(A comment and/or question was posed on a Facebook post where the poster expressed ideas about the transitioning from one density to another, and expressed some thought about how he perceived this shift to occur. What follows below are my comment in reply to his post:)
It is possible for a walk in situation to occur because the spirit or soul exists within or without a physical vehicle, but I don't think this applies to the transition into a higher density because, just like this moment and this moment are different, yet somewhat similar due to the continuity from one to the next, it is imperceptible to tell where one moment ends and another begins.
When we transition from an infant to an adult, that process unfolds in such a way as to be natural and seamless. In the same way, transitioning into a higher density is seamless as well. As we move into higher densities, the perception of "solid" objects gradually evolves to where one begins to experience a broader spectrum of energy vibrational states, which show us that what once was perceived to be solid, was never solid at all. With the greater clarity and awareness which comes through evolving into a higher vibration where more is apparent and therefore perceived as "real" we naturally accept what is, is now our normal state of expression in being. Because the transition into higher densities is a natural process, there are no absolute and discernible moments where one could say, "okay, now we are in 4th density, okay now we are in 5th density, etc."
There has to be a shift in perspective and perception that a 3rd person perspective would enable, to look at an evolving being's life unfolding, and seeing it from a much wider perspective, sort of like a linear graph, this person could determine where the preponderance of expression in being has shifted from one density over 50% from the lower density. But that whole process is evolutionary, and doesn't typically occur in an instant.
What is important to a baby during its evolutionary process, is much different than what is important to a young child. And, what is important to a young child is different than what is important to an older person. When I say "important" I mean what is essential for their life expression to evolve and grow. To a baby, what is important is the presence of others to take care of it, to feed it, provide comfort, love and caring, food and shelter, etc. As the child grows, it's needs shift according to how it is able to take on some of those tasks and responsibilities for it's evolution and growth. So, in the early stages of 3rd density, it was very important to identify as a separate being, to facilitate independence and distinguish between what is perceived as helpful or harmful to the being. As we grow into higher densities, the ego sense takes a back seat to the greater awareness of our unity, even though there is apparent divisions and differences. Therefore, while one evolves, and grows in awareness, they do not cease to express an individual identity all of a sudden, but rather the need for such an individual identity (ego) becomes less necessary and more irrelevant to the being expressing in being.
At some point in expression in being, the perception and need for a singular linear expression in being (a single time line,) fades away, so that all time lines and all spaces are equally available and ultimately can be experienced simultaneously in whatever form is appropriate for that time line and space coupling experience.
I hope this makes sense and is useful towards greater clarity about what is unfolding here and now.
Blessings to us all.
I enjoy writing articles for my blog site as I am inspired to do so, about finding the joy in life and living the life we came here to live.
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Sunday, December 30, 2018
Friday, December 28, 2018
Dealing with Grief and Loss
The way the manifestation process works is, the vibration we radiate to the universe is set out to the universe and it returns to us the same as we sent out. So, if you have been in grief, or mourning, or sad, or whatever it happens to be, that is being sent out to the universe, and that is what you are getting back. If you focus upon the losses in your life, that is to say, think about that stuff a lot, and talk about that stuff a lot, do you see how it is causing more of the same to manifest into your life experiencing?
The things we hold on to so tightly, are hard to let go of, and it is painful to do so. As an example, take a small object in you hand, and grip it as tight as you can for maybe 1 or 2 minutes. Feel how that feels? At first it is hard, but eventually becomes stressful, right? You hand begins to hurt a bit from gripping to tightly, right? Okay now, open and release your grip on the object. After holding the object so tightly for so long, the muscles in your hand have been contracted so long, it may hurt when you open your hand.
This is a physical manifestation of holding on too tightly to people and things in our lives. When you gently hold things in your life, you can appreciate them while you hold them near and dear to you, but because you aren't gripping onto them for dear life, when they leave, it doesn't hurt so bad.
