From a child's perspective, his or her parents are their creator, the ones who teach them how to live in this world we find ourselves in. Children learn by example, that is how they learn to talk, that is how they learn to walk, that is how they learn to interact with others. So, the example the parents present to their children via the way they are in their daily lives, is the template the children follow for developing their own lives. That all being true, what do you suppose setting the example of spending time and energy on things is saying to the little ones? If a child is crying, what do you do? Do you give him/her a cookie to get the crying to stop? Yeah, they often stop crying and learn that if they want cookies, they need to cry. They carry over this behavior with other things like toys. They have a temper tantrum until they get what they think they want. Then they get the cookie, or toy or whatever it happens to be, they are content for awhile, but it doesn't last. Why doesn't it last? Because the "stuff" isn't really what they want. Behind the longing for things is a void that no amount of things can fill.
Give your children true love and caring. Embrace them and show them through your example, what true love is, what true caring is. Being a parent is a HUGE responsibility because you are responsible for molding a new life into someone who will grow up and either thrive or shrivel as time goes on.
Teach by example. Be the loving being you want your children to emulate. Show them through your life expression that having a lot of stuff is nice, but does not provide nourishment for the soul.
Give your children what they truly need, and as you are successful at doing that, they will grow into loving, caring, kind, compassionate adults you will be proud to recognize as your children, children of the Universe.
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