The method used is this: Include truthful information sprinkled in amongst false information in such a way as to lend validity to the false information. Consider, there always has to be a grain of truth within a lie in order for anyone to believe it. The process is removing the chaff from the grain, which by the way, isn't an easy process.
My suggestion is to go within. Feel how it feels when you consider the information. If it doesn't uplift you, make you feel better, chances are, it doesn't align with your highest good. How we feel is the compass which guides us upon our path in life. The more joyous we feel, the closer to our Source and Divine intentions we are, and the opposite is true for feeling worried, fearful, jealous, angry, hateful, vengeful, etc.
When we lift our spirit above the clouds of deception, we can see clearly that cloud, but as long as we dwell within that cloud we are subject to its deceptions.
Blessings to us all.
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