Most of the stuff we have to deal with in our life unfolding, such as loss, grief, suffering, etc. are the products of not being fully present in the here now moment by moment unfolding, wherein the joy of life resides. Practicing relaxing, with eyes closed, paying attention to your breathing as you slowly and deeply breath in, hold for a moment, then exhale easily. Notice how your body is feeling. Feel the sensation of the air coming into your nose as you inhale. Feel the sensations as your chest expands, etc. Notice the feeling of your bottom as you sit there? Notice how straight your back is, how relaxed your shoulders and neck are, if they aren't relaxed, let go of the tension there, more and more with each breath you exhale, exhale the tensions in your body.
Send thoughts of love, appreciation and kindness to all those in your life right now. Do the same for all the people you've lost. Tell them you love them dearly, and because you love them so much, you are freeing them from any bondage you may have bestowed upon them unknowingly. Thank them for being in your life, and let them know you will always love them, and if they choose to, they can come to comfort you whenever you need comforting.
If you do these things, and also find things to be joyous and happy about, things to love and appreciate in your day to day life, you will be planting the seeds of more joyous and happy experiences to come into your life.
Whatever your life is right now, this is a reflection of the vibrations you are offering and have offered to the universe. If you don't like what is now, then it behooves you to change what you are offering to the universe, then as you do so, your life will begin to change as well.
I hope this is helpful to you and others who may benefit from these thoughts.
Blessings to us all.
The things we hold on to so tightly, are hard to let go of, and it is painful to do so. As an example, take a small object in you hand, and grip it as tight as you can for maybe 1 or 2 minutes. Feel how that feels? At first it is hard, but eventually becomes stressful, right? You hand begins to hurt a bit from gripping to tightly, right? Okay now, open and release your grip on the object. After holding the object so tightly for so long, the muscles in your hand have been contracted so long, it may hurt when you open your hand.
This is a physical manifestation of holding on too tightly to people and things in our lives. When you gently hold things in your life, you can appreciate them while you hold them near and dear to you, but because you aren't gripping onto them for dear life, when they leave, it doesn't hurt so bad.
Most of the stuff we have to deal with in our life unfolding, such as loss, grief, suffering, etc. are the products of not being fully present in the here now moment by moment unfolding, wherein the joy of life resides. Practicing relaxing, with eyes closed, paying attention to your breathing as you slowly and deeply breath in, hold for a moment, then exhale easily. Notice how your body is feeling. Feel the sensation of the air coming into your nose as you inhale. Feel the sensations as your chest expands, etc. Notice the feeling of your bottom as you sit there? Notice how straight your back is, how relaxed your shoulders and neck are, if they aren't relaxed, let go of the tension there, more and more with each breath you exhale, exhale the tensions in your body.
Send thoughts of love, appreciation and kindness to all those in your life right now. Do the same for all the people you've lost. Tell them you love them dearly, and because you love them so much, you are freeing them from any bondage you may have bestowed upon them unknowingly. Thank them for being in your life, and let them know you will always love them, and if they choose to, they can come to comfort you whenever you need comforting.
If you do these things, and also find things to be joyous and happy about, things to love and appreciate in your day to day life, you will be planting the seeds of more joyous and happy experiences to come into your life.
Whatever your life is right now, this is a reflection of the vibrations you are offering and have offered to the universe. If you don't like what is now, then it behooves you to change what you are offering to the universe, then as you do so, your life will begin to change as well.
I hope this is helpful to you and others who may benefit from these thoughts.
Blessings to us all.
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
This is what Wikipedia has to say, (in part,) about dreams:
“A dream is a succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. The content and purpose of dreams are not fully understood, although they have been a topic of scientific, philosophical and religious interest throughout recorded history. Dream interpretation is the attempt at drawing meaning from dreams and searching for an underlying message. The scientific study of dreams is called oneirology.”
If you want to read the entire article, you may use this link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dream
Part of what is stated in the definition above, “…usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.” Key points to consider are that it occurs involuntarily and it occurs in the mind. The point that led me to write this is because I realized last night during one of my dreams, in which I was running away from someone for fear of being caught, that there was no “someone” to be running away from. That is to say, I was making it up in my mind. The amazing thing to me is that we are so good at doing this making up stuff, that we get immersed into it so thoroughly that we experience fear, joy, anxiety, dread, etc. via the dreamscape we’ve created within our own mind. So, no one was chasing me, I was doing that to myself.
