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Friday, October 29, 2021

What is often forgotten or left out

You may have heard people say something like, "How can God make a child come into this world with a terrible disease or some sort of malady?  What kind of God would do such a thing?"

One thing people leave out, is the fact related to reincarnation and karma. I soul comes into manifestation in physical form, and has karma to deal with, or has a life mission to accomplish while in this embodiment. If a child develops some sort of malady, it behooves us to realize these things don't happen in a vacuum, there are many influences surrounding what goes on within us and outside of us which color how the life experience is experienced. So, it may be a soul agrees to come into this manifestation to clear up some karma, maybe related to his/her own baggage, or to effect how someone else proceeds in their life, which is triggered by the child's malady, etc. It isn't a simple thing, there are many threads which make up the cloth of this manifestation, and each one is essential, just like the pieces of a puzzle, to out picture the whole expression of God/Source.

Whatever is upon a person's path in life, is there for a reason, to help us learn more about ourselves and our place in the whole scheme of things. We each have to come to a point where we acknowledge then take control of our journey, take the helm of the ship and steer it to our desired destination, rather than letting the currents of life buffet us and move us where we do not choose to go.

Waking up to our own sovereignty, our own freedom of choice, and taking this responsibility very seriously, so that we own our decisions, and the ramifications of those decisions, both good and bad, and learning from those experiences so they don't repeat themselves if they aren't what we want.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Suffering Feeds the Dark Side

As I see it, suffering is caused by not aligning with what is right, what is in alignment with divine guidance. The evil side enjoys and thrives upon the suffering of others, therefore when we dwell in any sort of suffering, we are feeding them, enabling them to endure and even thrive off our misery.
God is the source and substance of all that is, invisible and visible, God dwells within each of us as us, and the suffering we may experience is caused by causing a separation within ourselves from this indwelling presence of joy, peace, compassion, abundance and all expressions of glory and majesty which are inherent within God's most holy expressions in being. Holy = whole I. To identify with our whole I is to express and embody fully, God's presence within us.
The time and place to do this is always here, now, here now, here now. This saying came to me many years ago, and I find it helpful to remember it: The joy of life is to be found in each moment lived. NOW is the moment. If we want to be of service to God and others; friends, family, community, etc. shine the light of love always, be the beacon which guides the ships to shore safely, back home to where we all rejoice in God's love and bounty. Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all else will be added unto you.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Develop your Light Body

The ascension process involves raising one's vibration and attuning to their energy body, which when fully realized, expresses as a light body based upon the physical form. (The physical is transmuted into light energy.) The advantages of light body embodiment and identification includes transcendence of physical limitations, (things which adversely effect the physical body state/condition.) This also means there is no aging process, and as a realized master, one can appear in whatever form he/she chooses as well as unlimited travel capabilities.

So, how do we activate our light body?

Meditate: See and feel every cell of your body as a radiant sun, perfectly beautiful, complete and whole according to God's Divine expression in form and being. The more attuned one is to this expression in being, the more realized and actualized our expression in being is manifest.

Awareness: As we embody our light body, we realize how we are expressions of God, a family of beings united with all things visible and invisible.

Actions: Express your divine perfection as you walk your path in life. Express Love, compassion, caring, and sharing with everyone unconditionally.

There is no end, only new beginnings with further unfolding and expansion in awareness and being.

Friday, October 15, 2021

The Power and Effectiveness of Awakened, Present Beings

The power and effectiveness of awakened ones and attuned to Source, are far more capable to manifest the desired life expression, than those who are still asleep. The Logos, Christ is with us and when there are 3 or more united in conscious intention and purpose, so to is Christ with them in their endeavors. As creators, we can craft the path upon which others may choose to follow, yet, we can not make their choices for them. Some will take the high road, some will take the low road, and some will just want to stay where they are. Even if you don't realize your part in the creative process, you CAN choose to make your life better, you CAN choose to be kind and loving, and in so doing positively effect those around you. It doesn't have to be a dark and grim future unless you buy that story. It doesn't have to be painful and miserable, unless you buy that story. Even if you don't realize it, you CAN choose to be happy and fulfilled in each moment as it unfolds. Don't pay attention to forecasts for the future, pay attention to what is right here, right now, because in this now, the future is planted and comes forth. As far as the creative process goes, IT doesn't matter what you choose to invest your energy, awareness, and consciousness into, it will just as easily manifest a joyous life as it will manifest a miserable life. So, choose wisely.   Blessings to us all.

The Power of Words

As I understand it, words in and of themselves do not have power inherent within them. If they did, a parrot or other being which could speak words, would have the same creative ability as we humans do. I suggest it has more to do with the consciousness, awareness,  and presence of the speaker, than just the words spoken. Attitude, intention, expectation, and authority all have influence upon whether what a person says will manifest. If a person is in a space of lack, insufficiency, etc., and he/she speaks words of abundance and sufficiency, in order for abundance and sufficiency to manifest, the attitude, intention, expectation and authority all have to line up, which means vibrationally, there is no discord within the being expressing, which would interfere with the manifestation process. A person's state of awareness and presence are therefore very important in bringing forth that which is desired. Also, as was said, speaking in the present tense acknowledging it is already so, is vital as well, because if one speaks as though it is in the future, whatever it is, will always be in the future. NOW is the moment in which manifestation expresses, it can only happen in the NOW because, NOW is all there is. :)

Blessings to us all.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Electric Fences

You may be aware that some ranchers use electric fences to contain their livestock. What you might expect is that the electric fence is always powered, but in thinking that you may be mistaken. When livestock is first introduced to an electric fence, some of them may try to wander beyond the perimeter where the fence is in place. When they make contact with the fence, they get shocked, and so they back away from the fence. Not every member of the herd has to experience this, yet when several of them do, the rest of them learn that it hurts to touch the fence, and therefore the heard stays away from the fence. When the rancher see this occur, he can turn off the electricity without concern for the heard trying to leave the area, and surprisingly, they don’t even try to leave the “safe area”.

A similar thing is happening with how the general public is taught to wear their face coverings. That is to say, a few people are adversely effected by the virus and they are instructed to remain safe by wearing a face covering. Once the herd has adopted this practice, they don’t need to “infect” anyone any more because the general populous will self regulate and enforce the “mandate” without outside interference. When people stop wearing the face coverings, they introduce a “new variant” and say to remain safe wear the face covering. The second time around they may not even introduce a new variant because the herd has already learned what happens when you touch the fence.

So, you people who insist on wearing face coverings, and demanding that others do the same, are no better than the livestock contained by an electric fence which is not turned on. You have been played. You are no better than livestock to those who orchestrate this whole plandemic. After you get over being fooled, I hope you will take that face diaper off for good, and seek to learn what is really going on.