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Tuesday, November 27, 2018


Authority:  Power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior
                History and Etymology for authority
                Middle English auctorite, from Anglo-French auctorité, from Latin auctoritat-, 
                auctoritas opinion, decision, power, from auctor — see AUTHOR.
                Author: one that originates or creates something
Power:  Possession of control, authority, or influence over others
                History and Etymology for power
                Middle English, from Anglo-French poer, pouer, from poer to be able, from
                Vulgar Latin *potēre, alteration of Latin posse — more at POTENT.
                Potent: having or wielding force, authority, or influence
Permission:  Formal consent
                History and Etymology for potent
                Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin permission-, permissio, from 
                Consent: agreement as to action or opinion.

It has occurred to me, when considering the concept of money, that money serves as permission slips.  That is to say, if you have more money, you have more permission to have and do things others with less money have permission to do.  If you go into a grocery store because you need food and drinks, etc., how much of that stuff you can obtain, is determined by how expensive the stuff is, and how much money you have.  If you don’t have a lot of money, then of course that limits what you can buy, so instead of getting that expensive and high quality food item, you may choose to get a lower quality, less expensive selection of that item.  So, you see, if you have a lot of money, you have permission to get the expensive choices Yes, you have the freedom of choice, but the choices available to you are limited by how poor you are.

Within the monetary system, there is a built in cast system, a system of control (that is what implementing limitations and restrictions is all about, control.)

Who are the ones in control?  Who are the ones who have authority, power and permission to exert control over the masses?  Of course, it is without question, those who have a lot of money.  As an example, you will never see a destitute, homeless, moneyless person in the office as President.  Why?  Because such a person is destitute, homeless and moneyless.  Such a person may be of outstanding character, kind, considerate, loving, compassionate, wise, intelligent and aware, which in my opinion, would be character traits befitting a person in a position of high authority, yet because he or she doesn’t have the financial backing available to someone with more money, he or she wouldn’t have the same opportunities and abilities to run for office as someone who has money.

Money doesn’t corrupt, but with an excess of money, the choices available to such people are almost limitless, and this is where the danger sets in.  If a person is not of high character and ethics, he or she may fall prey to making choices which are not necessarily good for the masses.  In other words, such a person may be easily corrupted.  This is why people, who start out with good intentions when entering into a position of authority, may subject themselves to corrupting influences which are ever present in the halls of power and authority.  It truly takes a noble spirit and character to stand against the corrupting forces which are rampant in the upper echelons of society.

Why is this true?  Why does it seem like extremely wealthy people have little or no consideration for the “lesser” masses of humanity?  Maybe it is because, they live in a very different life style than the “lesser” masses of humanity.

Who gave them authority to make choices without regard for the general welfare and well-being of the masses?  Did they come to this authority by birth, that is to say, they were born into a ruling class family? Were they born into a family where wealth was already well established?

Power and authority should never be automatically bestowed upon anyone as a birthright.

What if power and authority were not linked in any way, to the amount of wealth or how poor financially a person was?  That is to say, the poor homeless person on the street had the same power and authority as the person living in a high-rise penthouse or palatial estate.  What if power and authority were earned through noble and honorable character traits such as love, caring, wisdom, compassion, consideration, intelligence and awareness?  What if power and authority were awarded to people who had the welfare and well-being of the masses at heart instead of someone who had little to no regard for the welfare and well-being of anyone else, except his or her family and friends?  Would that be a world worth living in?  Would that be a world where you could joyously bring up your family and find great fulfillment in your life path?

We don’t need permission via money, to be of noble character, we don’t need someone granting us the power and authority to be kind, loving, compassionate, caring, intelligent, wise and aware.  These are innate character traits within our own being. These character traits were granted to us by our creator, the Source and Substance of all that is.  Therefore, the ultimate power and authority is Source and in Source.  Since we are of Source, that is to say, Source dwells within us, as us, and we dwell within Source as individual perspective of Source beingness, each of us is power and authority via our oneness with Source.

