What is the point of implementing safety restrictions to the extent that one’s quality of life is so diminished that it is questionable whether that life is actually worth living anymore?
It appears to me; the emphasis currently being placed on safety to save lives is being more heavily focused upon than the quality of life which is being diminished by that imbalance towards safety. Certainly, one should not be foolish and take unnecessary risks which diminish their safety, but the safety considerations are most worthwhile when they enhance one’s quality of life rather than diminish it.
People have long been doing things which are at high risk and dangerous, and find that taking such risks adds to their life being exhilarating, exciting and challenging. For example, jumping out of an airplane skydiving, or hang gliding off of a high cliff just to name a couple of adventurous activities people find to be adding to the quality of their life expressing. The safety gestapo would stop such activities in a heartbeat if they had their way, because those activities can be extremely dangerous.
As we live our lives, we are constantly being exposed to dangers great and small throughout our day. Some of them are obvious, and some of them are not so obvious. Some are very dangerous, being life threatening, and some are only mildly dangerous where mild or no injuries may result.
Key things to consider are freedom of choice and the pursuit of happiness. There are those who want to make your choices for you, they say they want to “keep you safe,” and so they use that as their motivation to limit our freedom of choice, the forget that most people are capable of making decisions about their own safety without an authority figure telling them what they can and cannot do.
As in all things, balance is the ideal state of life in expression, and in this exposition, we can consider the value of safety and quality of life so that we may find the balance where both safety and quality of life are in perfect balance. One’s balance is something he/she is best suited to determine for his/her self. Laws which take away an individual’s right to make their own decisions about how they live their life are unconstitutional. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are key considerations which affect one’s quality of life.
The freedoms we allow others are the freedoms we allow for our own selves. Remember this when you want to control someone else’s behavior. Also consider whether the dangers others may pose to you are actual or imagined. There is a tendency to exaggerate the actual dangers we face when interacting with others, some of those perceived dangers are imaginary, and can be easily exaggerated because they are imaginary.
So, do you want to be 100% safe or do you want to take reasonable risks and live a healthy worthwhile quality of life? You decide for yourself, you don’t get to decide for others because this is what freedom of choice is.
I suggest focusing on well-being, joy, and compassion. The results will be that you are a joyous, compassionate being who lives life well and thereby makes choices which further perpetuates and enables such life expressing for themselves and others.
Blessings to us all.
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