Then I wondered why do I do this to myself? Why do I envision such scenarios which cause me to feel like I have to escape, to run away? If I am making this up within my own mind, I could just as easily make it a wonderful experience. The thing is, when dreaming, one has to realize whatever is happening doesn’t involve anyone else it is all within the mind. Once I realized this, the fear and need to run away vanished.
How much of that realization could we bring into our waking state in being? How much of what we experience in our waking life expression is self-induced? I’m going to venture a guess that it is a lot more than we may take credit for.
When we are fully present in the here now moment by moment unfolding, where the actual experiencing is taking place, whether it is in the dream state, waking state, or some other state in being, we are in a position via this presence awareness, to make choices about how it all unfolds. That is to say, we can choose to be afraid, or not, we can choose to be happy or not. In the presence awareness, we are able to make choices which direct the course of the unfolding experience in a more life supporting, well-being engendering expression in being, or we can just ride the wave of whatever is unfolding without making a choice either way, about what is unfolding. And, without making choices, we become victims of circumstance. If one isn’t fully aware and present in the moment by moment unfolding, one is likely to get caught up in the scenario and thereby suffer the penalty associated within the unfolding experience.
I had to be aware enough to separate my awareness from the scenario, enough so that I could realize it was all within my mind, I was scaring myself, I was running away from what seemed to me to be someone I was afraid of. This reminds me of that scene in Star Wars where Luke was in that mystical sort of cave where he met and then faced off with Darth Vader. It came to pass that it wasn’t Darth Vader at all, but rather, HE was what he feared.
What is the source of dream content? I think it could be a variety of things such as, a movie or TV show we watched and got engrossed in. It could be something we ate which somehow expressed itself in our dream state. It could be caused by emotional experiences we had during the day which made a strong impression upon us.
What does that tell you? It suggests to me, being fully present in the here now moment by moment unfolding, and therein making conscious choices as it all unfolds, will facilitate the ability wherein external stimuli such as expressed above, doesn’t involuntarily write the scripts for our dreams. This may show a correlation between cause and effect as it applies not only to our dreams, but life experiencing as well.
In conclusion, what I suggest be taken away from all of these words is this; being centered in the here, now moment by moment unfolding is necessary to be the author of the scripts of our dreams and our lives. What happens to you doesn’t have to be involuntary, you get to choose whether it is or not. Alternately, you can just ride the waves of life expressing and experience whatever it is that unfolds for you whether it is perceived as good or bad by you.
If you’ve read this, you may be awake enough to make conscious choices about how your dreams and life unfolds. I hope you are, because in the Oneness in being, there is only ONE being, which means there isn’t a separate “you and me”.
Blessings to us all!
“A dream is a succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. The content and purpose of dreams are not fully understood, although they have been a topic of scientific, philosophical and religious interest throughout recorded history. Dream interpretation is the attempt at drawing meaning from dreams and searching for an underlying message. The scientific study of dreams is called oneirology.”
If you want to read the entire article, you may use this link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dream
Part of what is stated in the definition above, “…usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.” Key points to consider are that it occurs involuntarily and it occurs in the mind. The point that led me to write this is because I realized last night during one of my dreams, in which I was running away from someone for fear of being caught, that there was no “someone” to be running away from. That is to say, I was making it up in my mind. The amazing thing to me is that we are so good at doing this making up stuff, that we get immersed into it so thoroughly that we experience fear, joy, anxiety, dread, etc. via the dreamscape we’ve created within our own mind. So, no one was chasing me, I was doing that to myself.
Then I wondered why do I do this to myself? Why do I envision such scenarios which cause me to feel like I have to escape, to run away? If I am making this up within my own mind, I could just as easily make it a wonderful experience. The thing is, when dreaming, one has to realize whatever is happening doesn’t involve anyone else it is all within the mind. Once I realized this, the fear and need to run away vanished.
How much of that realization could we bring into our waking state in being? How much of what we experience in our waking life expression is self-induced? I’m going to venture a guess that it is a lot more than we may take credit for.
