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Friday, April 29, 2022
Freedom of Choice and what comes along with it
So, what comes along with freedom of choice? Diversity. In diversity there will certainly be expressions in being which are not to your liking, not what you would choose, yet because everyone has the freedom of choice, everyone gets to choose those things that are pleasing to them, they (you) don’t choose things which are necessarily pleasing to others, but rather to your own self, to your own expression in life.
I’ve written about the buffet of life in other articles I’ve posted elsewhere, it is a good analogy to use when it comes to freedom of choice, and having an expansive array of choices to choose from. The wonderful thing about a buffet is while there may be many things offered, you don’t need to choose those things you don’t like, you can pass them by while the person behind you may actually enjoy and therefore choose those things you don’t like. The buffet contains a full range of choices which means you can have ANYTHING you want, and find fulfillment by partaking in what is offered. This is true for each individual who comes to partake of the buffet. It is inconsequential that each person has different preferences, different choices, because whether you like it or not, someone else may like it or not as well, and because it all is available to each and everyone, each and everyone can be fulfilled without impinging on the fulfillment of anyone else.
Problems arise when we start taking things off the buffet that we don’t like, removing choices diminishes the field of potential fulfillment. Who is to say, this or that should be removed from the buffet? I say no one!
As a sovereign being, your own domain is where your sovereignty and rulership exists, it doesn’t trespass on the domain of other sovereign beings. When one decides he/she must trespass on the domain of another, conflicts arise, and such conflicts easily escalate wherein the trespassing on other sovereign beings domains runs rampant. Do you see, that is what has unfolded as our current reality?
It is good to look towards others for their fine examples in life expressing, for their knowledge in how to do things, and how to interact with others in a thoughtful and considerate way, in ways which maintain each person’s freedom of choice, maintains their own sovereignty. In looking to others for guidance, this does not mean we surrender our freedom of choice, we do not surrender our freedom of choice, but rather, like the buffet where all things are offered, we have the opportunity to try something we haven’t tried before, to see if it is really something we want in our sovereign being domain.
It is good to have a leader, one who sets a divine example and thereby leads each one who chooses to follow, towards a greater expression of their own sovereignty. And, at some point the leader’s leading role melts into the mass of beings where each one is the master of his or her own domain, therefore each one is a leader by example of expressing their sovereignty mastery. All of this self mastery is made possible via the buffet of infinite choices, and our own freedom to choose for ourselves what is best for ourselves.
There is no imposed limitation, no censorship, no deception, no manipulation necessary. Those are all things which infringe upon the expansion in being, the expansion in life expressing, the expansion in all of creation where EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE and nothing is off limits because through making choices we self impose limits for ourselves without needing to impose limits upon others, (They can do that for themselves.)
Freedom of choice is the tool, the mechanism, the vehicle through which creation exists. To take away freedom of choice is to limit growth, expansion and creation which is counter to Source’s Divine Expression in Being. It is against the very fabric of being and therefore is destined to extinguish itself by its own counter creative choices. The Divine Principles are eternal and just, and in being so, balance is maintained, expansion is guaranteed, fulfillment is ever upon the horizon to be striven for, joy is available every step of the way, and when one stumbles and falls, there is always a helping hand to pick you up, support you and guide you back towards you balance and center as a true sovereign being in all of creation. If one should stumble and fall, it behoove that one to avail his/her self to accept the helping hand, to be lifted up and aided in finding balance and direction once again. It is offered as a choice, use your freedom of choice wisely and thrive.
Blessings to us all.
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Do you know what you are creating? (Reflect upon your life as it is now, )
When do we have the opportunity to face such influences and maintain them or negate them? In the present moment by moment unfolding. Now, is the point of power, the point in which we are able to choose, and by our choices we lay the foundation and groundwork for what will unfold in our life as we proceed on into the further moment by moment unfolding of our life.
Look at how nature expresses. There are many lessons we can learn through observation of nature, how various elements and aspects of nature relate to each other and interact with each other. Consider how you interact and relate with nature, is it in a fearful and untrusting way, or is it in a loving and trusting way? How we approach life, nature and our creative process colors the expressions we create in life. That is to say, if we use our creative ability from a place of fear and untrusting, what we create will reflect that expression in our life. Our fears will be made manifest and perpetuate themselves until we have a fatal experience, or awaken to the fact that our fears, the fears we held as our life’s foundation, are of our own creation. As we have created them, we can choose to transmute them into a more desirable expression in being, we can realize the demons which haunt us are of our own creation, and have no power to continue to express except the power we give them. So, how do we disempower the demons which haunt us? Face them, choose to transmute them into saintly beings. They ARE your creations, therefore you can choose how they express in your life. Remember, the only power they have is the power you give them, so if you have invested them with great power, you can just as easily recall that investment and transform it into love, compassion, creative freedom, and well-being for yourself, and the world you express your life in.
I wrote a short booklet several years ago wherein I used the analogy of gardening to apply and express the creative process each of us uses knowingly or unknowingly. I suggest learning how you are creating your life and taking full responsibility for what is happening in your life, the good, the bad and the ugly. By taking responsibility for it all, you are thereby in control of your life expressing, and being consciously in control, you may use your here now moment by moment unfolding to create the life you truly deserve and want to live and experience.
