We experience time as a linear unfolding of moments, and that is just part of life expressing individual expressions in being in the here and now. In the 3D realm, there is a coordinate system; up/down, left/right & front/back, or X Y Z coordinates. These coordinates pinpoint a specific location in the physical manifestation. In Earthly terms, there is latitude, longitude and altitude, which can be applied beyond our planetary location(s). One thing which is left out of the locational information is "when." In the ever present Here, Now moment, time does not exist in the way we perceive it here as 3D life expressions, actually, there is only NOW which is ever changing, and the unfolding of changes gives the appearance of time. So, from a perspective outside the paradigm we currently are expressing in, an observer would not only realize locational information, but time locational information as well. In a space craft, as an example, what actually happens is, the space craft is always the center of expression in the here now beingness. It may appear from the outside that it is moving up or down, right or left, or backing away, or coming forward, but actually, it is always in the same NOW, but shifting coordinates in location and time so that everything moves around the ship which is relatively standing still, always in the NOW expression in being.
In the same way there are many locational coordinates, there are also many time coordinates. From our perspective as human beings, there are an infinity of potential alternate time lines, and it seems we find ourselves in the same timeline where it appears we are going through a dense energy cloud which heightens our expressions in being. Whatever our expression in being is, as we unfold moment by moment through this expression in being, the energy acts like a magnifying glass which exaggerates whatever energy expression we are currently holding. So, if one is at peace, that expression is magnified and appears to be exaggerated. If we are angry, that expression is also magnified and exaggerated in our life expressing.
In the Law of One, in the perspective as the "One", it all exists and expresses in the Here Now. So, Now and One are the same.
There is a 'Now" where the light goes on in our head and we have an awakening, an Aha moment. In the ever present Now, this Aha moment has always existed and never existed both at the same time.
In the same way, Earth's ascension has always existed and never existed both at the same time.
As an individual identity/perspective expressing in the Now, I have always existed, and at the same time, never existed as well as every derivation between those two extremes.
In answer to your question: "How is a planetary entity, Gaia for example, evolves through densities?" As the perceiver of the reality you find yourself in, from your perspective, you determine how Gaia evolves through densities. How is this possible?
Remember, Now? One? Choose to evolve, choose to ascend, choose to express enlightenment, or don't make any conscious choices and be swept along in the currents of collective consciousness as is expresses Now.
In other words, it isn't Gaia, it is you. (You are Gaia and Gaia is you.) One.
The ETs won't do it for us, we have to do it ourselves, each and every one of us have to do it ourselves. You may find guidance via various sources, but ultimately, it is always you teaching yourself via whatever means you deem appropriate for your own expression in being.
Blessings to us all!
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