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Sunday, November 7, 2021

Source, THE VOID and the Quiet Mind.

My understanding of the void is based upon the dictionary's definition of the void, i.e.: not containing anything : EMPTY. After listening to Penny Kelly (You can find her channel on YouTube and Odysee.com) talk about THE VOID, it doesn't sound to me to be empty, but rather containing everything and nothing at the same time. The quiet mind to me, is like the eye of a storm with nothing in it, and as one is in the quiet mind state, that one is the observer and the experiencer of this peaceful state in awareness. While being in the quiet mind state and while being in THE VOID state, in both instances there is a presence which experiences these states, how else could one talk about them if there wasn't a witness present during them. I suggest, in THE VOID state, one's conception of identity is altered, like Penny said, your identity is blasted into a billion pieces, (paraphrasing) and having had this experience, one may loose grip on being identified with what was once an anchor point for identity and expression. The interesting thing to me, is that after having this dissolution experience, somehow we come back into this identity and presence in this manifestation as a human being, more whole and more complete than we were aware of being before the whole THE VOID experience happened.

The ultimate identity we each will finally merge with, is identifying with IT (Source) all while at the same time not being anchored to just one identity within the ever moving, ever changing storm of manifestation, recognizing Source as Identity within each expression in being.

All in ONE, ONE in All. And as we walk our path in life as a manifest human being, we carry this presence, awareness and identity into our life expression. As we each embody this presence and awareness, our life expression is the teaching, is the light of awakening to all parts of our being.

"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, then all else shall be added unto you." When we identity with Source, "all else IS added unto us" because that's what Source IS.

Blessings to us all!

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