How do you solve a situation from adversarial to harmonious?
As an example, black will always be black, and white will always be white.
An adversarial situation occurs when black wants white to be black, and white wants black to be white. In this situation, it is impossible for white to be black and black to be white, therefore it is an adversarial situation where there is constant conflict which ultimately can not be resolved because of a lack of understanding about the nature of things. As I mentioned before, white is always white, and black is always black. This is the true nature of things. So, when one realizes this, one sees the futility of trying to make black white and visa versa. Knowing the nature of things as they are, facilitates the establishment of a solvable situation wherein white remains white while black remains black. Each is true to it's nature, and functions accordingly. White realizes black can never be white, therefore white doesn't try to make black white, and the same is true for black, that is to say, black realizes white can never be black and therefore doesn't try to make white black.
The second realization is gained when both black and white each realize it's opposite is a necessary element which facilitates the relativity of opposites as aspects of the manifestation where duality and polarities facilitate manifestation. That is to say, if all was white, there could be no relativity, therefore no manifestation. If all was black, there could be no relativity, therefore no manifestation.
To move from an adversarial attitude to a harmonious attitude then, one realizes the nature of things as they are, and accepts how things are without trying to unnaturally force opposites to be the same. So instead of pushing against each opposite, a shift into flow is enabled where each polarity serves it's function in support of its opposite polarities functioning. This is to say white consolidates the white forces and they march in step as a whole, while black consolidates it's forces and also marches in step as a whole. So, while they are opposing forces, the could push against each other which would be a stalemate, or they could both march in the same direction which engenders flow. And with flow both white and black prosper and serve each other's existence by their realizing their interdependence with each other.
Conflict ends. Flow begins and harmony is established.
How does all of this apply to the individual?
When we try to change someone, it is the same as white trying to change black to white. This shows a lack of understanding about the nature of things as they are. So, rather than trying to change what can not be changed, doesn't it make sense to accept the innate nature of yourself and others, wherein we each accept the nature of each being as a manifestation as it should be. As it should be is one being true to one's own nature, and allowing others to be true to their own nature.
When one is not true to one's own nature, this creates an adversarial situation within the individual, which due to nature, is unsolvable so long as one continues to try to be other than their innate nature dictates.
So, what does our innate nature dictate? It dictates whether we are black or white, it is less relevant than we be true to ourselves, and establish presence in flow where harmony facilitates growth, peace, prosperity and eternal life.
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