When people pay so much attention to what others are doing, or not doing, they aren't able to realize what they themselves are doing.
To change the world, paying attention to how I am being, and how I am acting, empowers me to change how I perceive and act in the world I experience.
Paying most of my attention upon how others are being and acting, does little to make my life experiencing better, rather, it lowers my vibration and disburses my creative power so little to no change can take place.
As an example for what I wrote above, you can't sit and stand at the same time, you got to choose which one you want to do. (pay attention to your own journey in life, or pay attention to another's journey in life.)
Working on our own faults is far more effective than trying to fix the faults we perceive in others. When we've cleaned the lense of our own perception, we can clearly see and be true to our own Divinity.
Blessings to us all.
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