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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Pane of Glass

In order to truly love someone else, you have to truly love yourself first. In order to truly love yourself, you have to know yourself, and this is the part we all can work on which will uncover our divinity essence, which in truth is Divine Love.

Each of us was created in the image and likeness of God, which means we are complete, whole, beautifully perfect expressions of God. And with our kinship with God, we co create our lives by the choices we make. So, if we want to express our divinity more fully, it behooves us to put our attention on uncovering that which we already are.

We are like a pane of glass which the light of God shines through. Because of our exposure to life, we've built up dust and debris on our pane of glass, and may think we are that dust and debris. If we take the time to clean off the debris, and keep it clean, the light of our divinity can shine through us because that is what the light of divinity does eternally.

As we are a clear channel for divinity to manifest, we radiate divine love unconditionally, we see the same divine light shining through all manifestation so we are immersed within this radiance all the time.

God dwells within each of us as each of us. When you realize this, you experience the oneness which reveals the truth of the saying "Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you." You KNOW there is only one being, and what appears to be "other" is just another perspective/aspect within this one beingness.

Blessings to us all!

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