The way the manifestation process works is, the vibration we radiate to the universe is set out to the universe and it returns to us the same as we sent out. So, if you have been in grief, or mourning, or sad, or whatever it happens to be, that is being sent out to the universe, and that is what you are getting back. If you focus upon the losses in your life, that is to say, think about that stuff a lot, and talk about that stuff a lot, do you see how it is causing more of the same to manifest into your life experiencing?
The things we hold on to so tightly, are hard to let go of, and it is painful to do so. As an example, take a small object in you hand, and grip it as tight as you can for maybe 1 or 2 minutes. Feel how that feels? At first it is hard, but eventually becomes stressful, right? You hand begins to hurt a bit from gripping to tightly, right? Okay now, open and release your grip on the object. After holding the object so tightly for so long, the muscles in your hand have been contracted so long, it may hurt when you open your hand.
This is a physical manifestation of holding on too tightly to people and things in our lives. When you gently hold things in your life, you can appreciate them while you hold them near and dear to you, but because you aren't gripping onto them for dear life, when they leave, it doesn't hurt so bad.
Most of the stuff we have to deal with in our life unfolding, such as loss, grief, suffering, etc. are the products of not being fully present in the here now moment by moment unfolding, wherein the joy of life resides. Practicing relaxing, with eyes closed, paying attention to your breathing as you slowly and deeply breath in, hold for a moment, then exhale easily. Notice how your body is feeling. Feel the sensation of the air coming into your nose as you inhale. Feel the sensations as your chest expands, etc. Notice the feeling of your bottom as you sit there? Notice how straight your back is, how relaxed your shoulders and neck are, if they aren't relaxed, let go of the tension there, more and more with each breath you exhale, exhale the tensions in your body.
Send thoughts of love, appreciation and kindness to all those in your life right now. Do the same for all the people you've lost. Tell them you love them dearly, and because you love them so much, you are freeing them from any bondage you may have bestowed upon them unknowingly. Thank them for being in your life, and let them know you will always love them, and if they choose to, they can come to comfort you whenever you need comforting.
If you do these things, and also find things to be joyous and happy about, things to love and appreciate in your day to day life, you will be planting the seeds of more joyous and happy experiences to come into your life.
Whatever your life is right now, this is a reflection of the vibrations you are offering and have offered to the universe. If you don't like what is now, then it behooves you to change what you are offering to the universe, then as you do so, your life will begin to change as well.
I hope this is helpful to you and others who may benefit from these thoughts.
Blessings to us all.
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