The title of my booklet is “Gardening Your Mind” by Jerry Dechant. If you go to my blog site: Good Vibrations with Jerry Dechant, you can use the search function on that page to find the text from that booklet presented there. I hope, for your own sake, for your own benefit, you will avail yourself of this opportunity, to take the reigns of your life into your own hands, and steer it in the direction you desire rather than letting life lead you where it has a tendency to go without conscious decisions and directions from you.
You’ve been creating all of your life, and you will continue to do so, so it behooves you to learn how you have done that and then begin the process of using your creative abilities to consciously create the life you most desire and deserve. (By the way, you DO deserve the very best life has to offer, you ARE a divine being of light, so make it so.)
Blessings to us all.
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
The Method
My suggestion is to go within. Feel how it feels when you consider the information. If it doesn't uplift you, make you feel better, chances are, it doesn't align with your highest good. How we feel is the compass which guides us upon our path in life. The more joyous we feel, the closer to our Source and Divine intentions we are, and the opposite is true for feeling worried, fearful, jealous, angry, hateful, vengeful, etc.
When we lift our spirit above the clouds of deception, we can see clearly that cloud, but as long as we dwell within that cloud we are subject to its deceptions.
Blessings to us all.
Monday, April 11, 2022
New Site to See my Articles
One of the reasons I have started a new site is because Google disabled the notification function for when I post new articles here. Without the ability to notify my subscribers when I post new articles, I think Google did a disservice to those who enjoy the various blog sites you can find here on Blogger.
If you would like to check out my new location, use the link below. Once there, you can sign up to receive notices when new articles are posted.
I hope you will come see me there. :) BTW, I will continue to post articles here as well as there, at least for some time.
Thanks for your interest.
Sunday, April 10, 2022
What is Life Offering you?
What would happen if instead of playing the blame game, I decided to take full responsibility for how I feel, and what I do when life offers me experiences? What if when someone says something to me that is hurtful, instead of saying that person hurt my feelings, I decided to say; “When you say stuff like that to me, I make myself feel hurt or bad”? Then that brings to mind, why did I make myself feel hurt or bad? Most likely it has to do with previously held programming, beliefs and attitudes, and if I automatically feel hurt or bad when someone says hurtful things, that is an indicator of a programmed response, not a consciously chosen one.
To get out of the victim mentality, it behooves us to take back our power, take full responsibility for how we feel, what we say and what we do regardless of the stuff life offers us. This entails being fully present in each moment by moment unfolding, and choosing what to say, what to do, what to think about life’s offering to us. I don’t remember where I first heard this, but it is a good practice to adopt to remain present in the moment, and give myself time to consider my response to what I might previously automatically responded to in a negative way. The practice is to count to ten in your mind, take a few deep breaths, establish your centered focus and in this space of centeredness, consider a response which is most beneficial for you and the person or situation you are faced with. All of this before you respond. There is a difference between responding and reacting. Reacting is acting again (re acting) which is a pre-programmed response action. Responding isn’t pre-programmed but rather a consciously chosen response action.
If we are wondering why life offers us whatever it is life is offering us, it is because of where we’ve previously put our focus (either consciously or unconsciously.) So coming from a victim attitude, life will offer us many things which fulfill our victim attitude experiences. When we take full responsibility for ourselves and our thoughts words and deeds, we are thereby the captain of our own ship upon the sea of life. We are the sovereign King of our own kingdom, which is our life expression, how we are being in the world.
If we are use to adopting the victim mentality, meditating, relaxing and focusing on our breathing will help us become more fully present in the here now moment by moment unfolding, and thereby allow space for us to recognize when preprogrammed victim mentality practices show themselves to us, so that instead of reacting, we respond. It may take practice to rise above reacting into responding, so be kind to yourself, and when you catch yourself reacting, that’s an opportunity to pause for a moment, and decide what is the best way to respond in that moment. The more mindfully present you become, the easier it will be to adopt a response mentality over an automatic reaction to what life offers you.
One last thing before I end this message: As a sovereign being, your kingdom does not include lording over others, but rather, it does include lording over your own thoughts, words and deeds. These three things are the subjects of your sovereign being domain. As their ruler, I suggest letting love, compassion, kindness, forgiveness and the like be the temperament to apply to your rulership. In so doing, you nurture and grow your life expression into its full maturity as a Divine expression of the one infinite Creator Source. There is no end, only endless expansion and discovery.
Blessings to us all.
Saturday, April 9, 2022
There is Strength in Numbers, in Unity
Consider how insignificant one ant is, then consider how powerful hundreds or thousands of ants are when they work together to accomplish a goal. They can consume an entire elephant in far less time that one would think possible, and they do it by unifying their efforts and focus.
Let us unify our efforts and focus to eliminate the leeches and harmful infections which plague humanity and this world. The more we come together, the sooner the end of all that plagues us.
Friday, April 8, 2022
My thoughts on past lives:
The present moment is always right here, right now, and whatever this right here, right now holds for each of us is what we have to deal with. It is far less important to know it originated in the past. It is far more important how we deal with it, what our chooses are in this moment by moment unfolding, and these choices spawn the next steps upon our life path journey. And, whatever these choices are, they either balance the energies associated with them, or further create imbalances which cause the issues to recycle in our life expressing until we balance the energies associated with those choices.
Saturday, April 2, 2022
Follow Your Own Inner Guidance
Blessings to us all.