When we are fully present in the here now moment by moment unfolding, where the actual experiencing is taking place, whether it is in the dream state, waking state, or some other state in being, we are in a position via this presence awareness, to make choices about how it all unfolds. That is to say, we can choose to be afraid, or not, we can choose to be happy or not. In the presence awareness, we are able to make choices which direct the course of the unfolding experience in a more life supporting, well-being engendering expression in being, or we can just ride the wave of whatever is unfolding without making a choice either way, about what is unfolding. And, without making choices, we become victims of circumstance. If one isn’t fully aware and present in the moment by moment unfolding, one is likely to get caught up in the scenario and thereby suffer the penalty associated within the unfolding experience.
I had to be aware enough to separate my awareness from the scenario, enough so that I could realize it was all within my mind, I was scaring myself, I was running away from what seemed to me to be someone I was afraid of. This reminds me of that scene in Star Wars where Luke was in that mystical sort of cave where he met and then faced off with Darth Vader. It came to pass that it wasn’t Darth Vader at all, but rather, HE was what he feared.
What is the source of dream content? I think it could be a variety of things such as, a movie or TV show we watched and got engrossed in. It could be something we ate which somehow expressed itself in our dream state. It could be caused by emotional experiences we had during the day which made a strong impression upon us.
What does that tell you? It suggests to me, being fully present in the here now moment by moment unfolding, and therein making conscious choices as it all unfolds, will facilitate the ability wherein external stimuli such as expressed above, doesn’t involuntarily write the scripts for our dreams. This may show a correlation between cause and effect as it applies not only to our dreams, but life experiencing as well.
In conclusion, what I suggest be taken away from all of these words is this; being centered in the here, now moment by moment unfolding is necessary to be the author of the scripts of our dreams and our lives. What happens to you doesn’t have to be involuntary, you get to choose whether it is or not. Alternately, you can just ride the waves of life expressing and experience whatever it is that unfolds for you whether it is perceived as good or bad by you.
If you’ve read this, you may be awake enough to make conscious choices about how your dreams and life unfolds. I hope you are, because in the Oneness in being, there is only ONE being, which means there isn’t a separate “you and me”.
Blessings to us all!
Friday, December 21, 2018
God Dwells Within You AS You
In many religions, the messenger is glorified, and deified, which is a misdirection of appropriate attention. Instead of worshiping the person, worship the teachings by embodying them in your own life expression. As we adopt and embody the teachings, we are honoring and exemplifying the spirit which is and was embodied in these various forms.
The purity is within each and every one of us, that purity is our divine spark which dwells at the center of our being, and radiates its magnificence out into the manifest world through our thoughts, words, deeds and emotional beings.
The greatest expression is stated as "I am THAT I AM" in this expression, there is the embodiment of Christ, Krishna, and Buddha as me, as you, as ONE.
God dwells within you as you. This is the secret to be expressed and beheld by all. :)
Blessings to us all.
The purity is within each and every one of us, that purity is our divine spark which dwells at the center of our being, and radiates its magnificence out into the manifest world through our thoughts, words, deeds and emotional beings.
The greatest expression is stated as "I am THAT I AM" in this expression, there is the embodiment of Christ, Krishna, and Buddha as me, as you, as ONE.
God dwells within you as you. This is the secret to be expressed and beheld by all. :)
Blessings to us all.
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Make it So
In the Handbook for Conscious Living, you might find, somewhere in the pages, the suggestion to create the life you want to live, by first giving thanks and appreciation for the life you already have, even if you think it is a crappy life, you got to start somewhere to make it better, and the only time to choose to make it better, is in the here, now.
This season of the year, celebrates the joy in life. Let the joy in your life grow by showing your appreciation as often as possible. You could become an "appreciation fanatic"

So, someone wishing you a Merry Christmas, or whatever salutation of good cheer you receive, it is useless unless you make it so for yourself.
So, Make THIS Christmas and New Years season the one you will look back upon as the one which turned your life more into the Merry and Bright life you've always longed for.
Make it so. 🎅
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
My Dad use to say, "nothing is free, there is always a price to be paid for everything." What he meant was, the price isn't always money, it is often expectation especially with things given to us for "free". So, I suggest, when someone wants to give you something for "free" ask them what their expectations are, what obligations come along with what is given? Then base your decision upon whether you are willing to pay that price.
