideas because that too, is part of this Envisioning process.
Envision it as already being so, feel it as already being so, give thanks that it already is so, then go out into the world and act as though it is already so. In the creative process, it is best to envision it as already being so because God/Source is all encompassing and transcends time and space. Also, we don’t actually “make it so” but rather “let it be so.” We each are the creative vehicles through which God/Source expresses, we each are a conduit which channels and flows creative energy into manifestation. Let us use our God given abilities for the betterment of humanity and all beings in God’s creation.
Blessings to us all!
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