A Paradigm shift is necessary…

What if we totally did away with money, would that fix the abuse of power and authority?  No, I don’t think so.  What if we valued every person, great or small, for the strength of their character, and what they offered to the community whatever it was they had to offer in the support, betterment, and well-being of our human family, would that be a world worth living in?  What if you could go to a store and get whatever you wanted and needed, just because you wanted and or needed it, without being turned away empty handed?  What if we each helped each other to fulfill our dreams, we expressed our creativity in whatever way it wanted to express through us?  What if the thought of locking your doors, or needing weapons to protect yourself never existed because there was no reason to lock your doors, or own a weapon?

What else can you think of to flesh out this “new tomorrow” we are planting the seeds for, today?  We are now creating our tomorrows; let us do so with love, compassion, consideration, wisdom, intelligence and caring as the motivating factors for our choices.  In doing so, we insure a better tomorrow for everyone.

Blessings to us all.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Is it Okay to Eat Meat?

The truth is, if you believe and feel strongly that it isn't good to eat meat, (or anything else for that matter,) and you go ahead and do it anyway, you are doing energetic harm to yourself by doing so.

If you believe and strongly feel it is okay to eat meat, (or anything else for that matter,) it does not harm you energetically.

The physical body, while in the 3rd density, requires sustenance to maintain it's functioning properly. There are many healthy things one can eat and drink, that engender well-being, and there are many things one can eat and drink which do not engender well-being. The choice is yours. You decide for yourself whether it is appropriate for YOU to eat meat or not. No one else should do that for you. So, just because you are told it is okay to eat meat, if you sincerely believe it isn't, then don't do it.

There will come a time in our evolutionary path where consuming creatures such as animals, fish, vegetables, etc., won't be necessary because we can draw energy directly from the source of our being for sustenance, but until that occurs for you, you get to choose. (When we are manifesting through our light bodies, (energy bodies), we have no need for physical substance to support our well-being.)

Additionally the power of Intention:

One's intentions play into the formula with regard to how what we do interacts with our being. When source energy is in its primal state, it is without definition, as a manifestation it is in a potential state in being, therefore when we use our creative ability with conscious intention, we take source energy from its primal state and give it definition, which holds the attributes and state in manifestation according to our intention(s).

Therefore, I suggest a good practice prior to doing anything, or eating anything, it is worthwhile stating your intention(s) such as, "Bless this to my use and bless me to Thy use." ("Thy" refers to Source in its state of growth and well-being, clarity and presence, love and compassion, and supreme awareness in being.)

Blessings to us all.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018


Actually, Thanksgiving should be something we are constantly doing. Why? Because expressing appreciation and gratitude for what we already  have in our lives, is telling the Universe, "More of this please." The words which express appreciation and gratitude are secondary to the feelings expressed and felt while speaking words of appreciation and gratitude.

Remember energy follows focus, so whatever you focus upon, you are energizing it. Energize the things you love and appreciate and by doing so, you will be planting the seeds for more to love and appreciate.

Thank you all for being friends! I truly appreciate each of you, and thank you for enriching my life experiencing by your very presence.

Blessings and Love to all.

Thank YOU!

Monday, November 19, 2018

Being a Parent is a HUGE responsibility

From a child's perspective, his or her parents are their creator, the ones who teach them how to live in this world we find ourselves in. Children learn by example, that is how they learn to talk, that is how they learn to walk, that is how they learn to interact with others. So, the example the parents present to their children via the way they are in their daily lives, is the template the children follow for developing their own lives. That all being true, what do you suppose setting the example of spending time and energy on things is saying to the little ones? If a child is crying, what do you do? Do you give him/her a cookie to get the crying to stop? Yeah, they often stop crying and learn that if they want cookies, they need to cry. They carry over this behavior with other things like toys. They have a temper tantrum until they get what they think they want. Then they get the cookie, or toy or whatever it happens to be, they are content for awhile, but it doesn't last. Why doesn't it last? Because the "stuff" isn't really what they want. Behind the longing for things is a void that no amount of things can fill.