With regard to holding onto memorabilia, The stuff acts as a reminder, so how many reminders do you need? In the old days, what was treasured the most, was the human interactions, the story telling about life adventures, etc., these were the things that were handed down from generation to generation. There are no objects which hold the value of the act of holding your daughter, or son in your arms, in a loving embrace. Cherish this sort of thing. I think you will find more joy and fulfillment in expressing your love and caring for others, by being the kind and loving person people will remember and think fondly of, once you are gone. Consider what is REALLY valuable in your life. Is it the stuff you accumulate, or is it something else?
When someone is offended because you no longer have space or need for something they gave you, and you give it away, or get rid of it somehow, their being offended is their problem. Don't make it yours. We let others off the hook when we don't saddle them with our unwarranted expectations. :)
Choose to be the best person you can be.
There is a lot of crap we could place our attention (energy) upon. That crap is manifest in the external world because we do not have a clean lens of perception. When we do the inner work, we clean the lens of our perception, removing the distortions from the lens, and with less distortions in our perceptive lens, we see clearly what we create, and what we create by placing our attention (energy) upon more pure expressions of our being, will result in a manifestation where our divinity is more fully realized in the external world manifestation.
To bring forth heaven on Earth, we must adopt a heavenly creative attitude which expresses through our creative ability by the expressions of our thoughts, words, deeds and emotional expressions in being. No one can do it for you or me, we have to do it for ourselves. When we establish our own sovereignty, we each create heaven on Earth, one person at a time. How do we do this? Be as loving, compassionate, caring and considerate as you are able to be. Look for opportunities to express these character traits as often as possible through out the moment by moment unfolding in our life expressing.
It all starts right here, right now, with the first step. It isn't a leap off a cliff, it is a little step where we each first take hold of the reigns of our own creative ability, and choose to smile, love and be happy. Choose to be kind and loving. Choose to be the best person we can be. Eventually, this will be what is reflected back to us as heaven on Earth. As the I Ching says, "Perseverance furthers."
Blessings to us all.
Saturday, December 8, 2018
Space and Time In the ONE, NOW
We experience time as a linear unfolding of moments, and that is just part of life expressing individual expressions in being in the here and now. In the 3D realm, there is a coordinate system; up/down, left/right & front/back, or X Y Z coordinates. These coordinates pinpoint a specific location in the physical manifestation. In Earthly terms, there is latitude, longitude and altitude, which can be applied beyond our planetary location(s). One thing which is left out of the locational information is "when." In the ever present Here, Now moment, time does not exist in the way we perceive it here as 3D life expressions, actually, there is only NOW which is ever changing, and the unfolding of changes gives the appearance of time. So, from a perspective outside the paradigm we currently are expressing in, an observer would not only realize locational information, but time locational information as well. In a space craft, as an example, what actually happens is, the space craft is always the center of expression in the here now beingness. It may appear from the outside that it is moving up or down, right or left, or backing away, or coming forward, but actually, it is always in the same NOW, but shifting coordinates in location and time so that everything moves around the ship which is relatively standing still, always in the NOW expression in being.
In the same way there are many locational coordinates, there are also many time coordinates. From our perspective as human beings, there are an infinity of potential alternate time lines, and it seems we find ourselves in the same timeline where it appears we are going through a dense energy cloud which heightens our expressions in being. Whatever our expression in being is, as we unfold moment by moment through this expression in being, the energy acts like a magnifying glass which exaggerates whatever energy expression we are currently holding. So, if one is at peace, that expression is magnified and appears to be exaggerated. If we are angry, that expression is also magnified and exaggerated in our life expressing.
In the Law of One, in the perspective as the "One", it all exists and expresses in the Here Now. So, Now and One are the same.
There is a 'Now" where the light goes on in our head and we have an awakening, an Aha moment. In the ever present Now, this Aha moment has always existed and never existed both at the same time.
In the same way, Earth's ascension has always existed and never existed both at the same time.
As an individual identity/perspective expressing in the Now, I have always existed, and at the same time, never existed as well as every derivation between those two extremes.
