I enjoy writing articles for my blog site as I am inspired to do so, about finding the joy in life and living the life we came here to live.
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Monday, September 20, 2021
She said Know Thy Self
Developing Presence, i.e. be here now. Focus on that which you wish to bring forth while being cognizant of what is unfolding in the moment by moment unfolding and in Presence choosing that which is in alignment with your heart's desire.
Know Thy Self is tied to identity, so the scope of the "self" you identify with encompasses the field of your perception in Presence. When one identifies with the transitory expression in being, being transitory means beginning, middle and end. Identifying with the Self which transcends the transitory yet exists within it, empowers you to perceive the grander picture the transitory expression is immersed within. And, with this broader view, it is easier to make choices which unfold into the expression in being that expresses truly the divine being expression that each of us is.
There is only ONE, identify with the ONE and then there is no one else to be fearful of, no one else that can harm you, no one else that can stop you from being the gloriously divine being you truly are.
Blessings to us all.
Friday, September 17, 2021
Commentary from a video I watched
What follows is a commentary I made regarding a video interview I recently watched. You likely have watched videos which are similar in low frequency expressions, so I share this here for you to consider.
Much of the content of this video focuses upon low frequency states in being, i.e. doubt, despair, fear, etc.. If you understand how the manifestation process works, you will know that where you place your attention and the frequency of that which you are focusing upon, are key elements in the creative process. If while watching this video, or any other material for that matter, if you aren't feeling joyful and or uplifted by it, but rather are feeling anxious, anxiety, worry and the like. how you are feeling is an indicator as to what you are radiating to the universe, and it is like telling the universe, "more of this please." In order to bring forth the first "timeline" type reality, feeling into it, accepting it as being so are key to bringing it forth into manifestation. Group consciousness is where people of like mind resonate together and thereby add energy towards whatever their focus is. That general resonance will manifest or bring forth the vibrational frequency predominately expressed by the group's focus and attention upon whatever it is. You must understand this is a "yes" universe. That is to say, whatever you radiate to the universe, it says yes to. So if you are focusing upon things that feel bad to you, the universe receives that vibration and says yes to it, so then you get more of that.
Thursday, September 16, 2021
What if there was no such thing as money?
Friday, September 10, 2021
Look in the Mirror. . .
As far as I'm concerned, keep it simple: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Love thy neighbor as thyself. Being fully present in each moment as it unfolds within you and around you empowers you to make thoughtful and wise decisions.
It is helpful to have a guide to provide guidance upon your path in life, but ultimately, they can't walk your path for you.
Plant seeds of love, joy, freedom, community and abundance, nurture them and allow them to mature into the harvest you most desire.
Blessings to us all.
Thursday, September 9, 2021
What do you mostly Identify with?
I identify with my Divine, Eternal Self, my energy body, then my physical body. The lesser is contained within the greater.
Monday, September 6, 2021
Declaration of the People of the USA & the Entire World
Here is the link to the pdf document I suggest we each read and consider.