Give your children true love and caring. Embrace them and show them through your example, what true love is, what true caring is. Being a parent is a HUGE responsibility because you are responsible for molding a new life into someone who will grow up and either thrive or shrivel as time goes on.

Teach by example. Be the loving being you want your children to emulate. Show them through your life expression that having a lot of stuff is nice, but does not provide nourishment for the soul.

Give your children what they truly need, and as you are successful at doing that, they will grow into loving, caring, kind, compassionate adults you will be proud to recognize as your children, children of the Universe.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

How To Deal With Negative Emotions.

Negative emotions are an indication that you are out of alignment with your true self and what you hold to be most valuable to your well-being. Consider emotions as a scale where total despair is at the bottom of the scale, and total bliss is at the other end of the scale. The closer in alignment we are with our True Self, the more joy we find in each moment we are alive, the more energized, the more healthy, the more life is really fun to express.

So, when one gets into a funk, where you feel uneasy, out of sorts, angry, etc., in the moment you realize you are in this emotional state, think of something, or do something which eases the emotional state, take a step back towards your True Self where bliss is ever present. Doing so, most of the time, is a gradual process, so feeling just a little better, then feeling just a little better, then feeling just a little better, eventually moves you towards your perfect state of well-being, where once again, you can feel and express joy.

The key to this being effective is to be fully present in the Here, Now Moment by Moment unfolding. Now is where we make choices, so it is the only instance when we have the power and ability to shift our state in being.

Constantly expressing appreciation for what we have in our lives is a good way to move up the emotional scale. In other words, count your blessings, however trivial you might think they are.

Sing a happy song, dance to music you enjoy, watch a funny movie, anything that works for you, pet your cat or dog, anything that works for you.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The Value of Harmony

How do you solve a situation from adversarial to harmonious?

As an example, black will always be black, and white will always be white.

An adversarial situation occurs when black wants white to be black, and white wants black to be white. In this situation, it is impossible for white to be black and black to be white, therefore it is an adversarial situation where there is constant conflict which ultimately can not be resolved because of a lack of understanding about the nature of things. As I mentioned before, white is always white, and black is always black. This is the true nature of things. So, when one realizes this, one sees the futility of trying to make black white and visa versa. Knowing the nature of things as they are, facilitates the establishment of a solvable situation wherein white remains white while black remains black. Each is true to it's nature, and functions accordingly. White realizes black can never be white, therefore white doesn't try to make black white, and the same is true for black, that is to say, black realizes white can never be black and therefore doesn't try to make white black.

The second realization is gained when both black and white each realize it's opposite is a necessary element which facilitates the relativity of opposites as aspects of the manifestation where duality and polarities facilitate manifestation. That is to say, if all was white, there could be no relativity, therefore no manifestation. If all was black, there could be no relativity, therefore no manifestation.

To move from an adversarial attitude to a harmonious attitude then, one realizes the nature of things as they are, and accepts how things are without trying to unnaturally force opposites to be the same. So instead of pushing against each opposite, a shift into flow is enabled where each polarity serves it's function in support of its opposite polarities functioning. This is to say white consolidates the white forces and they march in step as a whole, while black consolidates it's forces and also marches in step as a whole. So, while they are opposing forces, the could push against each other which would be a stalemate, or they could both march in the same direction which engenders flow. And with flow both white and black prosper and serve each other's existence by their realizing their interdependence with each other.

Conflict ends. Flow begins and harmony is established.

How does all of this apply to the individual?

When we try to change someone, it is the same as white trying to change black to white. This shows a lack of understanding about the nature of things as they are. So, rather than trying to change what can not be changed, doesn't it make sense to accept the innate nature of yourself and others, wherein we each accept the nature of each being as a manifestation as it should be. As it should be is one being true to one's own nature, and allowing others to be true to their own nature.

When one is not true to one's own nature, this creates an adversarial situation within the individual, which due to nature, is unsolvable so long as one continues to try to be other than their innate nature dictates.

So, what does our innate nature dictate? It dictates whether we are black or white, it is less relevant than we be true to ourselves, and establish presence in flow where harmony facilitates growth, peace, prosperity and eternal life.