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Monday, October 25, 2021

Develop your Light Body

The ascension process involves raising one's vibration and attuning to their energy body, which when fully realized, expresses as a light body based upon the physical form. (The physical is transmuted into light energy.) The advantages of light body embodiment and identification includes transcendence of physical limitations, (things which adversely effect the physical body state/condition.) This also means there is no aging process, and as a realized master, one can appear in whatever form he/she chooses as well as unlimited travel capabilities.

So, how do we activate our light body?

Meditate: See and feel every cell of your body as a radiant sun, perfectly beautiful, complete and whole according to God's Divine expression in form and being. The more attuned one is to this expression in being, the more realized and actualized our expression in being is manifest.

Awareness: As we embody our light body, we realize how we are expressions of God, a family of beings united with all things visible and invisible.

Actions: Express your divine perfection as you walk your path in life. Express Love, compassion, caring, and sharing with everyone unconditionally.

There is no end, only new beginnings with further unfolding and expansion in awareness and being.

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