In answer to your question: "How is a planetary entity, Gaia for example, evolves through densities?" As the perceiver of the reality you find yourself in, from your perspective, you determine how Gaia evolves through densities. How is this possible?
Remember, Now? One? Choose to evolve, choose to ascend, choose to express enlightenment, or don't make any conscious choices and be swept along in the currents of collective consciousness as is expresses Now.
In other words, it isn't Gaia, it is you. (You are Gaia and Gaia is you.) One.
The ETs won't do it for us, we have to do it ourselves, each and every one of us have to do it ourselves. You may find guidance via various sources, but ultimately, it is always you teaching yourself via whatever means you deem appropriate for your own expression in being.
Blessings to us all!
In the same way there are many locational coordinates, there are also many time coordinates. From our perspective as human beings, there are an infinity of potential alternate time lines, and it seems we find ourselves in the same timeline where it appears we are going through a dense energy cloud which heightens our expressions in being. Whatever our expression in being is, as we unfold moment by moment through this expression in being, the energy acts like a magnifying glass which exaggerates whatever energy expression we are currently holding. So, if one is at peace, that expression is magnified and appears to be exaggerated. If we are angry, that expression is also magnified and exaggerated in our life expressing.
In the Law of One, in the perspective as the "One", it all exists and expresses in the Here Now. So, Now and One are the same.
There is a 'Now" where the light goes on in our head and we have an awakening, an Aha moment. In the ever present Now, this Aha moment has always existed and never existed both at the same time.
In the same way, Earth's ascension has always existed and never existed both at the same time.
As an individual identity/perspective expressing in the Now, I have always existed, and at the same time, never existed as well as every derivation between those two extremes.
In answer to your question: "How is a planetary entity, Gaia for example, evolves through densities?" As the perceiver of the reality you find yourself in, from your perspective, you determine how Gaia evolves through densities. How is this possible?
Remember, Now? One? Choose to evolve, choose to ascend, choose to express enlightenment, or don't make any conscious choices and be swept along in the currents of collective consciousness as is expresses Now.
In other words, it isn't Gaia, it is you. (You are Gaia and Gaia is you.) One.
The ETs won't do it for us, we have to do it ourselves, each and every one of us have to do it ourselves. You may find guidance via various sources, but ultimately, it is always you teaching yourself via whatever means you deem appropriate for your own expression in being.
Blessings to us all!
Monday, December 3, 2018
You've probably seen movies, or read stories, or even heard people talk about being "all powerful". Actually, in the relative manifestation we find ourselves in at the moment, a being can only be half powerful. Why is that? Because, as a manifestation within the relative world, since there are polarities, one who professes to be "all powerful" can only be so by uniting the polar opposites in manifestation, and in doing so, no longer exists within the relative manifestation. That is to say, even if one was totally aligned with negativity 100%, that is only half the picture, there is also being aligned with the positive 100%. But that doesn't amount to 200%, but since, in a balanced state in being, 50% is the dividing point between positive and negative. That is why if an evil person says he/she is "all powerful", that can not be totally factual. In fact, there is the opposite force which is equally powerful.
As one ascends into unity consciousness, incorporating both polarities into a balanced expression in being and consciousness, such a being is not likely to inflict harm upon another, because there is no "other." And, because self preservation is such a powerful expression in being, to do harm to someone else, is the same as doing harm to yourself, which goes against the self preservation principle.
Anyone who intentionally harms another is deluded in their thinking and or motivations, they obviously don't comprehend the harm they do to others will be visited upon them.
So, while they may think they are pretty smart, I'd say they aren't because they are ignoring the truth which is all encompassing as ONE.
Blessings to us all!
As one ascends into unity consciousness, incorporating both polarities into a balanced expression in being and consciousness, such a being is not likely to inflict harm upon another, because there is no "other." And, because self preservation is such a powerful expression in being, to do harm to someone else, is the same as doing harm to yourself, which goes against the self preservation principle.
Anyone who intentionally harms another is deluded in their thinking and or motivations, they obviously don't comprehend the harm they do to others will be visited upon them.
So, while they may think they are pretty smart, I'd say they aren't because they are ignoring the truth which is all encompassing as ONE.
Blessings to us all!
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