To Know Thy Self, develop clarity and a bit of detachment from the stuff that doesn't resonate with you. How does one develop clarity? Being still and observing without internal commentary about that which is being observed. The debris in a pool of water settles to the bottom when it becomes still. The debris is still there, but when it settles, you can see what the debris is and rise above it.
Developing Presence, i.e. be here now. Focus on that which you wish to bring forth while being cognizant of what is unfolding in the moment by moment unfolding and in Presence choosing that which is in alignment with your heart's desire.
Know Thy Self is tied to identity, so the scope of the "self" you identify with encompasses the field of your perception in Presence. When one identifies with the transitory expression in being, being transitory means beginning, middle and end. Identifying with the Self which transcends the transitory yet exists within it, empowers you to perceive the grander picture the transitory expression is immersed within. And, with this broader view, it is easier to make choices which unfold into the expression in being that expresses truly the divine being expression that each of us is.
There is only ONE, identify with the ONE and then there is no one else to be fearful of, no one else that can harm you, no one else that can stop you from being the gloriously divine being you truly are.
Blessings to us all.
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